Changes to @randowhale to help bring back the $1 SBD peg.

in #steem5 years ago (edited)


  • Rather than burning the Steem sent to @randowhale, the Steem will be used to buy SBD from the internal market. The SBD will then be converted to Steem via the 3.5 day conversion (similar to what @sbdpotato is doing). Repeat.
  • @randowhale will soon be making comments when votes are placed - we think helping bring back the peg is important and every little bit of promotion helps. How bout a resteem??

Here's how it works:

  • Send 2 STEEM to @randowhale - include the URL to the post you would like to have voted on in the "Memo" field.
  • If @randowhale has sufficient voting power, you will receive a random % vote between 1%-100% on the post you requested. (Higher probability to receive lower % votes.)
  • If @randowhale does not have sufficient voting power, you will receive a refund and will not receive a vote.

Please Note:

  • If you abuse this beautiful creature, you will be blacklisted at my discretion, no questions asked.
  • There is a blacklist. If you're a spammer, you're probably on it.
  • This is intended to be fun, not profitable. If you're expecting profit, please do not submit any requests.
  • @randowhale will regularly buy SBD, convert to STEEM and repeat in order to help improve the $1 SBD peg.
  • Once the peg is again stable, STEEM/SBD will be burned and sent to @null.

Is it possible I could get a 1% vote? Or, a 100% vote?

  • Yep, give it a shot!
  • This could change at any time, depending on the amount of STEEM Power delegated to @randowhale. If this changes, a post will be made.

How much is a vote worth?

  • Currently, at 100% voting power, a 100% vote is worth $1.08.
  • Votes from @randowhale will never be excessive.


After the 3.5day conversion back to STEEM, what happens w/ the funds generated? Do those get burnt? Or is that being retained?


After reminding myself about how reading works and to not be stupid -- I see that the STEEM will just be recycled into purchasing more SBD and converting.


This comment just made my day lol 👏🏼

Happy to help.

Hi -- I'd like to know if you are still accepting SP delegations and paying out 85% of earnings, kind sir... 8-D

You posted about that 2 years ago, so I'm not sure if it's still a thing. TY in advance.

for you

Interesting. I always wanted to have the proper SBD peg back. Will certainly support this!

Now here's a good idea. Sweet

Interesting idea, hopefully it helps!

Why to bring back $1 SBD peg? Just for idea? This won't work for long.



@wongshiying 老王 迎着沙尘暴 undefined 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
