If I were Justin Sun ...

in #steem4 years ago (edited)

I might be able to forgive.

But I will NOT forget.

Enough said and written already today


Let's hope for the best.

source: pinterest.com



My point exactly, 2 weeks in and put with his back against the wall... kind of unforgettable!

No matter how rich I would be, I would always hold on to certain norms, values and principles. (but I'm not him)

Have a !BEER on me man! Those are my values!

Thanks man, Cheers.

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Steem will be fine i think, just another road bump :)


Are those Tron girls? If so, I'll switch even tonight.

Make that two ...

You would also be rich as fuck.

True, still I'm quite happy with who I am and what I've accomplished without having all that money.

(and maybe he doesn't even give a shit)

Considering how he's actively chasing it, I think he does. Then again, who ever understands the minds of rich as fuck individuals?

You sure got a point with those last words.

Lol glad I could. Did you see his interview on CNN? Steemit got a cameo

Me neither. I would be like Dr Evil behind closed doors plotting my rewenge

hehe, and I will probably play this song to stay in the mood ...

Hehe, aye, that one would do the trick!

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