$2000 posts? Hypocrisy, Hypocrisy everywhere…@haejin @berniesanders

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


Hypocrisy, Hypocrisy everywhere…

HYPOCRISY: plural hypocrisies

1: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel ; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion.

I have no desire to side with either party in the dispute between @berniesanders and @haejin as I am more about the platform. That said, I find it very hard to stand behind @berniesanders carrying the sword of rebellion against @ranchorelaxo for upvoting @haejin, giving him ridiculous earnings, taking away from the community etc, when he receives equally ridiculous earnings for his own posts.

Looking at it from a purely objective standpoint, repeatedly posting the same complaint over and over and collecting high payouts is more akin to spam raping the rewards pool than @haejin posting useful or not articles related to technical analysis.

Trying to keep my objectivity I just cannot find the usefulness in reposting the same complaint each day, as it seems to be gaming the system to regurgitate the same post each day to receive high payouts? It also does not bring any new content or perspective to the table regarding the issue at hand.

I’m just trying to clarify what is or is not rape of the rewards pool? No need to flag or down vote as I have no dog in the fight and as a lower level STEEMIAN am trying to figure all this out. Where exactly do we draw the line?

I even went so far as to add them up to gain some perspective on the issue…


$2046.28 SD or roughly $11,000 USD according to http://steem.supply/@berniesanders

Which is equal +/- $100 to the last 13 posts made by @haejin (at the time of this writing).

I also find it somewhat difficult to jump on the bus with someone when they default to hostility over diplomacy. For example yesterday evening @ranchorelaxo made his second post:


This is big news, the mystery whale speaks. Maybe this is his way of introducing himself to the community or opening the doorway for communication. This could be an opportunity to open dialogue in regards to his rewards habits and fix the issue at the source. However the first response he receives, on the post is:


He received an equally warm welcome on his first post here:



If I were @ranchorelaxo, a couple warm introductions like that on my first postings certainly would not dissuade me from doing what I have been doing, and in all likelihood would just piss me off and I would do it more to flex my muscles and/or prove a point. I always have an analogy to add and the one that best fits the lack of diplomacy thus far displayed is that "You get more bees with honey, than you do with vinegar".

I'm not on either side, and I think the rewards payouts for both @berniesanders and @haijin are ridiculous. I did; however, look through most of @haejins posts that last two months and he has never really made it personal, name called, or acted in a way that I find offensive. I think his repetitive posting in conjunction with his reward payout is a bit over the top and abusive (my opinion), but I don't see him cursing anyone or attacking them personally. He did make a stupid post asking for more after receiving all that he has, which I found to be ungrateful, but other than that I don't really have any ammunition in regards to his personality traits to load up and throw his way. If I'm wrong and he had made personal attacks, then please post it below so as I may apologize and make a correction to this article.

This whole thing actually concerns me on a far deeper level now; as I must consider what happens if I find success here? What happens if for some reason through my writing ability a whale starts up voting my posts? Would that by default make me "a piece of shit" and subject to lynching by the community? I think this whole issue is actually making me second guess my efforts here.

Assessing it objectively the hatred is such due to simple human greed over money that I have to wonder if success here would even be worth the price in terms of public ridicule, being voted down etc. just for doing what I have been doing all along and getting noticed? I know I can write, am intelligent, have a wide range of experience in different fields and that there is no reason I could not be successful here. That said would it be worth it to have to defend myself? Would I want high earning posts that scream nothing but hatred, bitterness and jealousy towards me floating around the site tearing down what I have worked so tirelessly to build?

I would hope that diplomacy would be the first option, that anyone with a problem would simply comment so we could discuss the issue, or I could then give them my real world contact info and we could hash is out like business professionals before tearing down each others efforts here. I would never want to be the catalyst to infighting, or having two large groups of people sling hatred back and forth. But I don't know if diplomacy is an option here as I don't see much of it being applied as people seem to default into hate mode and go about attacking each other. It's actually kinda sad when you think about it.

