Steemit Update [Oct 6th, 2022] : Steemit Engagement Challenge Communities for Season 5

in #steem2 years ago (edited)

Thank you to all the communities who applied for Season 5 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

Eighteen communities applied in total with many good applications.

We have now been through all the applications and selected the six communities to take part in Season 5 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge, alongside the Crypto Academy.

Steemit Engagement Challenge Communities for Season 5

The communities we have selected for Season 5 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge are…

Please would the leader of each selected community confirm acceptance in a comment below and include their contact details (Discord / Telegram).

We will be in touch with the selected communities to help them prepare for Season 5 of the Engagement Challenge.

The communities should prepare contests to run each week.

These contests should be free to enter for everyone. There should be no requirement or obligation to set a beneficiary or make a delegation, to the community to participate in the contests, and there should be no favoritism of selection or voting to those who have set a beneficiary or made a delegation.

To take part in the Engagement Challenge people should enter these contests - and make valuable, relevant comments on other posts in the contests.

The Communities selected for Season 5 should ensure they promptly check and comment on all posts for their weekly contests.

The minimum they should check for are #club status, Steem exclusivity, plagiarism and bot use.

To help @steemcurator01 and @steemcurato02 curate the contest posts more effectively we are looking for community Mods to use a clear, simple and easy-to-read comment format.

Communities are free to design their own comment formats but it is ideal if all Mods in a particular community use a common, standard format.

Each week we would like all 7 Challenge communities to make a post on their community account announcing the three people who have demonstrated the most engagement in their weekly contest both through the quality of their contest post and the quantity and quality of their comments on other people’s contest posts.

We will leave it to each community to decide how they select their weekly winners, but they should include in their announcement posts a brief summary of their selection process.

All the weekly winners, as well as the community announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.

We hope you will all enjoy taking part in Season 5 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

Look out for more news about the Challenge on @steemitblog and in the selected communities.

Thank you

The Steemit Team


Agradecidos por la selección de nuestra hermosa comunidad #Scouts y sus amigos

Como Administrador de la misma, confirmo la aceptación como tal de las tareas y funciones como comunidad del Challenge.

@fjjrg - Discord fjjrg#1170

Un gran saludo

1 Cintillo fjjrg.gif

Congratulations my teammate

Muchas gracias amiga, igualmente, nos volvemos a encontrar en esta 5ta edición del Steemit Engagement Challenge, compañera.

Saludos y muchos éxitos.

Congratulations to our dear community ma'am. More grace to @steem4nigeria.

Terimakasih telah mempercayakan komunitas STEEM FOR BETTER LIFE sebagai pennyelenggara kontes Steemit Enggagement Chalenge Season 5, saya menerima dan akan melaksanakan sebaik baiknya

discord : heriadi#1116

Thank you for choosing hot news community for season 5. I on behalf of the hot news Community team accept this trust to carry out the steemit engagement challenge contest season 5. My discord : alee75#9065

Que alegría recibir hoy esta noticia, el equipo de Steem Venezuela está muy animado con esta selección en la 5ta sesión del SEC, gracias por apreciar nuestro trabajo, con mucho gusto aceptamos este nuevo reto.

Twitter: @tocho2_oficial
Discord: tocho2#8353
Telegram: @tocho2_oficial

Thanks for the timely update about the upcoming season of the engagement challenge, Steemitblog. As a community, Steem4Nigeria is glad to be back in the challenge, we accept our participation and we look forward to making it count.

We appreciate the team for considering us for this edition. We also congratulate all other selected communities and wish everyone the best. I hereby invite my fellow Admins (@ngoenyi and @xkool24) to leave their contact details on this. We #steem-on.

Contact Details

Discord: fredquantum##3622.

We are glad to be honored in this way.


Discord: Ngoenyi 2#0664

Our highly esteemed gratitude for this opportunity once again.
Discord: Xkool24#1305

Many thanks

Un gusto ver nuevamente a Steem4Nigeria en esta actividad. Estoy seguro que harán un grandioso trabajo. Espero poder acompañarles en todos sus concursos.

Congratulations to the Steem Nigerian team. We hope for the best in this season 5.

Es un gusto y un honor ver a Colombia-Original enlistada en esta 5ta temporada de retos, esperamos hacer el mejor trabajo posible para incentivar a los steemians a participar, crear, innovar y ser auténticos en sus participaciones, crearemos el mejor ambiente comunitario para esto.

Nuevamente gracias por la oportunidad, la aceptamos con mucho gusto.

Discord: nahela#9211 / Telegram: @nahelaruiz

vote for your wishes congratulations

Felicitaciones para la comunidad Colombia original siempre destacan por los temas de los concursos y la verificación en el tiempo justo😁

Thanks for the choice, I ratify the confirmation of my fellow community manager @tocho2 acceptance to participate in the engagement Steemit challenge, pleased to work to create more dynamics within the communities in Steemit. Greetings to the team!

Team Contacts:
Telegram: @Edlili24
Discord: edlili24#1697
Twitter: @tocho2_official
Discord: tocho2#8353

Congratulations to all selected communities!!
Good luck!