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RE: The Steemjet World Cup - Day 5 - The Imperfect Imp and the Steemjet Bet

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I worry not,
Because @dimimp is our Hero....

So relax my friends, because after Ronaldo wins, you all will be smiling and saying (worry free)

☺surely.........boss @dimimp
Matthew 6:25-34
“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.....

I'm sure you're going to win this bet boss

You've always been a winner even when others can't see it.


Those types of posts telling me about what kind of toothpaste you used today are for Facebook, I only have time for STEEM social media posts!

(unless, of course, you are using STEEMJET brand toothpaste)

Steemjet Toothpaste - for teeth as bright as the speed of light

(unless, of course, you are using STEEMJET brand toothpaste)

Steemjet Toothpaste - for teeth as bright as the speed of light

Yes it is boss @dimimp
Have this.

For you boss.

Good day to you sir @dimimp, I really appreciate your effort to be a democratic leader, in which you always seek for the opinion of your workers, this is really great.

As you said that you need a force that will work for you for a long time, I wish and I will like to work for this great community for a very long time sir. I love this community and have been doing my very best for this community. I will also like to seek for your favour by getting promotion from you sir, so as to encourage the new members by upvoting them, so as to see smiles on their faces (steemjet is for the broke) .

I will like to use this opportunity to also remind you of Your promise That you will commission more pictures for me to make as a bling. But it over two month you promised me that and have not hear from you sir. I will be happy to get your response on this sir @dimimp .

steemjetlogo gif2(2).gif

Even with my bling logo, it looks good on a customised shirt of steemjet space force member.

This is your girl queen of blings

Good day boss @dimimp.
Prior to your comment on the ID cards made, in which you said you don't like the logo, on that note you open another contest for modification of the logo, and now am back with the new modification of the logo after working on it for weeks so as to make it perfect. I also put the logo on the ID cards to see how perfect it will be on the card, and now it looking perfect on it, I will be happy if you can check it out sir.

Here is the logo

ninoh new logo for steemjet.jpg

Here is the logo on the left side of the ID card and I also have it at the background For the CEO




Hello boss, you're truly a versatile fellow. Your love for Ronaldo cannot be overemphasized too. #winks. .I remember when I boarded STEEMJET, I couldn't easily comprehend your sayings but now it's something I look forward to seeing .There is some kind of symphony now.

You might want to check out my latest onboarded STEEMJET passenger. He is a Tech Guru, trust me on that. If we get him into the tech department, he will sure blow your mind. No kidding

it has been 1 vs 11 so far in the first two matches.. With 4 goals now he is already a winner... i guess

I am sure if he bets that Jesus will come down 2mao, you will still say

I'm sure you're going to win this bet boss
You've always been a winner even when others can't see it.

you're sure?

I never mentioned that bro,
Thank you.