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RE: Facing Reality: Who, What, How and Why?

in #steem5 years ago

The SMTs, are just one atom of the mega tonnes of gold that Steem can bring in to Justin and Tron likewise.

If he doesn't do a "ned" on us and literally fuck it all up with who knows what all not.

He and everyone on Steem and Tron actually can have an opportunity of a lifetime, but from the sounds of it, from what has been posted on Twitter to date, it seems that there was no analysis done of anything as far as the potential profits that are ready and waiting with the Steem blockchain.

I fear the worst, yet hope for the best.

Again, I don't care who gets upset at me for telling it literally as it is.

I'm not a "PR" guy, I do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, without all the BS and that means that I can't afford to waste my time or anybody elses time (time = money) with brown nosing.

Just the way it is.


i think he might do more than a "ned". but if you think about it, trashing stinc and steemit doesn't sound that bad.
if he goes apeshit crazy with his stake, i dunno, might as well be a good test for steem and the community. see how much of it all is dependent on a single company.

but if everything goes up in flames i still wanna see how many people are gonna stand ground and die a warrior's death.
or.. rise.. like a.. phoenix..?


Not the point.

Justin Sun can literally capitalize with the Steem blockchain in ways that Tron cant.

Business is not about "pride" or "emotions", it is about logical, well thought out decisions about what is best financially and in the long term.

He is 29, he doesn't plan on "retiring" any time soon. (at least I don't think so, he seems way too full of adrenaline for that).

So what is best for him?

A short term increase in numbers of people who own some Tron tokens or a long term endeavour in which Tron bridges into other blockchains that cover what Trons blockchain can't?

I would say that the logical conclusion from a business, tech and financial view of things, the second is the better one.

Inter blockchain communications is the way of the future.

He now has a PERFECT opportunity to make it happen in ways that lets say "facebook" with its suggested "Libra" token will NEVER have.

No money on this earth can pay the value of BEING FIRST!

& this is that opportunity.

Well in china its more about political leverage and obtaining short term goals like theres no tomorrow. Hes not gonna think like you or me or most other steemians thats for sure 😏

I wasn't talking like a Steemian in my response to you, I was literally putting myself in the shoes of a person who wants to be a market leader in the field of Blockchain tech and crypto.

you "or" steemians 😐

Trying to look at things from an angle that a young business man like Justin would understand and actually think about.

Not easy to do, but in order to be realistic here, has to be done.

No matter how much I or anyone is a supporter of Steem, Justin is a supporter of his business ventures and Tron.

So that has to be taken into consideration and the "WIFM" for him is a major player in everything that happens. (in all decisions).

Also keep in mind in confuscious cultures wifm is not even a thing, where individual identity is often neglected 😐