Journalistic integrity - STEEM is a Game changer - STEEM does it all!!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I have like many of you have been trying to find the secret of gaining Steem dollars \ cash on this wonderful site of ours. The obvious questions is how much of the stuff on Steem is factually correct or of quality, and how much is pure bulls**t.
With the ever increasing reliance on social media in particular for younger people as their primary source of news, and an alarming direction of more stories and less detail, leading to very superficial reading, where many just click headlines and read a few lines before moving onto the next story or click the follow up link. This has forced sites and newspapers to write less accurate and more sensationalist headline type stories just to make sure their stories get the required HITS, and stay in business. This move to a HIT type culture has meant a drastic decline in quality of stories and a decline in the reader’s logic and need for quality fact base journalism. Most of the stuff out there is sensationalist crap or simply misleading, but the beauty of it is nobody cares.
The recent United Kingdom Brexit vote is an example of this. Where Brexit voters simply don’t care if the information they got from Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage regarding a Brexit where not true. The Trump phenomenon is another example of preying on this low information or lack of need for factually corrects statements voter.
However STEEM is completely different, as the site rewards stories of quality and Journalistic integrity and is critical of articles that are not. Even stories that might seem trivial to you, are created with quality and integrity. An example is @heiditravels. There are many similar sites, but as reader can clearly see the quality of the writing and pictures and feel the realness of the stories, you know she is truly enjoying her travels, there is no fakeness, for this the writer has been rewarded. I and many others have not been as successful writing about similar things, as we haven’t done the necessary work and time. This lack of reward for crap quick posts has meant that the quality of the top\successful articles has to be high. Basically Steem is like Wikipedia and Facebook combined with a natural quality filter, the scope for Steem is limitless. Could all news be on this site? All books? Research paper, Patents, the possibilities are endless, Research scientists could swap ideas comment on each other’s work and be rewarded all in real time. Books could be published edited in real time. Steem could be or IS a Game changer.


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