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RE: 1 simple reason Steemit is a pile of shit and how to change it

in #steem9 years ago

This pretty much sums it up and explains the 50% decline in usage in one month...
And the idea that professional writers were to be hosted on Steemit is a distant, abandoned illusion.

Then it gets interesting as Dan today posts a call to Revolution...
To build an "illusive utopia" and a "new social structure", etc.

On it's face this is a perfectly decent article of millennial, crypto-anarchist rhetoric...
In a cozy American world where you've never missed a meal and Hitler is a Youtube meme...
And dedicated Islamists with dirty nuclear bombs and mutant viruses can be safely ignored for a few more years.

But the author seems unaware that he recently recreated the Medieval Order on a blockchain...
Where 50 rich Lords rule over large masses of penniless Serfs for all eternity...
In fact, eerily similar to the Hunger Games where Lords dispense lottery rewards to the odd Serf...
Something that can be viewed as "utopia" only by a rich Lord.

Personally, I would prefer a realistic Roadmap and Business Plan (in addition to the call for Revolution).


I really appreciate you took the time to share your feelings. I agree that on it's face dantheman's post seems genuine and also agree he seems unaware how his own ego makes him think that he has reached enlightenment.

dantheman says "Any economic system of voluntary rules and incentives I create will struggle to gain traction unless it is used and operated by enlightened individuals."

Rules dantheman creates may be voluntary for others, but the choices will be follow them or go elsewhere and I'm afraid if some of the "enlightened" whales on Steemit don't start accepting that controversy and debate should be encouraged on this platform they will kill this platform with kindness.

Despite my misgivings about his reasoning I did vote up his post because he took some time to write it and I'm a nice guy.

Thanks again for your support.

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