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RE: Drugwars - to all Steemians (especially those attacked by me :-) )

in #steem6 years ago

yes, that's true...

there was a time when it wasn't dust...

and watch the votingpower for example on

and from 10 upvotes daily some on own comments does nobody make look like fool, especially not newbies...

as I wrote, the advices are far older than 1 year and the two most important things are


to really understand what it's all about and how Steemit works...


umm... well, that post is four hours old and you have it listed as the

second important thing

so instead of repeating yourself to someone who obviously already read that in your post... maybe think about editing your footer or what that is...

¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

I said in my post I quote what I have tried two explain (in post form and in form of comments, especially for newbies) over one year ago...

That's why there are quotationmarks, and yes I thought over making a new post for newbies but before I spend my time, nerves and energies on it, I'll prefer to wait on the interactions (like your feedback) and for example take a look at

and read through the comment section (188 replies).

Main intention of today's post:

I do not check every Steemit account before I attack it at DrugwarS (I did so, but it was to timeintense and the main insight were that it are many alt accounts from long time Steemit members and just a few of newbies.

And even if there is one of a newbie it seems like he locked in to Drugwars but did not understand how to play or did forget his account.

If there is one attacked by me who is really interessted in Steemit etc. I will give him a helping hand resp. hint him at mentioned posts...

But you are right: I will edit the "second point"...