What's Steem Doing? What Are We Doing? Something Meaningful for Society, or Just Getting and Moving Money Around?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

What is Steem doing? What are we doing with Steem? Are we achieving something meaningful for society? Are we using Steem to make the world better? Or are we just trying to move money around and get some of that money ourselves?

Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, tweeted about this focus on the blockchin and cryptocurrency community:


I found this image from a post by @vieira.

It's an important purpose to think about. I've stated my goal to come to Steem, was to try to use it to change the world for the better. That's why I have mostly posted on matters that can help to change our conditions. Much of that is bringing awareness to the problems in order to possibly and potentially change the situation afterwards.

Some people don't appreciate that work and the content put out. Some people have disliked/hated me for being successful on Steem by doing it originally in 2016/2017, and flagged me to bring me down.

We need to ask ourselves what Vitalik is mentioning: what are we actually doing? Are we just trying to get and move money around? Or are we actually doing something that can achieve something meaningful for society, or make society better?

All the bidbots just help people make more money by doing nothing other than selling their votes while others pay them for it. It caters to the greedy mindsets of just trying to make money. It's not about advertising, because in advertising you don't get paid back for paying someone to advertise for you.

Buying and selling votes has made the original platform a joke, where many people no longer vote to reward content they like, or receive votes and rewards because others like their content. The social-content valuation system has been fractured, and it makes Steem look like a joke from the outside.

Greed has usurped the platform, where making money becomes the motivating purpose. A purpose of trying to achieve something meaningful for society, or make it better, is perverted by the former motivation from greed which corrupts this platform.

We have more exploitation now. Before bidbots, things weren't perfect, but they were better, because more of the Steem Power was being given to content on some basis of merit, rather than simply being bought with no valuation of the content itself.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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IMO...Steemit and Minds are the West's first attempt at a Social Credit system. I'm aware of what I'm suggesting here and if I'm right one will be hard pressed to find more duplicitous platforms.
I'll argue my case and concede I may be wrong. The Chinese attempt at Social Credit is a digital tracking of everything you do. Steemit's tracking system is extensive and so is Minds...
S.C. is there to herd people into behavior our overlords find acceptable. The trending page on Steemit is filled with mindless banality which suits our overlord agenda--basically, anything that promotes consumption and competition.
Intense flagging and shaming of those who go against the wishes of overlord rule. Steemit flags those whose opinions go against the established ownership.
Making money and its ownership the sole arbiter of value and ethics. The controlling overlords in China rule via control of currency via the central banking cartels...it's a 'will to power' based solely on controlling 'money from nothing'...Steemit's primary ethic and source of value is by holding the most Steem (and creating it from nothing).
Now, the tragedy here, from my perspective, is that Steemit and Steem could really solve the coming unemployment epidemic which will come upon humanity this century. But to do so the means of earning would have to change. I suggest tracking time spent on the platform co-ordinated with any countries minimum wage laws. In B.C. if I spend 10 hours a day on steemit I would earn about 150.00. Content would be an added extra based on hierarchical talents--those who do great work should earn more. Those who shitpost only get the minimum wage.
Again, within the whole crypto sphere Steemit is the only thing I've come across that actually does something that could solve humanities coming nightmare and it's a shame the owners have squandered​ that potential.
That's likely because our overlords​ are not what they seem and in reality don't give a shit about humanity and in fact,​ view us as their slaves...
A rare Resteem...

Steemit and Minds are the West's first attempt at a Social Credit system

Creepy, but could be indeed ;)

Yes, the mindless crap that gets rewarded is an overflow that duplicates what already is in society. We're a replica of the world we're trying to get away from, at least for some of us. Those who buy votes don't seem to care to create something better, more virtuous and deserving of respect and admiration.

Dan, the inventor of the chain, has ideas on UBI. He left though, but he was a cool and smart guy who supported me a lot in my early days, and then the flags came because I got too popular writing about important subjects that others found "worthless" and would hurt the influx of the masses into the platform... because quality information that makes you think and learn is not valuable or helpful to bring people in... lol.

