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RE: Steem - Let's step back from the ledge for a bit...

in #steem5 years ago

I would actually venture to guess I have been involved in more business negotiations than many on here...

That may be true yet we are well past negotiations. We are at the hostile takeover stage. The old top 20 trained the gun. The question is will they have what it takes to use it. Time will tell. My advice remains the same. @null Mr. Sun before it's too late. This partnership cannot be saved. He has shown his hand and what he has in mind.


He has shown his hand and what he has in mind.

How so?

In all honesty, we never got a chance to see what he had in mind because we pinned him into a corner from the get go. He then took one of the only options he had in order to gain his stake back. The only reason he is voting for any witnesses currently is to prevent his stake from being frozen yet again. Everything he has done has been reactionary from having his stake he paid $10 million for locked.

In all honesty, we never got a chance to see what he had in mind...

And now we never will.

As mentioned, 22.2 was not my preference. Negotiations may have worked prior to that. With 22.2's installation war was declared. There will be no peaceful agreement. His actions while awaiting the supposed Mar. 6th meeting demonstrated that. It's Devcon 3. He will not hesitate. Would you with $10 mil on the line? 😎