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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem7 years ago

@berniesanders, a serious question here.

You are fighting for the reward pool. If so, why not decline rewards on the posts you make against Haejin?

I mean, right now the posts on both side of the trench garner a lot of votes each, and the drama as a whole is sucking up rewards, on both sides of the fight.

(Personally, I think you've got a point, and haejin shouldn't be receiving the rewards he is, certainly when his content quality dipped to 1-2 charts and 2-3 sentences per that read like horoscope. He should condense them into 1-2 posts a day, or attach a video and 3-4 paragraphs explaining things per chart. But I do think you're going about it the wrong way, or at least with the wrong attitude.)


I'm not entirely sure, but I think he does it to stay visible due to his -18 rep, otherwise it would be invisible and it wouldn't get much notice.

while no one ever accused bernie of being a diplomat, I don't really have a problem with him earning rewards on these posts.

He's using his voting power in order to downvote someone who is getting large payouts from one whale on multiple posts per day, while the payouts bernie is receiving are on periodic posts from multiple members of the community.

If the need to balance the rewards being received by one wasn't there, bernie could be focusing on making money like others do.

That's my opinion. Bernie obviously will speak for himself if he feels so inclined.