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RE: Discussion - What are reasons investors avoid STEEM?

in #steem7 years ago

I recently bought $250 of Steem. Might not seem like a lot to some people but it's a big deal to me. I also regularly trade Steem back and forth on the market to make more. Currently, I use Binance.

I have no idea why investors don't seem to be that interested in Steem. Maybe it's because when they research it, they come across this social network that seems like a get rich quick scheme with tons of people making a ton of money on shit posts. It certainly feels like the crap in trending is keeping the price down. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is.

As to the 5 things I would say to an investor, I have no clue. I know that to me it seems completely undervalued as a crypto currency that allows users to send crypto to one another with no fees and as a social network. Even with the abuse here, there is a community and a potential that is extremely undervalued.


why do people buy bitcoin? You can transfer money over a the Internet and there is no head office like in Paypal to stop you. Adoption is key. I am seeing better adoption of bcash than Steem dollars or Steem. Randomly people ask for donations in btc principally and to a lesser extent bcash, litecoin and dash. That is the reality of it.

What would people pay SBD for? It seems people who use Steem dont want to spend money on ebooks. There are some fine ones on why is nobody buying?

I haven't even seen anyone advertising a book on steemfiles. Customers are supposed to magically show up? As you said, adoption is key. People need to start seeing more and more books on steemfiles and start checking themselves. Right now, it's early adoption.