Proof of Engagement based Resource Credits boost: Power Up for hyperactive newbies!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

You can boost your account to have up to 50 Steem Power (in total).
How? If you are a hyperactive newbie in need, that shouldn’t be very hard to achieve.

If you want to find if you are eligible please read carefully the instructions below, any spam comments will be flagged.

Why am I doing this?

Last year, I did something similar: (i.e. Power Up for newbies ) to help minnows that were unable to transact in certain conditons due to a bug in the code.

The bug was fixed shortly after that, and now, more than a year later, the whole of the bandwidth system that was used pre-HF20 was replaced by a more advanced and sustainable Resource Credits system. The trouble is that it is not yet perfect and that may affect user experience in some isolated cases.

Resource Credits?

More Steem Power means a bigger impact while voting, but also more Resource Credits.
Resource Credits let you interact with the blockchain - posts, comments, votes, follows, resteems, transfers etc. The more Resource Credits you have, the more operations you can perform before your account “gets tired”. Resource Credits recharge over time.

With HF20, you can create an account on Steem that has no Steem Power at all.
Such account has a minimal amount of Resource Credits (as it would have 3 Steem Power(*)) that lets you do something instead of nothing, like Power Up some STEEM that you transferred to such account, but that’s not really enough for any social interaction by any reasonable standards.
Fortunately, if you sign up using the Steemit site, you receive an additional, temporary delegation of 15 Steem Power(*).
It should be more than enough for beginners. After all, it says that a fully recharged amount of RCs on such account is sufficient for 22 comments(*).
Is that enough? In many cases it is, you can upvote few posts and you make a comment or two a day without any problems.
But in some cases it can be a real stopper.

* current values, subject to change

Why not just give more Steem Power to everyone?

For many reasons.

Nobody has that much Steem Power.

If you wanted to give 50SP to every user, you could only help 200,000 of them.
By the end of this year, we will most likely have over 1,200,000 accounts.

The 1% rule.

In the Internet culture, the 1% rule is a rule of thumb holding that only 1% of the users of a website actively create new content, while the remaining 99% are only lurkers.

Human nature.

Greed. Easy onboarding plus free money equals abuse.
Free is never really free. We, the Steem community, will pay for that.

Alice and Bob joined Steem!

Imagine a Steem user named Bob. Bob joins the platform. Bob is an excited steemian. In the past few days, while waiting for account approval, he has been reading other people’s posts, preparing his own introduction. Now he gets his account, writes an #introduceyourself post, starts voting and commenting on the posts he has found and… suddenly he finds himself unable to even reply to comments under his own post. Of course, he can wait some time until his Resource Credits recharge, or buy some more STEEM and Power Up, but he’s not yet that familiar with the platform or comfortable enough to put his own money into it.

There’s also another user, let’s call her Alice. She has used the platform for some time - she logs on for an hour or two in the evening and is quite active, so she runs out of Resource Credits quite fast. However, she doesn’t have enough Steem Power (yet) to be more active.

If you are struggling with the same issues as Bob or Alice, if lack of Resource Credits stops you from engaging with the Steem community, here’s a temporary solution that you can use:

Proof of Engagement based Resource Credits boost: Power Up for hyperactive newbies.

Rules of engagement

Strong requirements(**)

  • The ability to read and understand the rules.
  • Original, high quality content.
  • No outgoing transfers.
  • No outgoing delegations.
  • No connected vote-selling Dapps.
  • No power down.
  • No liquid STEEM or SBD (all turned into STEEM and Powered Up).
  • All rewards already claimed.
  • Less than 50 Steem Power (including current incoming delegations).
  • No excessive self-upvotes (up to 10% is fine).
  • No Spam (includes resteem spam, follow spam, tag misuse).
  • Fair use.

When - and only when - you meet ALL(**) the requirements listed above, you are you can move on to the next step, which is the list of tasks to complete.

The last task (comment) needs to be completed by the end of October 2018 (UTC).

(**)There might be some small exceptions. See: @boyanpro comment.

