Back to Facebook

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Back to Facebook

Dear reader - Steem has been renamed to Hive since May 2020. My content therefore has moved with me to Hive, and I hope to see you there:



Can't help you there.

I still use Facebook these days. Not to post. Just messaging people and reacting to posts, etc.

You are forgiven because it’s about felting, the end justifies the means!

Ha, thanks! Someone who understands. I can't wait to show you some of the results as I know you love your wool :D

Looking forward to it!

facebook has its uses. and thats exactly what i do. i use it. i don't support it, nor do i give it permissions or information to the best of my ability.

maybe you cd consider bringing those felters to steemland?? and if you think about investing... you know where to go.

Yes - that's the right way to word it, "I use it, I don't support it". I should make a disclaimer for every comment or post I make on that platform :D

maybe you cd consider bringing those felters to steemland??

Yes - see my last paragraph - If we have the communities feature I'm definitely going to try. Onboarding communities has a chance as 'they' will already know each other and Steem won't be such a big scary place. Then slowly but surely introduce them to #creativecoin, then to the whole 'Steem picture'. The smaller the unit we can onboard people in, the bigger the chance of getting them hooked - I think/hope/predict.

u go grl!!

So here I am. Confessing. Feeling gross, dirty, a cheater

:) :) :) :P

So, how do you feel cheater?

I feel Yuck.

And I feel excited with all the knowledge I gained.

Help! It's confusing.

Oh no'll get out of this mess all by yourself. hahaha

Jokes aside, It ain't a bad thing to visit overcrowded places from time to time

Lol! You are right - I made the mess, I clean up the mess.

I'll work on it :D

And yes, the crowds are fun - the trick will be for me to keep on checking if I get more out of using the platform then it 'costs' me in time and mental health :P And if the time spent on there keeps me from building the one place that could possibly replace it, which is of course Steem.


Nothing wrong with using Facebook. Just remember to share some good Steem articles over there to spread the love :)

upvoted for the cool art, did you make that black facebook logo? we should make a black upside down FUCkbook token for steemengine use it to pay people who delete their facebook OR NO who USE facebook to promote steem :) Use charities to get around the crypto shadow bans, facebook may ban us steem users or shadow man us, but they wouldnt ban a SJW LGBTQ group that uses steem would they? We will get GLAD on their asses for discriminating against a platform that is the only hope of LGBT Iranians or Russians, to express themselves. IMAGINE if we went down that road and FORCED the Left SJW people to buya nd promote steem for HUMAN RIGHTS issues?

Hehe - thanks! Glad you liked the art. The black 'F' I found on a free-to-use icon site, from there I created the thumbnail.

I think actively convincing people to promote Steem on Facebook with some sort of FB token is a cool idea :D And have an extra huge bonus for people who can prove they removed their Facebook profile all together - of course only after they tried to convince their friends/family/communities to come to Steem.

It's a huge challenge though - Facebook has a strong pull to many. Not to the younger generations though - we also need to figure out where the 'young people' hide and market Steem over there - I have a feeling they will need less convincing to come over here :-) (Especially if we have a well-functioning mobile app - can't go without mobile to the younger ones!)

Damn how come no one has come up with that before. Thats a perfect idea. Lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Bad girl!
Shame on you :)
Joking aside I have started to consider to give in, too. Facebook is a powerful tool and the approach "I use it, I don't support it" is somehow reassuring...

Sorry! :')

Yes - it's really powerful and you can connect with so many different people for so many purposes... Just don't give into the 'checking fb 10 times a day' - but use it for the exact goal you have in mind.

I will forgive you if you do :P (Please forgive me too :D)

The convenience trap.

The fall is long - still didn't hit the ground.

It’s OK. Facebook is excellent for many things. It wouldn’t be so popular if it completely sucked.

Without Facebook I never would have found people I travelled with back in my early 20’s. And for that I am eternally grateful. Plus, it helps for keeping in touch with friends/family who are far away more easily. And it is a great way to find out about events in my city, or to help people find lost pets, etc, etc.

I think Facebook has some pretty evil things happening, like making their employees watch killings, suicides, terrorism for 8 hours a day with '9 minutes a day of supervised (!) mental health breaks'... It gives me goosebumps. Then taking their mental health care after they leave the job even though they leave with/because of trauma.

And yeah, it's freaking convenient too and it has made a lot of good things possible in my/our lives as well. But I'm having an honestly hard time forgiving myself for 'making them money' by using their site.


Which is why we need Steem to succeed, more than all the other stuff.

Honestly a large appeal of facebook is it's Groups (aka: communities). That ability for anyone to create a community and have people join and contribute/access specific information. Something Steem has been trying to figure out for some time.

Yes! That's why from a user standpoint I'm way more excited about Communities than SMT's :D If we can onboard the smaller communities and go from there we have a real chance of expanding our user base.