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RE: Would Mass Adoption Make Steem More Equal?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Agreed, and Steem will not just be integrated by other social media networks without 3 important factors:

  1. An Open source initiative to make it plug and play for all websites with very professional step by step tutorials for NON-PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE developers in different languages
  2. A specific plan to get deals done with large corporate social media platforms and hosting services to provide WYSWIG integration, and plug-ins.
  3. the resources and team to do such (designer, developer, marketer, tech writer, a blockchain expert, social media expert, server hosting, project leader and small budget)

Probably could be kicked off in a couple of weeks and alpha out in a 2 months and early adopters could be worked on simultaneous for alpha phase....

Interested in going for funding, I would be willing lend a hand work on the project...

contact me at if you want to collaborate.....


Those three items you mentioned are definitely important for the growth of Steem.
I'm not a programmer, so can't help in that area.
My project doesn't need funding, just active users.