How much STEEM is being Powered Up & Down daily?

in #steem8 years ago

I've made a new chart for my Daily Steem Stats Report.
This new chart shows the amount of Steem that is being powered UP and DOWN on a daily basis.

Since the beginning of this month:

  • Powered UP: 4,570,724 STEEM
  • Powered DOWN: 4,860,903 STEEM
  • Difference: -290,179 STEEM
  • Average per day: -16,121 STEEM

DatePowered UPPowered DOWNDifference
2017-07-18294,959 STEEM205,479 STEEM89,480 STEEM
2017-07-17367,028 STEEM358,858 STEEM8,170 STEEM
2017-07-16177,186 STEEM234,691 STEEM-57,505 STEEM
2017-07-15170,335 STEEM206,606 STEEM-36,271 STEEM
2017-07-14115,520 STEEM276,722 STEEM-161,202 STEEM
2017-07-13270,898 STEEM172,011 STEEM98,887 STEEM
2017-07-12240,715 STEEM289,132 STEEM-48,417 STEEM
2017-07-11474,005 STEEM192,307 STEEM281,698 STEEM
2017-07-10371,192 STEEM373,312 STEEM-2,120 STEEM
2017-07-09164,326 STEEM216,587 STEEM-52,261 STEEM
2017-07-08246,080 STEEM197,012 STEEM49,068 STEEM
2017-07-07202,931 STEEM104,631 STEEM98,300 STEEM
2017-07-06471,046 STEEM635,587 STEEM-164,541 STEEM
2017-07-05310,811 STEEM174,472 STEEM136,339 STEEM
2017-07-04241,093 STEEM199,278 STEEM41,815 STEEM
2017-07-03202,945 STEEM481,321 STEEM-278,376 STEEM
2017-07-02109,792 STEEM174,720 STEEM-64,928 STEEM
2017-07-01139,861 STEEM368,177 STEEM-228,316 STEEM
Average p/d253,929 STEEM270,050 STEEM-16,121 STEEM

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for daily Steem Stats


Interesting. However, it might look that money are leaving steemit platform, which is not the entire case. As I know 90% of the funds are distributed among the SP owners, but the fact than only 290000 is leaving per month is quite good.

The process is somewhat normal. The whales are cashing out some of their investments and minnows and dolphins like me are powering up. On average this process makes the Steem Power to be more equally distributed, which is good for the platform.

Wow didn't know that the SP owners held 90% of the funds. How can that be a good thing?

As I know inflation is 100%. 10% is distributed to content creators and 90% is distributed among steem power owners(is like an investment in the platform, but once you power up, you can power down in equally amounts split over 24 months ).

You have probably read the outdated whitepaper?
The inflation rate was changed to 9.5% 8 months ago:

75% of inflation goes to authors and curators
15% of inflation is allocated to Steem Power holders
10% goes to the witnesses.
Powering Down takes 13 weeks now.

I didn't know powering down takes that long! I should have read more carefully before powering up everything I have... but I plan to hold it longer than 13 weeks so that is fine with me

I just checked and it seems to be done in 7 days according to the info in the wallet?

Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-19 um 18.59.40.png

Yes, that's right. It takes 13 periods of 1 week. After 1 week 1/13th of your SP is powered down.

Ok understood. Thanks for the clarification!

Thanks for clarifying this. I appreciate the work you do in presenting this kind of data.

Is that really the case ? I never saw that SP was distributed to me

This is what I know. I'm only 90% sure. :D

In around 1-2 hours I think I could see I gained 0.1 steem power. But I have almost 8500SP.

That post is from last year , a lot of things have changed since that , I ll note the amount of SP I have before I go sleeping today and check it again the next day ... but maybe my 32SP are to less to see any changes.

I took a look at Power Ups vs Steemit price change and it gives a pretty clear picture. When Steemit price goes up, people Power Up more. When it goes down, people Power Down more. Like markets in general, pure human Pavlovian psychology on a mass scale.

steemit power up vs price change chart3.jpg

Don't forget that many may also just be selling Steem to speculate on buying it cheaper later. If its leaving the platform some of that might return as well.

Maybe, but not are the times to buy it cheaper. If you sell it now for 1 usd and buy it back in 1 month for 2 usd, you're making a really bad deal...

Interesting. This means that powering down refers to the amount of Steem leaving and vice versa for powering up.

Not a big surprise to me, the next weeks should be interesting to observe.

Hi @penguinpablo thanks for this help
My dream is to get delegated authority and work has been written about it here
I can meet with you and hope to achieve this dream and help

Wow I wish I could have joined long ago, my account needs to go long way before I can see those type of numbers. : )

Thanks for suppling this info... its good to know how many people are powering up or down on a daily bases :)


I hope that the price will go up in the future coz steem is the next generation of social network @penguinpablo

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Wow Nice post 👍

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