This article is not intended to be for or against either side, I'm just looking at it objectively and sharing my thoughts on the issue. I'm just the little guy here trying to make it, but as a former United States Marine I always try to lead by example and conduct myself in a way that others can look up too.

Any comments for or against anything I have written please post below and we can discuss them without tearing each other down.



If you count his last rant, which was about 20 days ago:


Not sure if he made money for raising a stink because it shows it was hidden due to low rating, so I assume enough flags canceled the payout. He claimed someone who is literally posting original content was being 'overpaid'. A real author (how popular is not important!) who has decided to share stories exclusively with Steemit and has books listed for sale on amazon is posting what he says is trash that shouldn't make a dollar here. Yet his slanderous rant made more than the person he was accusing in a week.

I am not linking the people involved because it's already blown over and the screen shot provides enough info.

The thing is, we're talking between $20 - $100 in payout. (obviously this is in SBD) but you have to come to wonder that if any sort of whale happens to take a liking to you where you start to consistently make $20 + SBD per post and bernie doesn't agree with your content, you should expect him and his army to show up at your door with torches and pitchforks.

I can't say I'm on any side myself in the case of the recent battle, but I most certainly followed the author that he claimed was posting 'trash'. Read her content frequently, and I have to say that it is good. She's not posting trash, he is.

Haejin is not posting trash... It is not content I take much interest in (I have my own trading guide) but if I needed a third opinion I wouldn't mind checking out some of his content.

I think bernie getting paid $11 grand to complain is ridiculous. "One user ridiculous rewards -- but I get close to one third of what I'm complaining about, for complaining and all is good"

Hypocrisy for sure.

Lastly, I want to say that Christmas is literally 3 days away. Three days. What does the trending page on Steemit show? An absolute shit show. I was hoping for a holiday filled trending page.

I kind of chuckle too cause I can barely afford to do christmas shopping for the kids (which I still haven't done) and this guy just banked a few grand for being a scrooge.

Bah Humpback [whales].

I agree, the more and more I look at the whole situation, the more Bernie reminds me a a shock jock that just says a bunch of inflammatory shit for a reaction and to get paid....

That pretty much sums it up, yes. In this instance, it's playing the system, and milking the rewards pool without even providing any content. Not even a d.tube video.

Christmas is literally 3 days away. Three days. What does the trending page on Steemit show? An absolute shit show. I was hoping for a holiday filled trending page.

I don't fully understand why you associate Christmas season to this systemic rape going on done by some profit maniac players as if you're assuming that this platform is exclusive for Christians.

Well, I can tell you that it's not exclusively for non-Christians. This is a good time in crypto. On top of the Holidays, crypto is getting a lot of recognition. STEEMIT is getting a lot of recognition. There are people giving SBD to loved ones for Christmas or at least they plan to. What do they see when they come here. Toxicity.

A healthy debate is one thing, the toxicity I refer to was bernie's trending post.

Rocking the boat it's justifiable. Civilly though? So people see that we are grown-ups. We are grown-ups right?

Just because I mention Christmas, does not mean I'm assuming that this platform is exclusive for Christians. That's just silly.

OK, I rest my case now. Imagine if there was no @berniesanders. I am wondering if any of your guys would have some balls of steel to uphold this community from those opportunistic and profit-maniac players manipulating the rewards which is supposed to be for curation incentive of good/well-written contents.

Merry Christmas! From your Atheist community member. I hope this block-chain can survive as there are those less fortunate mammals who heavily rely on this platform just to put food on the table on a daily basis, yet some people with good skills in drawing charts are harvesting it like there is no tomorrow. God bless religious people.

If there was no berniesanders, I want to assume that someone else would indeed fill those shoes and hopefully bring a more civil approach to the table.

On the other hand, this doesn't mean that I particularly want him to go away, or that we would be better off without him. What I would like to see is for him to take a more civil approach, because lets face it -- he has a following. I doubt a simple change of attitude would affect the rewards of his post, raising a topic that needed to be discussed.