"influx of masses into the platform"...LOL.
Thanks for the chuckle:)

A bit more on UBI and Steemit. But first I do know that individuals are not free to do whatever they want and that the state and its laws are our overarching templates. I don't see the state ending anytime soon which is why I suggest a public banking blockchain to implement a type of UBI if we take unemployment and the coming takeover of labor by A.I. seriously (which we don't)...
Okay, so, it's monsooning in Vancouver and I know it! Now if I don't want to get soaked when I go outside there are things I must do beyond just knowing it's pouring rain. The same goes for UBI and such. The point is that I see no indication that the Steemit blockchain did anything to make UBI more than an idea. One of the main criteria for a UBI would be authentication of identity otherwise the system would be laden with fraud and it's here I see the biggest incongruence between ideas and action. Steemit, it seems to me, is, for the most part, a place where anonymous bloggers with none or no credentials offer up endless advice and pontification. So much so that it comes across as propaganda enforced by a flagging system based on how much money one has (LAME) along with being antithetical to freedom of expression. Please note that I seldom ever offer up advise on my blog and ALL metaphysics discussed are framed within speculation. Andrew Mark is my real name and I have endless videos proving that I am who I am.
Yikes, the same can't be said for Steemit where it's so much fun for males to have fake female profiles! Woo-hoo! What a lark these fellows are!!! But, alas, not everyone is amused although this is speculation on my part and I only suspect.
In the end, these issues make Steemit boring and inauthentic, in my opinion.

This is awesome @andrewmarkmusic, if steem payouts are reorganized, Steem can solve the world's most pressing challenges of poverty and unemployment. Thanks to steem, we are doing an amazing job for 13 young girls who didn't have anything to do.

I saw the potential of Steemit immediately but because both hemispheres of my brain function rather well I also saw the Frankenstein inculcated within it. That is the blindness and banality of the venture anarcho-capitalists, who, as I've mentioned, didn't seem to see the duplicity of being the very same thing that they rage against... The Federal Reserve. A private moneymaking pyramid scheme which enriches the top of the pyramid. I have little tolerance for this blindness and duplicity (and usury).
What would need to happen to slay the Frankenstein within? A public bank would need to create a social media blockchain and use it as a means of financial distribution for a new non-debt currency. The blockchain itself would be a tool of education at its best with guild-like groupings. I see it as an integral part of a NEW EARTH COMMONS civilization with Four Pillars which need to be adhered to and in this sense, I'm arguing alongside the most important person on the planet right now: Dr. E. Michael Jones, although, as a Gnostic, I reject any move towards ecclesiastical theocracy within the New Earth Commons as the template for it has to be SECULARISM although a spiritual secularism to be sure.
And those blind narcissistic venture anarcho-capitalists? They can choose to live in the stripped-down​ commercial capitalist side of The New Earth Commons in a Star Trekkian commercial society dedicated to solving civilizations most intractable problems. However, we over in the Shire like commons will be having way more fun:D

I came to both help others and make money (its a gamble, but perhaps it can happen). I look at the entire crypto bubble that is taking place, and wonder how people can think it could ever be decentralized when its value is judged based upon the fiat created by those who we are supposed to be escaping. Until such a time that we can buy everything using crypto, it will be subject to the one path it has to the real world that is not this false internet society. The one path owned by the bankers. But i suspect it was created to be a stronger control of the farm, as transactions can happen in the dark of night with fiat, not so with crypto. The moment they tie one to a wallet, every transaction ever taken place there is known. They have expended much energy into this tying of wallets to people. As well as I suspect that they are able to track every move a person makes on their computer, probably tracking built directly into any hardware you can buy.

I take comfort in the fact that I have been able to help others here financially through votes and Steem donations out of my earnings. Steem that was sometimes cashed out so they could buy food or pay their electric bill for themselves and their kids. In this sense, if Steem was to collapse tomorrow, I would not feel I lost the little money I put in as it went to others who used it that needed it more than I did.

The bidbots are a foolish endeavor for the buyers. It is like buying lottery tickets. They may occassionally make a small profit from using them, but most of the time it will be a loss and pure gain for the monied hands that act no different than the bankers/corporations who use their assets of power to dip their hands into the pockets of those with less. But fools insist on being parted from their money.

wonder how people can think it could ever be decentralized when its value is judged based upon the fiat created by those who we are supposed to be escaping. Until such a time that we can buy everything using crypto, it will be subject to the one path it has to the real world that is not this false internet society. The one path owned by the bankers

Well put. It can easily be coopted, and we wouldn't be the wiser. They have so much more money that the whole of the crypto sphere is worth.

