
Obviously they were empty promises.

The promises were still made though. Are you calling people hypocrits for expecting someone to keep their promises? Do you even know what that word means?

@darkflame is this what you remember @ned saying in 2016?

Don't know who darkflame is but here is Ned saying it in 2017.

In a further motion of decentralization, the Steemit, Inc. controlled primary account, @steemit, which holds approximately 41% of the platform’s Steem Power, will be gradually divested of its holdings in an effort to increase promotion and development of the platform while dispersing voting power. Scott indicated that this will be done in a “gradual multi-year divestment”.

Edit: sorry, posted this twice because I thought you were @holm

How does gradually equate to voting for 20 witnesses that didnt exit until the keys switched hands?

Are you talking about Justins witnesses?


The funds were regularly sold for fiat used to pay the salaries of a number of developers at Steemit, Inc who developed the blockchain code. How is that not using the funds for their original promised purpose?