Writers, Why not Cross Post on STEEMIT and Earn?
This article is aimed to be broadcasted outside as well as inside the STEEM blockchain and was inspired when I saw a fantastic Urban Exploration post about a deserted hotel in the Azores.
I do tweet some of my posts and get some likes and occasional comments from other people that are NOT integrated into STEEM, but sometimes scratch my head on why they are not cross-posting their articles and earning something.
As for the excellent article person, I did respond and recommended this action only to be ignored.
I can see the thinking behind the reader. Cryptocurrencies = Scam.
Crypto has such a bad rap that many think this without investigating. When there is news its usually negative news. I’m looking at my phone using the BBC application and what do I see?
‘Bitcoin worth $41m stolen in huge hack’
Is it any wonder that you, the non-crypto person who has read this far is sceptical? I know I would be.
Did you know that Bitcoin (you know.., that scam) has more than doubled in value during the last few months? You will hear it in the news soon no doubt.
To all those people that use Facebook, post photographs and a few words about your new car / getting pissed drinking beer / showing off your holiday tan / and are earning ZERO for your efforts this is probably NOT for you.
Like anything else in life, you don’t get something for nothing and I’m not one of these, ‘Come and join us and get RICH!’ hawkers.
‘STEEM and its interfaces are only for serious writers’
That’s a load of crap. You can be as serious as you like or as crazy too. With no central authority to tell you what you can do or not you can write what you like.
‘You just said it’s not for Facebook people who want to boast about this and that with minimal effort’
Oh, you can do that if you like, but don't expect much in terms of rewards. There are no fixed and hard rules about anything.
‘How much do earn per post, article or whatever you call them?'
That varies, but usually between $5 and $10 US Dollars.
‘Bah, that’s crap and not worth the effort!’
Really, but how much do you gain from your posts on Facebook, Medium, Reddit or your own personal blog which you have to pay a yearly fee for domain space, is it more than that?
‘What are you getting out of this scammer, a piece of my prospective pie?’
Nothing, there are no referral links and it’s not a pyramid scheme. I simply want the platform to grow and be mass accepted.
‘I hear tales about it being hard work to get started on something like Steemit, and earning next to nothing’
Yes, it’s all true. Unlike Facebook where all your friends live you will likely know nobody. Seriously, what do you expect? We all come and vote your wonderful content up without knowing who you are?
Like anything else, it needs to be worked. If you can write, believe me, you will be noticed in a relatively short period of time by the likes of @curie and other incentives.
Just don’t expect too much or you will be disappointed. This is not a ‘Get Rich Quick’ scheme.
‘I also hear tales about people who have given this a try and had their accounts destroyed by bullies’
I won't beat about the bush, it does happen but only if you are being a complete arsehole and trying to scam the system/abuse the reward pool.
The community is a tight one and people do give a shit about standards. We don’t want wankers posting rubbish and trying to gain a quick buck.
‘Your use a lot of expletives, you should be banned and your language is fucking disgraceful’
That's the freedom we get on a decentralised platform. I wrote like this quite intentionally so you can witness it. It can't and won't be removed by any 'admins' as there are no 'admins'.
You technically can't get thrown off Steemit, unless you deviate into highly taboo subjects such as arms promotion, radicalisation or paedophilia (these are examples).
If you want to know more then send a reply to me on Twitter or message on Facebook. At the cost of alienating some ‘friends’ I will post this on the latter platform.
There is nothing to lose. It will cost you a big fat ZERO. STEEM is a real cryptocurrency, has value and is NOT toy money.
It can be freely exchanged on all the major exchanges for BitCoin, Etherium and into Fiat currencies (US Dollars, Euros or British Pounds) via some exchanges.
You can join Steemit (just one of the interfaces into the STEEM blockchain at https://steemit.com/
Accounts typically take 2-3 weeks to create or you can pay for an instant one, OR I can create an instant one for you FREE. Just let me know and you can consider it done.
If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.
