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RE: Basic Income is a Crock

in #steem8 years ago

You want to help people, in YOUR way (or your Party's way or your Leader's way) using YOUR (or your Party's or your Leader's) resources - have at it. Best of luck. Hope it works.

You want to help people in YOUR (or your party's or your Leader's) way, using MY resources - go fuck yourself.


Nobody talked about raising taxes. A basic income wouldn't take any resources from you that aren't taken today already (depending on your social class, but I don't assume you to belong to the winners of the current system). It's only about how they're distributed.
The majority would be better off when the tax jungle is gone and they don't have to be afraid of the social stigma welfare carries. The most obvious losers would be companies that rely on extra-cheap workforce, mandatory insurances, and subprime lenders. No sympathy for those guys from me.

I'm not sold on basic income, but we really need to consider it as a society. In the near future, with so many people losing jobs, I don't know how else the social system and economy is going to function. At least, I haven't seen anyone else propose another idea that really addresses the problem, the way basic income does. Yeah, no more taxes would be needed, I assume it would be within the footprint of existing costs. Just roll all the benefit programs together and cut people one nice check instead.

The social system and economy is NOT going to function. It is going to collapse. Those who have eyes to see have known that for quite some time.

Placing everyone under the murderous restrictions to freedom necessary to implement centralized welfare programs of any kind (FEMA camps?) is not a solution worth living under.