Youare are an inspiring steemian @practicalthought and when we think of the impact of steem, we are inspired

Thank you for your kind words.

i'm all about delegating now and trying to spread impact, goodwill, and get rewards that way. the bidbot thing always rubbed me the wrong way for the most part, even though it was fun for awhile

Curiously, if someone had to solve a "prove you are human" captcha in order to give someone a reward... other than the annoying inconvenience, how do you think it would change the reward pool distribution?

Just curious if you would have a benefit or not..

Yeah but the money players don't want that, because auotmation and all their easy money goes bye bye. I would be hurt by no more automation for rewards as well, but I think it would be worth it to force the platform to be better and make people go out to reward others.

More browned skin dolphins if you know what I mean. No way a regular American can handle 200 capcha forms a day.

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I think there is a minority that want blockchain to be the decentralized elixir for the masses, the impoverished and disenfranchised worldwide. An alternative to the system of monopolization and oligarchs. Do I want to make some money too? Yeah. But what brought me here in the first place was to fight against a corrupt system. But I think unfortunately all social media tends to fall into that vortex of "look at me"/selfie society. How to walk the line will be an ongoing challenge. It's about creating a positive culture, a delicate thing. Peace

and that culture of change should begin with us educating the masses on the need practice the ubuntu philosophy

The way I see it, there should be no fault against the selfie culture. The point of a decentralized social media platform is so that anyone can post literally anything they want and not get taken down. Sure, some people will post messed up shit like child snuff porn. But freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences.

BTW, no worries man.. This bear market is gonna flush out the fakers before the next bull again. Might happen next year, in 10 years, who knows. The last bear run was nearly 3 years long.

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A sad condition of the state of consciousness in most people... we're just replicating the outside in here but with a different self-generated printing system that is easier to exploit.

People are given the opportunity to choose but sometimes they choose greed over the good things for steem.

That's right, greedy is the shortcut to be successful but in the future, greedy become the problem, yeah... Shortcut to the wrong way.

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Greed is the source of the world's problems @cryptopie but for how long should the minority continue to let greed take over the world?

I agree sir @krnel, The most felt thing here is how abandoned posts and quality content from the redfish. Just because they can't afford a bot doesn't mean they aren't qualified. I agree that technology must be effective, useful and have a good vision going forward. But as you mentioned it, greed is the main issue and rich as a successful interpretation on this platform. But that is the fact that happened, we cannot deny that they are here, and all have different goals. I am just trying to build and maintain the ideal goal here while, stay loyalty and post originality, the most important I think is the community that gives a million good to the world and is not greedy. Love your explanation sir. Thanks for sharing it. God bless you

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supporting newbies, at least at a token level, has always been the achilles heel. thank goodness for the minnow programs that do exist

Thanks you so much sir @clumsysilverdad. God bless you

ok...so what is the solution? Dan returning to Steemit even if he needs to buy the shares at a high price...he is rich....if Steem fails and investors that believed in the project lose a lot of money, future investors in EOS or any other project with Dan's signature will not trust him to invest...it's all connected....he needs to return to steem(even if he loses money) to fix it so that it becomes an effective way to reward and evaluate quality in arts and writting and so that this can grow exponentially and becomes the future of everything.

EOS is a trainwreck. I won't touch it unless it goes below $0.30

I'd like to ask you to participate in my Art Curation Initiative #5

come back Dan (-:

I don't think he will ever return. Although with him here it was definitely better. I don't think he must return for EOS to succeed either.

Eehhh.... Satoshi never came back and look where Bitcoin is..

That mindset of hoping someone else to do something is what stifles the growth of a decentralized project.

There are already people (though not enough of them) who have contributed tremendously to the improvement of Steem even if some them aren't witnesses. IMO we as community should pay more attention to them rather than praying for the absurd. Be it Ned or Dan.

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Highly rEsteemed!

Bacon Radical.png

How Do you define meaningful?

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having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose.

A lot of what people put their time and attention towards, if frivolous and won't impact the betterment of their lives in the long term. Meaningful things are of a higher order of importance, yet not regarded as such because it's not as "fun" or "entertaining".

Rule Nr. 7 - Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Yeah, human greed can ruin everything... and Steem is no exception.

Instead of change the curation rewards system and incentivise curators activity as a whole they created a vote buying scheme that works on a very few persons interest...

Bidbots must die for Steem to survive, IMO.

People who want money want bidbots to stay no matter what it does to Steem or how it makes Steem look to the outside.