
Yes, I saw some of them pass through, great initiatives ! We need the "people" to take control of what will be made and how it will be made. Not someone forcing changes on everybody.

Totally agree. Good relationship is necessary as Steemit Inc. is still the best way of promoting the Steem Blockchain. Just need to take matters into our own hands a little bit more.

I was writing this because you said

SMTs : Here it is simple. Just stop the development. Postpone it. Wait it out a bit. It will allow to sort out applications with a real business model, that are here to stay, and the ones that are just waiting for SMTs to take the loot and leave. It will also encourage delegators to assess their investment and think more long term. your solution list.
But that's not so easy.. there are already many dev teams working on steem. Bear market is already hard enough..

Steemit Inc. is still the best way of promoting the Steem Blockchain

Steemit Inc is basically a core dev team of the blockchain, not more. And as company stinc was pretty bad at advertising.. They advertised like 0, which is also a often told critic..

For me (and that's my opinion), SMTs (at least for now), will be bad and have the opposite effect of what is expected.
SMTs for now have no value except the value given by the fact they are issued by applications that are built on the Steem Blockchain, depending on the fees they take from posts that get their rewards from the reward pool. And as STEEM intrinsic price is continuously declining (as said), the tokens are in fact of no value, and that no-value is itself decreasing.
The apps (like any company) need a business model before issuing tokens. If not, this will just be another bloodbath and the positive attention Steem could get from the launch of SMTs will be destroyed by the vast majority of the tokens seeing their value diving fast to zero.

I was speaking about the development initiatives, more than what they are developing. I think it's nice to have alternatives to what Steemit Inc. will try to enforce, even if I'm totally (for now, not in principle) against the fats release of SMTs.

And for the promotion side, I was speaking about , even with no real advertising, it's that website that made Steem what it is now. If we speak about the future, yes I would prefer them (and that's the direction it's taking) to only focus on blockchain developement, and let the advertising to the applications.

Sorry but I have to hardly disagree.
SMTs ans similar tokens are not as you mentioned.

For example:
I heard many ideas about Token bidding by burning sbd (sending to @null) which will decrease debt and increase value.

As explained tokens do not have to be bound to the Reward Pool.

SMTs and similar technic is just another basic infrastructure element for building dapps or other things. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

In this case, I'm all for reviewing my position. I'm just describing what I think I'm seeing now. An emission of tokens by "companies" (applications) that bring no fresh capital and have no source of revenue except the one based on the reward pool. If effectively, token emission is bind to burning SBD, that's really great and I want to see that applied.

I'm not against the ideas of SMTs, and I'm sure technical possibilities will be great. I just think that if when releasing SMTs, 99% of them have almost no to no value, that can do more harm than good. That's the only reason (that I explained) that I'm in no hurry to see SMTs being released.

I would prefer to take the time, as you just mentioned, to see this kind of mechanisms applied, have guarantees that tokens currenlty being "promised" by the big emittors have a way to guarantee a minimum value (like you said by burning SBD for example).

Yea well.. Bringing value is another chapter..

We saw the same problem with blockchain and all the new coins and then all the icos..

But I think steem and smt, infrastructure is also already worth much, because people can build things upon it. Which then brings value, because it can be used.
And in fact steem is yet already used and many would miss it.
It is a great blockchain which is capable of yet unimaginable.
(f.e. Ethereum is less capable)

Anyways great discussion. :) going to vote you and myself to increase visibility :)

Posted using Partiko Android

As said, but in fact we agree on everything (especially on the Steem blockchain value), I think SMTs are great and needed. I'm just saying there's no rush.
We wouldn't want the "infrastructure" value of the SMTs being overshadowed by a potential bloodbath with all tokens plunging to zero.
Maybe I got a vision too short term, as this will be forgotten and the intrinsic (technical) value of SMTs will persist, whether the first tokens have value or not, but I'm also very wary about "image risk" that potential "scams" or investors losing a lot of money could have.
Maybe I'm more focused on bringing more "business" value before adding more "technical" value (that for me, Steem has already plenty of, and a lot more yet undiscovered). And this "business" value can be brought now, no need for SMTs for that.

Well, better infrastructure and technic could boost the steem price..
People are waiting for years.
Steem could easily be an own, not btc dependent, market wave. :)

Doesnt the so called Business or companies, which want to build upon steem, rely on given infrastructure?

I think with a bit more development there will be many decentralized companies and projects on steem :)