
In India some woman have to sell their bodies and dignity for less then this comment is worth just to survive, think about it, I don't mean to criticize, just to put things in perspective how good our lives actually are.
As long as this conditions exist I'm ashamed of being a human being, we really could make a difference instead of all that senseless fighting.

This case is not just confined to India. There are a number of places where people even starve to death. Aren't we social beings? Wouldn't it be our responsibility to raise them up by doing whatever possible? GREED is what motivate many among us even to lead their life. I don't know if we can take all that we have earned with us when we are dead!

Yes I'm sorry, this is just one example of countless inhumane situations around the world, this ought to be a good documentary to watch. The discrepancy in Africa is not different, and even here in Austria the gender pay gap is at 20%

We live in a throw away society, and there are so many people that just don't have a voice, one could start to collect those old smartphones, establish some basic internet connection, teach people how to write and earn what could mean for them the difference between life and death. But that means to put in selfless effort and there ain't many saints but a lot of demons out there :)

But I think there will come a time when it will be the other side around, you learn selflessness through greediness and there are billions of people learning at the moment :)

And I don't know if I want to take all that I have earned with me when I am dead, what is the point in leaving one lunatic asylum for another :)