As for me, I am pretty new to the platform. Definitely see a problem in what happened.

Harvesting it like there is no tomorrow is in my opinion a bit of an understatement in regards to the 60 grand that @haejin racked up. We're on the same page there 100%. Was @berniesanders post a bit of a harvest? Just a tiny one? 11 grand for 3 posts? Is he going to toss out some nice curation for Christmas? Someones birthday? The introduceyourself posts from legit newcomers?

These are all questions I have for both parties seeing as to how if 60 grand for charts is too much, 11 grand for a rant might be too much as well. Or am I comparing apples to oranges? I understand to gain attention it needed to trend, so upvotes were needed, and the rewards payout inevitably went up. I just think that civil or uncivil, it was still going to trend, and I feel the outcome would be the same in the end, with less hate being spread throughout the discussion.

Unless you're saying that we need the toxicity in order to stop the manipulation of rewards. If so, then we'll have to agree to disagree since I feel a civil approach can provide better if not similar results.

Lol, civil approach? Funny! It's 21st century. Let us stop pretending like a darn sheep just because innocent people are watching us.

Shit name calling, etc, happens all the time even in our home, even in White House between global political icons with camera facing live for international broadcasting. My goat. What's your point?

That is usually because children are involved. Yes. children. When I lose my shit at home, there is either a child involved or someone is acting like a child.

I love how you compared it to politics. Politics are garbage. That is why we have decentralization. Most of the "political icons" spewing hate at each other that you refer to are acting like children at our expense. Buffoons.

This guy is acting like a child at the expense of the entire community.

"Hey, all the politicians are turning politics into a shit show. Look how well that works. It must be the only way to solve things in the 21st century. I mean, look at how far we've gotten with the war. All in the name of political gain. We must take this approach on STEEMIT and turn it into a shit show"

That kind of approach stems from anger. When people are angry or respond with anger they tend to over react. They act without thought, hastily They lose sight of logical reasoning and all it does is make things worse because they start thinking with their emotions and acting out of spite.

None of this is good in any century. Civility has always been an acceptable social behaviour and I doubt just because you say so that it's suddenly considered ridiculous to ask someone to be civil.

I have to say that I did not draw that inference from his post. I read it to mean that: We are approaching a time within the lunar calendar that is associated with examining ones linage and genetic ties, giving gifts, a morbidly obese man in a red suit, a four legged mammal with a bioluminescent nose, strangers from different villages gathering to chant in unison and in harmony outside the domiciles of other strangers etc. As such think what @bitfiend was saying is that he would expect the trending topics to be more closely related the the phenomena common during this time of the year. :)

Just say this in rereading

I am wondering if any of your guys would have some balls of steel to uphold this community from those opportunistic and profit-maniac players manipulating the rewards which is supposed to be for curation incentive of good/well-written contents.

I spent over a decade in the United States Marine Corps.. so I don't think, championing a cause with a keyboard makes it into my balls a steel category.. Also I'm a little guy here, putting myself out there to point out hypocrisy in a couple big players. I'm not scared.. :)

Your article catches my opinion on this 'war' just fine. I was going to make my own article on this.

But have been resistant to do so. Because I didn't want my account to be down-voted. I have spend six months to build my account. And I wouldn't want to see that progress being destroyed by two whales fighting each-other.

The only reason I am risking my account. Is that it just gets really ugly now.
The name calling gets worse every day.

And worst of all. These blogs, get listed on top of the trending page.

So the very first thing that newbies will see. Is two Steem whales swearing at each-other.

Please just stop with the hatred.

Well feel the beat of freedom else Facebook might be the right place where your account gets suspended for merely not using your real name and make Suckerberg get rich quick.

I have a few accounts and don't use my real name on all but 1, so I am totally not sure about that.. I mean sure there is a difference.. granted on facebook you are not allowed to post solid, riveting content like this: https://steemit.com/nsfw/@o0pepper0o/riding-canadian-girl (do note sarcasm).. I mean you are right steemit does allow people to do whatever they wish and with that comes the influx of good old porn sometimes.

