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RE: In support of inertia's Steem documentation proposal (an SPS proposal)

in #steem5 years ago

I'm not a programmer. I don't know anything.
I don't know if most poor people here would agree to $35.80 per hour.
That amount is too much for me IMHO, as one of the poor people here.

I guess we have also to consider how much money @inertia already earned on steem ecosystem and maybe lower the cost of his expertise.

And in the future, how do we know that those recommended people for the proposals are not the same person or people or maybe the same group of friends trying to monopolize this system?


You aren't a programmer and you don't know anything (your words) but you say he is potentially going to be paid too much? What he's doing it pretty invaluable. If you understood how software is built, you would not have written this comment. I promise.

That is such a backward way of thinking. So because you are "poor" you think that someone else should earn less? What inertia has earned in the past is irrelevant, would you be ok in taking a job with less earnings just because you earned some money in another job?

And in the future, how do we know that those recommended people for the proposals are not the same person or people or maybe the same group of friends trying to monopolize this system?

For pete's sake! Ask around, everyone who has been here long enough (and is actually interested in finding out) knows who is inertia.

Besides, what's important is the actual proposal. If you actually read the post you would understand that the work that is being proposed would potentially benefit all of us in the long run and make you less "poor".

@ronel. Please don't embarrass yourself 😖😓😖. Delete this comment ASAP.

Posted using Partiko Android

He won't be able to because it has been replied to already, including by you.

He can still edit it.

He can edit it. The comment looks really weird. Negative energy without sound knowledge.

Posted using Partiko Android

for it-consultancy in the land of the free leaders of the west and europe thats not really a very high wage, relatively speaking ... but i understand what you mean there, in some places thats a weeks food , right or more ... dont have to tell me i count €5 a day as budget normally but well yea , its not really all that preposterous if youd see some of the fees consultants get here lol
, as for the proposal, i voted for it weeks ago if im not mistaken, those docs can use some SERIOUS maintenance ... a bit of php libs would be nice too for the $36/hour lol (but im guessing it mostly python, right ? the in-thing .. and maybe the ancient nodejs but fine yea im all for it one of the best proposals i saw ... good a titan like @blocktrades actively follows up those things

and never mind those people calling you names because you dont know coding .. its ... well some of that is pretty much elite and some of them feel like that because they can .. .(i have no idea why really but thats how it is ... dont lose sleep over it)

and also (chucklze ... i hope i dont get the evil eye now ) ::

its a free market now : anyone can come in with the same proposal and underprice it ... :)
and if no one does then either no one's interested or confident enough ....

'free market' :)

as perspective , i knew guys personally who got 'rented out' for like over 1200 an hour, now that's not what they get and in soviet hellgium here after taxes that's not what the bossman gets either

but that's what they cost to the companies temporary hiring them ... the worlds a bit skewed on the moneyside

This is a continuation of his previous proposal, so you may need to vote for the new one if you only voted for the first one. A couple of voters have already told me that they didn't realize there was a second proposal that needed to be upvoted to continue the work after his previous proposal expired.

Ridiculous . I recently got into a discussion about “poor” people and the gist of what the person was saying was Steem should support all poor people . You realize this would wreck Steem ? Inertia earned and yes, even bought Steem. This doesn’t mean the hates poor people .

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol, $36/hr is a really low wage for a skilled worker in the US or Europe. Coincidentally the cost of living in these places in a decent city is extremely high.

Skilled workers need to be paid a fair wage for their talents commensurate to what they could make elsewhere.

Let the rich people vote for the proposal and poor are free to counter it. Let's see who win ...he he he!

I read somewhere, to get richer, you should think and act the way rich think! ...else poor are doomed to remain poor.