Tasks to complete (a little bit of gamification)

  • Go to Steem.Chat
    Please note that chat accounts are separate from Steem accounts, but for the sake of simplicity, use same nickname as your account on Steem.
    I’m there, as Gandalf
  • Say “Hello” on #general channel (warning: no post promotion there)
  • If you’ve already published your introduction post, share the link on the #introduceyourself channel.
  • Take your time to read the introductions of other users.
  • Join the #ProofOfEngagement channel.
  • Tell us why you need a boost.
  • Write a comment under this post (if you don’t have enough RC, let me know on the #ProofOfEngagement channel)
    • The comment must start with the line: #ProofOfEngagement Power Up!
    • It must be followed by links to three best Steem posts you have found on this day.
  • Share link to your Steem account on your other social media channels (Facebook, Twitter etc.)
  • Wait patiently
    If your entry is accepted, your account will be boosted up to 50 Steem Power.
    While you are waiting, make sure that those keywords are familiar to you:
    SteemMonsters, Busy, Steempeak, DTube, SteemSTEM, Utopian

Q: How much time do I have to apply for the boost?

You can send your applications by the end of October 2018 (UTC)

Q: How long will I get to keep the delegation?

You will get your delegation for at least one week provided that you meet all the requirements. That’s enough time to engage with the community, and earn some author and curation rewards. Maybe longer. Depends on the quantity and quality of participants.

Q: Are the boosts limited to a specific number of users?

Maybe. 300?

Q: Are there any better ideas to solve the problem?

Yes. Communities and separate (from Steem Power) Resource Credits delegations

Any final decisions to grant, refuse to grant, or withdraw delegations are made by me and only by me.


Thank you for your entry and congratulations as this is the first comment that qualifies.

You don't really meet all the requirements, but since you are the first one who reached this stage, I'm going to ignore it this time.

Nonetheless some notes that might help you and other minnows:

  • Please note, that being connected with @steemauto app, they can perform automated actions on your behalf (such as voting), that will drain your Resource Credits.
  • You have liquid STEEM and SBD. If you are not going to cash it out in near future, you can Power Up your STEEM, and when it comes to SBD, you can convert it to STEEM and Power Up (it takes 3.5 days), or trade it on Internal Market for STEEM and then Power Up.

I've also upvoted a bit each of those posts you've provided, thanks.

Delegation granted.
You have now 50SP Vote Weight and Resource Credits boosted accordingly.

Good luck!

Thank you for the advice and thanks for the delegation ! Will put it to good use :)

i remember that last year ;) (btw look how i discover posts fast)

I'm impressed.

I found it in a very easy way hehehe

Nice to see what the top witness offers as requirements, they are strong!

There have been a few posts recently offering delegations and, surprisingly to me, the take up was steady at best. They will be arriving every day though, and so this message should be shared.

With Resource Credit delegations, the 'issue' of reduced influence/SP will be gone and, as you mention, there not being enough SP to go round. New users will still be restricted though - good for combating abuse, bad for limiting genuine users ability to interact

Will it be the case that most new accounts come from sign ups from @steemmonsters for example, and they will need issue some RCs for their accounts to play the game?

Bookmarked for the coming week :)

We also need to keep some balance here. New users are new users. It's OK if they can't do as much as someone who is working hard for months to earn more SP.
Games like Steem Monsters are good example.
They would need to make sure that beginners have enough RC to start playing. If players wants more, they need to earn it or buy invest it. (Here's a difference from "pay to play").

I agree, and wasn't much for this 10 x boost to RCs given by following the Fork. Now Voting Power and RCs have stabilized, I wouldn't be against halving the booster RCs.

I suspect Steemmonsters will have account sign-up on site, and fund these (previously claimed) accounts with delegated RCs, or SP if this doesn't arrive soon enough.

Communities and separate (from Steem Power) Resource Credits delegations

I look forward to the RC separation from SP.

In all, giving new users who are active and engaged on the chain, is a good goal.

I look forward to the RC separation from SP.

i read one post that @ned said that we will be able to delegate RC without delegate SP... Will that be posibble? because that is the perfect solution to this RC problem for newbies...

