RE: (Reward Pool Rape)...The curious case of the errant comma.. @haejin @berniesanders
Valid points, but if perhaps say 1% of is 6000 followers by steem then I don't see it as a bad thing. I have taken the time to view the accounts of a few haijin followers and a few have purchased $2500 or more in steem thus investing themselves in the platform. Also I think with that large of a following that there will inevitably be a trickle down affect as his followers will eventually peruse other articles or use their lust for money to write and attempt to profit from a few of their own articles thus benefiting the platform through content. Likewise if I compare the content posted by haijin to the bullshit you find in the NSFW category, I'm kinda having a hard time seeing how this:
Is a good fit for the platform
Whereas some dude giving crypto advice is not..
I can't disagree with you on the NSFW. I don't agree with its presence but the tag was a compromise after a rather long debate over porn on the platform. Many argued against it even being here and others argued that if this is a censorship free platform it has the right to be here. The compromise was that it had to be within the tag or be subject to being flagged heavily. Then the option to be able to mute anything posted with the NSFW tag showed up in our settings for those who didn't want to encounter it.
I would hope that those who followed haejin here would actually be part of the community and treat it like a community.
My remarks are based on the many many comments I've seen from his followers who are quite plain they have zero interest in being part of the community yet are outraged that the community objects to such a large amount of their funds being diverted to their hero.
If they want to support him and only him, then they need to do it from their own pockets and not the rest of the community. They are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Their myopic attitudes is likely one of the many reasons that bernie is downvoting some of them.
@pathtosuccess thanks for the response. Based on his most recent give away, I couldn't take him as a totally bad guy if he's giving away money, but the hostility and toxicity is still too much.
I mean, look how he treated the author earlier in the month. I can see your argument that he is here for the greater good and has been here since the beginning.
I've been in the crypto scene since 2013. I'm no andreas antonopoulos but can you imagine if Andreas showed the same hostility? Seniority, imo, does not give anyone the right to act like this.
I also see bernie flagging other users telling them to stop talking about him or he will forever destroy their account because he's "their worst fucking nightmare".
REALLY? This is how he conducts himself?
"I'm going to stir the pot with the biggest spoon on the planet. Once I get the riot going, I'm gonna go back to to the shadows and LURK. Then I will get mad and retaliate to anyone who talks about me."
I agree, leaders should lead by example, not terrorize people and act like a butt hurt bitch and threaten to eviscerate them when they talk about him. I don't care if someone comes on steemit and calls me names. I will respond and debate the issue, but when I get to influence status, I'm not going to crush someone for not liking me, thinking I'm a megalomaniac narcissistic dickhead or writing comments to that affect. I'll simply comment and talk about.. figure out how we can fix it, and if need be cut them apart with my wit, not the amount of SP my account has. Hell I would likely upvote a post cursing me..
This is now recorded in the blockchain, I hope you will succeed wildly to become such a leader.
I would not label @berniesanders as a per say leader but he is a large stake-holder and he has a lot more to loose if Steemit becomes a pure crypto only platform versus what it can become to the masses. Try to see beyond the box of our suffering and circumstances, see the bigger picture. You are not wrong, but you also have not have enough experience and information to judge widely.
I have a friend that used to make a comment that tends to be rather apt towards @berniesanders ... "I love you but I hate you" ... he does a lot of good and dishes out nasty.
In the course of going after scammers (yes actual scammers) and those who are getting overly rewarded he's also been on the receiving end of some very nasty reactions.
I don't like seeing it from either side but this isn't Sunday School ... so I wince and move on
One of those "I can be your best friend or your greatest enemy if you piss me off" types eh. Well I see your point and no it's not Sunday school. haejins followers are very culty if they are only here for him. If I was his follower, it would be like hey thanks for showing me this great platform, but I'm not gonna leave just cause you say so. This place is great.
I know over 1% of the rewards pool is considered high, but i believe the ridiculous upvoting has ceased even though his posts are still generating quite a lot. I doubted that it was going to go on forever, and bernies big stink may have helped.
His actions are still not very cool. I guess I'll just have to wince and move on , heh.
Grow a thicker skin dear @bitfiend, it will help you cope better with responses to your post and also help you succeed more in life. Keep up the encouragement, I like seeing you respond like this my young friend.
Thank you @drsinmongwong for your kind words and you are right for any kind of debate you have to have thick skin and stay level headed.
Agreed to a point, and my thoughts can be found here:
That said @ranchorelaxo did invest over $2,000,000 USD into the platform through purchases of steem, so I can't see how he is raping relative to the amount he invested. Iam fairly certain that a purchase of that size benefited all users by raising the price of steem. I see large confidence building purchases of an asset to be more beneficial than gathering the torches and pitch forks to attack other members of the community.
the same purchase on one of the exchanges would have helped to raise the price of steem.
The choice to transfer it onto the platform would have had no further effect.
If he's just an investor who has decided to support only one person with his SP, that is his right. When that sole support inflates the payout to that individual, it is the right of other whales to counter that support through downvotes.
Even though the size of the upvote is determined by his SP, the value of the upvote is coming from the reward pool which is formed from the collective mining (posting values) of the whole community.
Allowed to go on unchecked that would mean one whale could disperse a significant amount of the reward pool to one individual rather than it dispersed throughout the community as the system is meant to do.
When whales are upvoting posts, they generally go with a small percentage of their VP so they can spread it across a wider number of posts.
Interesting to note that we all have 10 full upvotes a day that we can make and have our VP recharge within 24 hours. @haejin's posts never exceeded that magic number. HMMM
My last comment basically covered this
To that end, the simplest answer to the @ranchorelaxo saga, is that he may have profited from the advice of @haejin and chose to show his appreciation through upvoting.
It also seems as if he did not act overly irresponsibly and has since curbed the behavior. Lets assume he made $500,000 and upvoted @haejin 10% of his profit. Not unreasonable...
We will have to see how it plays out...