I think one angle that has worked for me as far as getting people to try it out is to target YouTubers. They are used to working hard and not making anything much for their trouble. I have been able to bring about a dozen, maybe a third are still going a year plus.
That's a good percentage, the best I have seen yet! Wonder why the others left.
A couple of the others never got a good start. However most interesting is two of them did get nice votes of over $50 from Dtube. However, they worried about the legality of crypto.
I actually posted about Steem on Facebook today (again). A couple of friends who already use it liked that post, but that's about it. It is an uphill battle to get people to try it, so I try to aim for people who I think might get it.
I think what we need is for a few well-known people to start using it so we can point to them as examples.
Exactly my experience :) Only those of my friends who already are here like, comment and appreciate my Facebook posts about Steem :D :/ The rest (99% of my FB friends base) just ignore it...
That’s the problem. It’s so hard to get folks to actually commit to trying it out. It’s mind boggling. In the comic world, I have friends or acquaintances that write fantastic pieces with awesome insight. Yet each attempt to wrangle them here thus far is ignored or push aside with a “I’ll check it out”.
We need a better pitch and I don’t know what that is.
There are some, but it's usually extremists who have been kicked from the centralised social media sites. Is the STEEM blockchain the last stand? I would prefer it not to and attract the masses.
You can earn something by cross-posting. I'm not asking people to ditch their blogs, just duplicate (with citation).
We have some extremists and some who are known in the crypto world, but we need more household names, e.g. musicians, writers, entertainers. It may not be as simple as cross-posting as they really need time to respond to comments.
That is true, I can only try and promote what we have as best I can.
Same here. I have tried to make bands aware of it, but they may be overloaded just dealing with FB, Twtr etc where they can reach a much bigger audience. If some of them decide to go all in with Steem they could get their true fans to follow them so they can give their support. Maybe we need to give a push to some of the great creators we already have so they can show others what is possible.
Great post to get the word out about Steemit
I was just posting on steem for about a year, but now I share on Twitter and some times on facebook and have had some ask me about it, we have to do what we can to draw new people onto the platform
Thanks Jay, we can only try and let people know about it.
Exactly I note many are sharing steemit posts on Twitter
I also wonder why the cross posting interfaces haven't taken off better... share2steem and steempress are tools that should be better publicised... after all... you are just crossposting... no extra effort needed other than the set up!
We definitely need more articles like these, I hope that it brings some new people to Steemit, especially the ones who are completely new to crypto.
Though, a lot of these new members tend to give up pretty quickly when they only earn a couple of cents :-/
I have managed to get 2 or 3 in before, but they have all left long ago. The bear market saw to that.
I do think steemit must make a promotional committee or something to spread the word around that steem is a platform that can solve real world problems @slobberchops like poverty mainly and of course freedom of expression among other things. :)
It can help, but the community tends to like quality. Great work does stand out as there is so much crap and people trying to make a quick dollar. It's just not like that.
Most of those I tried to convince to join Steemit told me they were not bloggers nor writers. They were happy with their FB accounts and did not dared to look into Steemit just because it was linked to crypto. I do cross-posting and I amused to see that each time I post on FB an article from Steemit it gets only a few likes and that's it. Though when I post on Steemit something from my FB or one of my two personal websites, I get real comments and upvotes. Which is better? Obviously Steemit!
Yes, I get little feedback on FB and risk the thought that my 'friends' think I'm in some sort of cult.
Sometimes there's a little more to it than that.
It can be, I'm speaking from personal experience only.
Do you have any links to a Facebook or twitter post for this. I think it's a great overview and one that I'm happy to spread around. I have no following on twitter but it might be time to start more promotion on facebook where everybody that I know has an account.
I also have little in terms of followers on Twitter though it's building with cross-posts from STEEM. I'm at work now so can't forward you the links, but will later.
Excellent mate!!!! It’s a pity that steemit inc is not doing a campaign like this one!
We have to get focused on mass adoption and stop struggling between us and a Blockchain code which is already refined and improving.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Maybe one day they will do something, but until that day it's the likes of you and me who need help promote this very unique platform.