That said in feeling the beat of freedom, being anarchist and having no rules can child predators start posting their content here?

I mean who are we to tell them what to do.. What if its not a child predator and just some dude that likes to fuck goats? can he post his videos and pics? What about cows? I think they get a bad rap, we can eat them, pet them and nurse from them but if we fuck em we go to jail? WTF.. who is setting these rules and stomping on our freedoms. What about two 17 year old high school students posting fuck videos here? Is that child porn because they are under 18, who are we to judge, or define them based on an arbitrary thing like age.

I think I would also like to see some blogs dedicated solely to hatred, bigotry, racism, homophobia etc. perhaps a few white power blogs and and equal amount of black power blogs just for the sake of equality. I also think we need a few of those Westboro Baptist Church nuts in here too.. I want to feel the beat of freedom with no rules, no filter.. and no common sense...

Loved this response it really cracked me up. The last paragraph I died.

Thanks, I try to be witty at times..:)

I have a few accounts and don't use my real name on all but 1, so I am totally not sure about that

What is the name of your fake account on Facebook? So I can report it as fake and have them require you to submit your legal documents confirming your real name.

Simple as that. On Facebook, if somebody doesn't like your post feel free to kiss goodbye to your account unless you are willing to surrender your name.

Now you are just getting aggressive really.. I have had a few posts get flagged on Facebook,.. pics, calling someone out etc.. I have never submitted any documents.. You want my real FB, I don't care.. I'm not trying to hide my identity.. report away or send a friend request.. I like new friends.. https://www.facebook.com/richard.witherill

Now you are just getting aggressive really..

You read me wrong. I was trying to show you how easy your account can be shut down on Facebook by merely not using your real name.

No problem, I appreciate your input on the issue.. but yes FB is governed by rules, and strictly adhered to policies and does not go by anarchist principles. That said, I sure wish I could get FB dollars and power up my FB account.. I bet their "coin" if they had one would be extremely valuable.. As the business model seems to work out quite well.

I agree, and I'm fine putting myself out there. If i get down voted it would speak worse of them than it would of me. I also think or at least hope that the community would at that point begin to see the nonsense for what it is if people made the choice to start crushing my account as I have been very objective in my articles, have not called names, and have simply laid the facts out as I see them. If that type of posting gets me crushed, then well, I guess 1) I don't want to be here, and 2) the study I am conducting fails. But I'm not afraid to stand out, never have been.

@pawsdog I agree totally with your post!

Thanks, I try and keep it matter of fact and to the point

You forgot to mention that Bernie was using his own funds to pump his posts in the trending page using those paid bots. That, when you include the capital and the curation rewards made by others in your calculation it would cut a great portion of the payout he's receiving from those posts.

Not to mention that chartology guy is backed by only one person, only one person is responsible for his post to go to the trending page. Those minnow up-votes are nothing of value without that mystery whale. Something fishy right there.

I have to admit that Bernie can be offensive at times and I don't necessarily have to align with him all the time. However, in this particular case I am completely stand behind his noble cause.

The chartology guy is either the same person or in collaboration with a whale or group of whales to manipulate the Steem price by draining the reward pool to benefit their greedy motivation.

I'd rather have a community filled with chaos than a peaceful but deteriorating.

His cause cannot be noble unless he intends on deferring the rewards back to the pool. Also he posted the exact same "bitch" three times in a row and failed to bring any new information to the table.. If I made $500 per post and reposted the same post 3 times would that be spam? or rewards rape? I'm just trying to figure it out.. Each passing day he reminds me more of David Koresh, or James Warren Jones.. Put down the Kool-Aid.. step back.... https://www.huffingtonpost.com/adst/the-jonestown-massacre_b_8592338.html

Initially you stated in your article that you are trying to weigh in the issue as it is without siding anybody else. I don't think so. That is just your way of delivering your message to sound appealing somehow. I know.

As I said, Bernie is sacrificing his own money in order to bring awareness to the community because he has a major stake on this platform but there's no counter measure alliance received from his fellow investors. They seem to see no evil, hear no evil.

