My Second Steem Birthday ... and I almost missed it

in #steem5 years ago

Amazingly I have been on Steem for two years today.

Amazingly I am still on Steem two years later.

Amazingly I had totally forgotten about this anniversary and was only reminded by @drakos's post about the very same.

These two years on Steem have definitely had a major impact on me.

Almost, but probably not quite life-changing.

I have definitely learnt a massive amount, done a ton of new things, and got to know a truck load of interesting people.

There have been a whole bunch of highlights along the way...

  • Helping build the first Homesteaders and Preppers community on Steem

  • Reaching 60 rep on one amazing New Year's Eve, and becoming a dolphin around the same time

  • Setting up the A Dollar A Day charitable giving scheme

  • Raising over USD 5000 through A Dollar A Day

  • Working with Promo-Steem and becoming a Steem Ambassador

  • Organising the first SteemWales meetup

  • Being involved in Fundition

  • Becoming a show host on MSP Waves

  • Interviewing hundreds of steemians on my MSP shows, including @Ned and most of the Steemit Inc team, as well as most of the top witnesses

  • Hosting around a hundred shows, including My Life In 8 Songs, The Alternative Lifestyle Show, DO, the first SteemTank with @theycallmedan, and reaching a peak with the State of Steem Forums

  • Putting together 150 editions of the Steem Daily News

and a whole bunch of other things that have slipped my mind for the moment.

I have kept fairly busy while I have been on Steem.

I have come up with a few ideas - some that have worked, others that haven't.

But Steem is evolving with DApps of all shapes and sizes, and now new offshoots like appearing at an increasing pace.

It is ever more difficult to keep up to date with what is going on.

The Three Legged Dog

What comes next...

I still gravitate to Steem every day. Although for domestic reasons I am not bouncing about quite as actively as I have done in the past.

Taking a little breather and seeing what to pick up and what to put down.

And still struggling with the conundrum of Steem ... Why have we got the best blockchain in town but still not batting with the big boys?

Maybe we are like the three legged dog...

[ image by @pennsif ]


Happy two years on the steem blockchain, buddy. mines two years is in august. time as flown by. made some great friends on here and looking forward to meeting more.

Thank you. Hope you get good news on the takeaway soon.

congratulations on your two years on the platform. Steem is better for your presence. Here's to many more.

Thank you Shadows, and thank you for the SHADEs, much appreciated.

Happy 2 year steem anniversary!

Many thanks

Congrats on this milestone! The Steem–Discord continuum is definitely a better place because of you and all that you do! So glad you are here with us! 😊


The entire PYPT audience was reminded of this, thanks to @enginewitty, who wanted to be sure your anniversary was properly celebrated! And, of course, good things were said about you! 💙

Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT

Hi thekittygirl the SHADE tokens are on the way.
Thanks for sharing SHADE
To view or Trade SHADE visit

Thank you !

You’ve achieved an immense amount @pennsif. Truly staggering selfless stuff, all in 2 years.

Big congrats but I know how you feel re. the post image..
Only time will tell eh?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you Ash.

It will be interesting to see what the next two years bring for steem.

Happiest 2nd Steemiversary @ pennsif!! You are doing such a great job at being an awesome Steemian. Wow!! Just look at your accomplishments. Koodos! And, cheers to many more exciting milestones on the Blockchain 🍉🎶🥂

Many thanks Jill.

You have achieved a lot in that time and helped a lot of people along the way. We need a few more like you. Thanks for sticking with us.

Thank you Steve.

It will be interesting to see where Steem gets to in another two years.

Happy anniversary! I have been amazed at all that you have done throughout the time that I have followed you. I enjoyed the few shows I got to jump on with you and other great folks on here! I'm a few months away from my second year, as well. Crazy how time flies. I hope they can figure out a nice prosthetic for that proverbial 3-legged dog....

Thank you P2P, hopefully will get you on another show sometime soon.

And I hope the 4th leg is found soon.

a very happy 2nd birthday to you indeed @pennsif. Your workrate and contribution to the community here is downright OUTSTANDING. I just hope Steem can match your awesomeness by living up to its incredible potential

Thanks Basil. Still looking forward to making 'Steem - The Movie' one day soon.

ah yeah.... how are we pitching it? Is it a tense action-thriller or more of a crypto-romcom?