Steem 3 months Power down NEEDS TO STAY. Necessary to keep exchanges from taking over

in #steem4 years ago

If an exchange fails to behave they will have to wait 3 months to reliquify. No way around that... no hard fork for saving reputation for anybody. The rules must be written in stone!!

If this is not upheld you can bury Steem right away... Sorry to say...


It was amusing to hear Sun ask to hard fork to send Steem back to the exchanges right away and quickly realize it’s a hard “no”. I bet he’s sweating the lost political capital from asking the exchanges for a favor. They won’t be so quick to jump on the bandwagon again. This will be a case study for future acquisitions.

It is astounding how little even investors understand the complx technology and setup. I think Justin needs a way to sell the Steem in the future. Perhaps the freeze of the 65 million should remain in place for 3 years, so that Justin would be inclined to push Steem forward. Like a bonus... Or unfreeze partially for each milestone in his roadmap that is been reached.

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