How could he return the money from the rewards when he's using his own funds to make this apparent hijack available for public scrutiny?

Also, Bernie doesn't usually post that much unless he really wanted to expose something. He is acting like a community vigilante since according to him, the rest of the whales are not doing shit.

Check my blog bro, I go after both equally and simply point out the facts as I see them.

Also again playing devils advocate, if I were getting $11,000 USD for a few real easy 5 minute posts, I wouldn't mind putting up 3k to upvote them and keep the price going up.. I'm just reinvesting what I have already profited on and increasing my ROI. Thats not noble self sacrifice for the greater good, thats advertising budget to increase profit margin.

Also again, I am not arguing.. But please do, explain.. What is the difference between the 3 posts all bitching about @haejin? Could we not of covered it in 1? Was one high paying post at the top of the trending page not enough? Would it be considered spam for another user to post the exact same thing three times for a high payout without adding any new information or insight to the topic..

Also how and this is what I really want to know, does cursing out @rancholexo do any good? How does that benefit the community? Do you think that is going to dissuade him from doing what he is doing?

Again, I am pointing out facts.. I am not emotionally tied to either and could care less if they both died in a car fire tomorrow. I'm pointing out hypocrisy and anti social aggressive behavior that is not typically productive when trying to accomplish goals

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It's definitely worrisome... I'm sure berniesanders and his legion of bots have chased away more than one person during his stay on this platform... his actions are nothing short of online bullying.

I think at this point, we can only hope that as the platform gets adopted and more people choose to invest, then the whales get diluted and individual members end up with less and less power.

It's hard to see how that'll happen because their power will grow with the platform, but I'd still guess the platform will grow faster as more people invest. BernieSanders might always have a lot of power on this platform, but at some point he's going to go too far and the entire population will act against him.

The irony of his actions versus the actions of his namesake is incredible.

Yes I found the irony to be somewhat amusing. One thing I have found in life is that at some point people tend to steer away from chaos and those that create it. It's fun for a bit to stir things up, but at a point, people will begin to take a hard look at where all the trouble is really coming from. It's good to defend an ideal, so long as you don't place yourself in a situation whereas your integrity and sincerity in its defense can be questioned. When that happens, at least in my experience the tide can turn quickly against the aggressor, and rabble rouser. Will that happen here? I don't know as there is financial incentive to go along and upvote the inflammatory posts in the form of curation rewards.

berniesanders is brilliant. Not in a progressive, awesome way, but in an evil nihilistic way. It would appear that he preys upon the very people that you are working your test to prove wrong. He is collecting the masses of those who aren't doing as well as they think they should be and pinning it on ranchorelaxo and haijin, and meanwhile, like you said, he is raking in a considerable amount of money himself.

I read through a lot of his posts and he sounds like a broken record. Not just that though, his language deliberately incites the "downtrodden" to "take back their place" by flagging. He even stated in one of his more recent posts that he would "compensate" those who are flagging haijin's posts. How is that any better than what he is complaining about?

I certainly don't understand all of the nuances of this site yet, and I am just kind of ho-hum doing my own thang. I certainly don't expect to ever have a whale support, but I completely agree with you that the things that are happening now are going to be looked back on as ways to deal with happenings in the future. If those supported by whales now are seen as "rapists" of the steem pool, then they will be forever seen that way, no matter the size or importance of their contributions. I don't think people realize the severity in setting in motion these kinds of witch hunts. Hopefully it's not something they will ever have to encounter in the future if they ever make something of themselves on Steemit.


Yeah Bernie reminds me more and more each day of David Koresh, or James Warren Jones.

Put down the Kool-Aid folks.... step back....

I mean I do admire his ability to incite and act in the same form and fashion as a cult leader. I have to give him credit for his diabolical genius; still a hypocrite, but one that uses what is available to his benefit. I commend him on that...

Maybe I will be a whale someday and i'll will try to elevate you to my whale level.

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