Tried Buying My First Thing With Steem Dollars (Although Not Directly... Yet)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

So I finally used Steem Dollars for something other than Steem Power (and of course the creation of LFNCOIN). Just to try it out, I sold a bit of SBD to get some Litecoin which I bought a gift card with.

Afterwards, I used the gift card and bought a Nintendo Switch protector case. It will arrive next week if all goes well.

So it was not a direct SBD use but as close as I could get, I think. Hopefully more places will accept Steem or SBD directly to make things easier.

Anyway, it felt great to get something physical for something that for me, up until now, have just been a hobby. Well... It still is just a hobby :D

While I already knew it was totally possible, and although I have followed crypto stuff for quite a while now, I still got a "crypto is for real" sense after paying with it. It think it boosted a subconscious feeling of how "real" it actually is somehow - a strange but amazing feeling. I mean, it's so weird trading what is essentially a form "likes" on a post for something you can hold in your hands. I guess it is hard to explain if you have yet to try it, but I can only recommend trying it, even if you, like me, prefer to mostly just power up.

In the future I can easily see myself using it more. But at the end of the day I still treat my time on Steemit as a hobby blog thing for me with magical internet coins - a fun thing to do.

I am looking forward to seeing more things being bought and sold for STEEM or SBD in the future.

Have you used SBD or STEEM to buy anything? I am interested in hearing how!


I have been definitely focused on putting my rewards back in for STEEM power and am really enjoying that investment. Resultant taxes and properly reporting from turning crypto into a fiat has given me pause, but more recent information for US tax policies sound like they've been shaken out to a degree that it may stay consistent for a bit. I am just not tax savvy so I am trying to keep it simple for my sanity haha

No, I haven't. But the fact that you are cool enough on Steemit to be able to by physical purchases is awesome!!!