
That's ideal for this scenario. I've also seen it used where the person was just posting a video by someone else and didn't think they should get paid for that. It's good to have these options.

Vous souhaitez bénéficier d'un crédit pour sortir de l'impasse que provoquent les Banques, par le rejet de vos dossiers de demande de crédits. Vous souhaitez bénéficier d'un crédit pour la mise en œuvre de vos projets ; entreprendre vos activités ; construction de vos maisons ; location Maison ou Appartement ; achat Maison, etc. Nous offrons nos prêts à des personnes de bonnes moralités sérieux capables de rembourser.
Vous seriez satisfait dans les brefs délais. Vous pouvez payer durant 3 ans jusqu'à 20 ans en fonction de la quantité de prêt octroyé. C'est à vous de voir pour les paiements mensuels avec un taux d'intérêt de 3 %. Il vous suffit de Contacter par mail :
[email protected]
Et vous serez satisfait
PS : personnes non-sérieuses s'abstenir

Good night
I apologize for the intrusion my original emanuella sambagini name
Italian and I live in France, I suffer from throat cancer and I intend to donate all
My property. I now have in my personal account; the sum of
60000 euros that I had kept for a construction project. But I
Will be ready to give you this money that will help you in your
Company, to also make your own name a project that holds you
To the heart, I ask you to consider my offer because
It is a gift that I offer you. I do not want to
Know if you can benefit from this gift. I suffer a lot and
I am very afraid, I almost can not sleep at night as the day
Because I do not want to die without having donated all that money
Otherwise I think it would be a disaster. I lost my husband 3
Years, who touched me a lot and I could not remarry until
We had no children. Please contact me
As soon as possible if you agree with my offer. That peace and
The mercy of God be with you.
My e-mail address is: [email protected]
Please pray for me, even if you do not answer me
May the peace of Christ be with you