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RE: SBD At US$40 Would Have Been Achieved

in #steem6 years ago

Thanks for the info and kind words. I remember GuiltyParties implied that the payout had changed, when I asked why I was getting so much less, and complained that the FAQs never get updated in a timely manner. It just pisses me off seeing it continue to drop every week.

BTW, with @surfermarly in a recent post she did yesterday we've been dissecting some of Ned's recent comments and one of the comments in the Bloomberg interview a few days ago seemed to sound as if he's trying to sell steemit to Facebook. In another video she said Ned admitted Streemit is centralized. Plus, the HF20 seems like they are headed down the wrong path and has a lot of people nervous on how he is saying in Korea he wants to change it, as well as a comment he made on another post, saying basically that not all accounts will be eligible for the new changes. Implying they will discriminate between us to stop the bot wars. It may be the beginning of the end. So I keep asking myself why even make anymore posts, where I have to spend SBD just to get any visibility, which causes me to continue to have to reset the Power Down process and restart the 13 week countdown over and over again, as well as seeing the payout continue to go down, if he ends up selling all of our data to Facebook. It just seems the deeper I look into all things steemit, the worst the situation seems to get.


Dammit!!! Will we ever get a break!

I've been powering down but this shit takes time!

Thanks for letting me know man. I'll join the conversation that side.

My thoughts precisely. It really blows me away that if it is really broad-based that the payouts for author rewards are down to just above 50% and from what I gather on the curation rewards payout is down to 1 or a few percentage points at most that no one has picked up on that. Maybe some of the whales are aware and that is what is behind the whole anti bot and buying upvotes thing for them, as they say they cheat the system and steal from the rewards pool of everyone. The point is if you have a system where quality content gets no visibility unless bot upvotes are used then the system itself is inherently corrupt, as Dan said.

And then there is the whole Dan thing. GuiltyParties told me it was Dan who nuked @berniesanders to that -16 rep he has and he also told me other times that Dan has been doing a lot of downvotes on others too. So last night before leaving I did a search and found that to be true too, with posts just on Dan's downvotes. So it puts a little doubt on the whole EOS and his idea of making a sort of steem II on EOS that fixes the problems, if he starts abusing the same fault in the system that he so resonantly pointed out Ned and others were doing.

It's all quite a silly soap opera, except for the fact of the damn 13 week power down shit that almost imprisons us in this damn site for months and months after waking up to smell the shit... It's a bit of a catch 22, in the sense that if we post the truth then we may really endanger the investment and anger others who have invested in SP, which let's face it does blind us to some degree, and brings the risk of some mega downvotes to wipe out the rep. Now I'm starting to understand @berniesanders critiques of many things steemit and why sometimes his emotions get so angered.

I recall Bill Ottman, co-founder of Minds, said several times in interviews how research has been done on such cases as that girl who felt cheated by YouTube and went in shooting, which shows that mistreatment and abuse on social media platforms creates violence. Thus, the bot wars and downvote wars of steemit.

I just sold all my EOS. Whether I lose out on it or not. I will not support people doing this.

Steem will take a bit longer but I'll be rid of all of in 13 weeks.

Thanks a million for the info man. I ow you one

Actually I feel like I owe you too, given the support you have given me. I guess that's because we're both good-hearted people. Yeah, I put in a limited sale order of all of mine too, if and when it hits there. I've herd Dan speaking when interviewed by the Dollar Vigilante and others and I still try to give him some benefit of the doubt. Plus, if he created steem and bitshares, from what he has said his steem II version on EOS should still be a lot better than here either way. Also EOS will be a platform that many will launch ICOs on to compete with Ethereum, Stellar and NEO for a very big expansive space.

If you do think EOS will be good in the future then sell it now and buy it back when it goes to shit after dan destroyed Steemit.

All depends on the timing though.

Right now it's crashing with the markets today... far lower than you must have sold for. Will probably bounce soon. Typical S. Korean reaction to news. You gotta wonder sometimes when they do this how much manipulation is behind it. I'm guessing EOS will bounce and continue to run up until the launch in June and then sell off, as the saying goes, "Buy the Rumor - Sell the News". Seems like maybe a bottom now... as it settles.

You seem to know a lot @positivesynergy

What is your background and where are you from? From what I have gathered your moral compass is by far better tuned than most but you seem to have information on everything. The video you referred me to on the mind was very good (I have seen the two slit theory before) but they way they put it all together was really good.

I remember the first time you told me that the powers that be feed the hatred in us, a few months ago, and this thinking opened a lot of angels in the way a view things. I see that so clearly now watching a politician speak.

On which platform are you most active?

I see EOS has still been taking a beating. So you really sold at a perfect time. I've got a very wide spread background and I've always been a bit of a sponge digging deep for information, knowledge and experience. I'm mostly active on and twitter. Send me a message on the Minds Messenger and we can talk more about this.