To me it seems a little that the people who have been here longer, think they are better than others. Don't take this offensively, I am just trying to discuss this and I don't hold any bad feelings against you or anyone.
I care deeply for Steem to keep on successing and imo that includes a lot of new people hopping on that train. Which means that we need a lot of new and unexperienced users and we shouldn't be mad if they express their opinions or try to discuss with the "bigger guys." This is how they learn more about Steemit. We shouldn't jump on them madly, but just open their eyes towards what's really happening or explaining our thoughts further more.
Maybe it's an alt, maybe it's a new account, but we should still be as great as we are and be kind to everyone possible. He really didnt offend anyone that bad to get mad. He just asked some questions to be answered.
Maybe it's just me that I am able to stay neutral on those cases and not get irritated, but you big guys shouldn't get mad at everyone who thinks differently or wants some answers. If you want positivity, you need to give positivity. ;)
Be kind!
Level 31 has not even done 2 posts. :) I think that's a little too early to feel you have formed an opinon.
But I do get your perception and think you make some good points. I am not at all offended by being challenged in a very reasonable manner, by someone who has obviously has a point to make and not a snide inuendo.
Yeah I get what you're saying, but for example. I joined Steemit in October 2017, but made the first post in January 2017. The three months were just to look around and get the "hang" of the place. I also know quite some people who aren't bloggers or content writers themselves, but those people should also be allowed to share their opinions via comments. Not everyone is great at writing articles. :D
All what I'm saying doesn't have to apply to that particular user which caused this topic atm. I'm just talking looking at the bigger picture.
Of course there is always a slight chance that someone is just trolling with a second account etc, but this shouldn't always be the first assumption. :D Or if it is, ignoring the comment of that account would be better than to jump on it.
Thank you for the kind response, but it is 100% an alt account.
Whats the problem with using alt accounts? Can you please answer to my reply here ? :)