Right I agree, it will allow for larger holders to permit better access to STEEM, while then still being able to delegate voting power responsibly to projects enabling both project success as well as user growth.

From what I understand, creating a new RC delegation independent from SP delegation, is something Steemit Inc. is currently working on creating. So we will hopefully get it soon!

And I agree; this will be a great solution to on boarding new users. It's not like most investors even use 10 % of their RCs, so they might as well sell a delegation for it.

Great initiative!
Definitely helps to push newbies bringing in great content.
Thanks a lot for supporting community this way.

You set up too many hard rules as strong requirements. That way you already ruined UX which you tried to fix in the first place.
For example I was very surprised by HF20 RC rules. Didn't expected it when I was trying to be more active on the platform after months of being inactive. Finally I decide to leave facebook and commit more time to Steem and after some posting and commenting I got locked out. Very bad UX.
But regarding your requirements, I had some things done which doesn't fit your "strong requirements". I did it as way of exploring Steem not as malicious acts trying to get some gain. Like self voting. As newbie I didn't know that self voting is something bad to do. Why that feature is there if it is malicious thing to use it? This morning I ran on a voting bot, he commented my post and then I used it just from out of curiosity. Just to see how that works. Not to gain something. Again I was exploring. Being a full time developer, husband and dad I don't have much free time. So my content would be sharing some interesting URLs from tech, science, coding etc. I presume this wouldn't be for you high quality content. But I would like to see some interesting URLs in my feed from these subjects. That can be valuable to share. Some steemians tell me that behaviour should be done through DLike. But I don't like DLike for many reasons, main reason is that site is very slow. So I'm learning something new about Steem every day buy just exploring and trying things. Like for example posting some affiliate links. Now I'm not sure if that is also malicious thing to do.
So, it's clear that I don't fit to your strong requirements. But I'm sure that my activity can be valuable for the community. And that there are many many users like me. I'm sure that lots of those users will leave Steem when they get locked out by insufficient RCs. I will not, because I understand point of RCs and I'm willing to invest into SP. Many of those potentially good users don't. As matter of fact, I'm not interested into getting charity from you. I will buy some STEEM and convert it to SP. I planed to do that just to see if I will have more RCs. As you can see I'm exploring the platform and I want to learn more so I can some day build an app. But I'm writing this just to let you know that you maybe ruin the fun for large amount of users. And that you are preventing large amount of users to join with RCs. So if you wanted to help to newbies, your "strong requirements" shouldn't be that much strong.

Well. I agree. And actually, they are not ;-)
Please join in :-)

It's not a charity. It's for the sake of the platform. Kind of long term greed ;-)

Thanks anyway! I appreciate your intentions.

Hmm it's quite good design of RC problem, and I think many newbies will decide to use this chance. But imho period of delegating should be a little bit longer considering that fact that even active people not always can produce excellent content and even if it's so they need possibility to answer for comments and make upvotes to comments. That's why I think time of delegating should be longer

Posted using Partiko Android

Well luckily it's at least one week, so it can be longer based on the actual activity of the user.

Exactly that. I'm just driving off potential abusers.

I agree, especially that I know best myself how hard it is for me to produce some content. The reason why I wrote about one week is that I wanted to discourage people from seeing here a monetary incentive.

I understsnd. Thanks for the clarifications.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Gandalf for starting such initiative. I was in that situation where I had to choose between vote, comment or post and it's no fun. Hopefully this way it can help more newbies to come to the platform :) Everything the best for you :)

As always @gtg, thank you for being around and for helping both newbies and witnesses on Steem. Your impact on the platform is amazing, hope that more people will follow your lead. Even though you are very busy with the code you still find time to write posts and to help others. Very motivating to do the same.

This is a great initiative and I commend you for the effort! I do some weekly curation posts of a couple of #introduceyourself post to help motivate new users coming onboard to the ecosystem. I will include this post on my comment in said curation to see if it brings some traffic. Thanks for looking out for those who can drive value for all in the future!

Thank you :-)