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RE: Happy Birthday Steem!

in #steem5 years ago

Happy Birthday Steem and Steemit inc. We started the distribution of commemorative badges to our oldies Steemians.

We wish a long live to our favorite blockchain and, for sure, all the projects and developments you mention will contribute. Thanks for what you are doing at Steemit inc.

Happy Birthday! 🎉🎈🎂🎉🎈


Steemit its your birthday, Godbless you this day, you gave me the gift of a brand new blockchain
Happy Birthday Steemit, Steemit its your Birthday
Happy Birthday Steemit, Steemit its your Birthday
I wish you luck with ads
i wish you luck getting SMTs on their feet
I wish you luck with Mass Adoption
and your first investment from wallstreet
Happy Birthday Steemit, Steemit its your Birthday
Happy Birthday Steemit, Steemit its your Birthday