God bless Venezuela: just a few hours away from electoral fraud.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)



Societies like men tend to go through moments of darkness, because they are often the reflection of their leaders. When a leader governs for all with a vocation to serve, the best of a society usually blossoms, but when he governs with hatred and division, the worst comes to the surface until the full light reappears in the end.

As a historian trained at the Universidad Central de Venezuela I never imagined I would have to live through a dictatorship in my own flesh and blood, what I knew about them was only through the books, about Juan Vicente Gómez and Marcos Pérez Jiménez. My generation, tired of the mistakes of the past, relied on a new political elite led by a charismatic leader who spoke of deepening political democracy into participatory, economic and social democracy. Hugo Chavez. What really happened was that they turned towards a socialist model, and from the socialism of the XXI century, the dictatorship of the XXI century was created, with kidnapped political institutions, more than 1.600 companies and 2000 expropriated farms; the productive apparatus destroyed, control and censorship in the media, political prisoners in bulk, and a massive emigration of more than four million Venezuelans.

They have left dead on the streets, tortured, persecuted and stolen more than 700 billion dollars, and are still clinging to power. When he decided to create a National Constituent Assembly without popular support and without a massive vote, only that of his group, the current president definitely became a dictator.

A few hours before the result, which will be given by an institution kidnapped by the regime since they began to govern, the National Electoral Council (C.N.E.), is already public and notorious for the very high abstention of 80% of Venezuelans, that the figures handled by this institution will be inflated and unrealistic. The script is already written, because today we could all see it as we walked through the streets, while the networks sent videos and photos of the deserted polling stations. However, we know that today, Tibisay Lucena will once again crown the dictator, saying that 63% of Venezuelans voted, and that the dictator won with 6.199.023 votes, while his scabs Henry Falcon, got 4.907.056 votes, and Javier Bertucci 1.559.860. Something similar to these figures, because they are only an individual interpretation, with the already lapidary phrase that these figures are irreversible.

I hope that the international community will live up to the decision of the Venezuelan people to abstain by 80%, and not to leave it alone, but on the contrary to put all its definitive support to bring out this dictator who has already left thousands dead in the cemeteries due to health care crises, medicine, operations, or simply thousands of people and children who have died of hunger. If you hear yourself out of hunger.

Venezuela was turned into a hell, into a gigantic concentration camp, I am sure with God's favor that this will be the last coronation of the dictator.

The people of Venezuela have the right to be happy, and to rebuild their society. So it will be with the favor of God, the Venezuelans and the international community.

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These fraud projections were made a few hours earlier. To my surprise, the empty centres and an 80% abstention rate brought up the imaginary figure of 5.800 votes; and Henri Falcón's questioning of a lot of evidence about the fraud.