Experience Your Fear And Take Action Anyway - TFTD #28 💭✍

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

'We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope that we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams' (Bob Proctor)

Fear has done, currently is, and will need to be confronted in our lives. It is natural. However, at times it can be crippling and stop us taking necessary actions to get closer to our goals/dreams. Others can chose to acknowledge the fear and anxiety yet chose to let it not get in the way, taking it along for the ride.



Why are we fearful?

Biologically speaking, it is a mechanism from our body signalling to us that we are our of our comfort zone. There would have been times where we would have been chased down by an 8 foot grizzly bear and our body would put us in this fight & flight mode, although we don't have those immediate threats in our environment today. A helpful simile for fear is that it is like a small child. You would find a small child at times stressful and difficult to manage, but you would acknowledge them and still get on with your daily tasks.

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Most of the good and juicy stuff in life requires an element of fear. Asking that person out on a date, investing that money that is high reward but also high risk (let's hope my investment in STEEM turns out to be less risky! 😉) and auditioning for that role. The 'what if' can sometimes be so crippling that we never get anything done.



Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real

As humans, a lot of our fears are self-created. Think of all of the anxieties and worries that come up in our head yet never come to the front in our reality. We frighten ourselves more than life does. Yet we also have the opportunity to excite ourselves as well, overcoming the fear. Ask yourself what you are scared to do, for example:

  1. Ask my boss for a promotion.
  2. Ask Emily on a date.

Can you see here how fear is self-created when you extend the phrase, describing what you really mean.

  1. I want to ask my boss for a promotion, and I scare myself by imagining he would say no and be angry with my for asking.
  2. I want to ask Emily for a date, and I scare myself by imagining that she would say no and I would feel embarrassed.

Can you see how you are creating the fear?

How To Get Rid Of Fear

'I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened' (Mark Twain)

Try to turn the negative thoughts and images your are having in positive and pleasant ones. Your fear will take care of itself after that. You can use this technique wherever you are, flying on a plane and thinking that it is going to crash and instead thinking of that drink on the beach you may be having when you get there, for example.

Focus on the feelings that you would rather have instead of the fear / anxiety. With the same example, notice how you would be feeling if you are a nervous flyer. Then, once you have pictured yourself on that beach with that drink notice how you start to feel relaxed and excited. Try to amplify that feeling as much as you can until the fear subsides.



So reiterating the title of this Thought For The Day, 'Experience your fear and take action anyway'.



Thank you very much for reading today's Thought For The Day. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, I'm eager to hear! Please resteem, upvote and follow!




Great post!

Steve Maxwell has an acronym to put fear in its place.

F uture
E vents
A ren't
R eal

We create hypothetical scenarios in our minds before we encounter something new, most of the time that scenario won't eventuate. Let go of the imagined reality and focus on creating the reality you want.

Great acronym, thank you for sharing it! Love that.

Thank you for commenting, upvoted

Thank you for a very engaging topic, sharing your perspective in a beautifully written way :)

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You're welcome. Let me know what you want to see more of in the future! Please continue to engage on my content!

Thank you for the kind words! Please feel free to share your thoughts on my posts again in the future, I am eager to hear what you have to say and will also give you another generous upvote!

Upvoted 20%!!

Impresionante publicación...
La mayoría de los miedos aparecen cuando esta por pasar algo bueno en nuestras vidas, depende de nosotros seguir o quedarnos en ese lugar, pensando en que podría haber pasado... @luppers

Fear is not real, it is just no more than an emotion.

Nice post. 👍

Great thoughts, thank you for sharing. Upvoted

Interesting article :D! +1 follower!

Thank you for the kind words, upvoted!

Fear is actually very difficult to deal with, but dealing with it is paramount thank you @luppers great post

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Is it a fear that fear is difficult to deal with?

Great thoughts, thank you for sharing them.


Definitely not a fear.

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Fair enough

We are born with only two fears, the fear of being dropped and the fear of loud noises, all the other fears are learned !

Interesting thoughts, fear is definitely a learned thing. I always think if someone raised quite isolated would they be fearful at all?

Great thoughts, upvoted!

I read the first part of the sentence some hours earlier today and then my attention was drawn back to the reality..and then hours later, after engaging in a walk in the woods nearby.. and I was left wondering what was the second fear.. and then I "randomly find this post, read it and find your comment answering what I was wondering about.. I now read it in full and learned all other fears are learned! A beautiful message that is. Let's unlearn. One fear at a time! 🙏😀🌳

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There you go syncronicity, the universe using people to answer what you ask, I am now going out to find a tree to hug and unlearn more fears, take care, never lose that laugh x

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I love the sincronicities :) so fun when it happens! I hope you get to hug some trees :) and may all fears be unlearned! 🙏😀🌳thank you. Many blessings

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Wonderful article @Luppers, congratulations and thanks by share it with us.
As you have told us, fear make us prisoners of situations that probably never happen.
Using a simile, fear is a straitjacket that immobilizes us, which prevents us from taking amazing options that life offers us.
I believe that it is fundamental to have a positive attitude towards life, to have clear in our mind the vision of where we want to go and that despite the difficulties we do not give up on our dreams.

Wow, amazing thoughts and perspective. Thank you for sharing them, upvoted!

I can learn a lot from this @luppers. It really hits home.

Glad to hear, thank you for sharing. Upvoted

Your post is very impressive.There will be a lot of fear in the way of life and people will have to move ahead in front of him.

Fear is an idea which seems to govern so much of what people do, how do we change that?

Thank you for posting, upvoted!