Steemitri The Mannequin: STEEM price analysis - The Banana run is over

in #steem6 years ago

Dear Steemians!

In today’s post I am going to explain STEEM’s progress in the past months and I will tell you how the market could change in the next hours!

It will look ridiculous, almost a joke, but also today I will use the help of my beloved bananas!


The bananas’ theory never fail to succeed! It is a very popular fruit that goes across cultures and borders, a nice example of success. This is due to its curve, which we find in STEEM’s graphs!

Here is the current banana-chart :

As you can notice from the graph, the third cycle of the Banana-pattern is about to end! Everything has gone smoothly, from the biggest to the smallest banana (Banana1-Banana2-Banana3).

At this point the reverse banana cycle should start, therefore following the curve of the fruit upwards! Banana4 should get to 4 USD by mid-September, while Banana5 will end in December getting to 9 USD!!!

After Banana5 there could be Banana7 with unimaginable results! Banana6 has been cancelled during the years because it brought bad luck!

Remember by the way to never keep 6 bananas in your house! Better if they are in odd numbers!

Well, we are done for today!

Do not eat more bananas than those you are able to digest.
This post is my personal opinion, do your own research before buying too many fruits.
I am not responsible for any of your losses, but if you make some profit feel free to send me a few SBD.
By reading this post you acknowledge and accept that.

Steemitri The Mannequin


Creative Commons License
This work (text and photos) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.



I heard of this banana theory before and this is a confirmation to me after seeing this form many times in the years. Buffet has written some secret documents about it. He used to say "a banana per day keep the bearish away". And people can swear he always carry some bananas with him. Of course these are not financial advices. Everyone is responsible for is bananas and should eat them responsibly!

"In bananas we trust"

Hahaha LOL!
I love Buffet's famous quote, haha!
Did you know that Che Guevara used to smoke Cubana Bananas?!?!
Yes... Bananas are great!

Sorry I missed this one! :(

Always funny and creative!

Hey @kus-knee! Don't worry ;-)
Grazie per il voto :-)

Here you can find my latest fun post:
Steemitri The Mannequin’s tutorial: how to straighten up a banana

Exactly, Buffet has enjoyed a banana buffet every day for the last 70 years. That's why he is so rich in vitamins and minerals.

Hahaha LOL... Rich in vitamins, minerals, and everything else (except cryptos).

Buffet understands bananas but not cryptos. Can you blame him? After all, bananas are a lot easier to understand than cryptos. He has famously said you don't have to scarf down everything.

Yep that's right bananas are a lot easier to understand :-)
Have a great day!

You, too! As you go about the rest of your day, you can listen to this guy, rich in knowledge of vegetable, animal and mineral.

Haha!!! This is hilarious! Lyrics are great!

Mi piace sempre più questa banano-terapia... d'altronde è l'unico frutto dell'amor, giusto?

Un fruttuoso abbraccio da @amico"

Come dicevo anche Charles... l'unico frutto delle crypto è la banana :-)
Oggi sta andando sotto l' 1... ma come vedi dal grafico (Banana4), scende per poi salire come un razzo!

Un genio, ecco cosa sei

deusjudo (57)
Un genio, ecco cosa sei

Mi hai tolto le parole di bocca... Mitico Steemitri! :)

Haha grazie! È un frutto che mi rende creativo :-)
Beh a Panama dovreste essere pieni... sei fortunato!

Sì, qui è davvero pieno. Di tutte le fogge: rosse, violacee, al sapore di mela... Diventeresti matto :)

Fantastico!!! Il mio mondo!
Poi mandami qualche foto con queste varietà ;-)

Per ora ho queste! 1$ a casco 😁

Quelle piccoline non le ho mai viste... come sono?
... e pensare che ho viaggiato per 1 anno dal Messico fino in Argentina.

Queste in realtà non le ho ancora assaggiate. Dobbiamo tutto a una ragazza tedesca che ha creato un oasi/giardino/orto organico in cui ha piantato semi primari che cerca in giro per il paese. il risultato è una varietà incredibile di frutta e verdura che difficilmente troviamo altrove. Uno spettacolo!

Un genio se va come deve andare, haha.
Dai, ricontrolliamo a settembre e poi dicembre :-)
Un super salutone
Steemitri The Mannequin

Se ci azzecchi facciamo la posizione per farlo diventare strumento di analisi tecnica

Lol. Hilarious! I’ve been programmed to respond to anything concerning bananas

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey @umami! Nice to see you here ;-)
Banana is magic!!!
Have a great day!

Yes banana is bananas. Banana yellow magic program.

Posted using Partiko iOS

É un grafico bananario il tuo!!! Speriamo siano giuste le tue previsioni ;-D

Già già super-bananario :-)
Non ci resta fare altro che aspettare, mentre ci gustiamo un milk-shake alla banana ;-)
A presto!

Speriamo e preghiamo e stiamo attivi.....ora et labora ;-)))))

This made me laugh - THANK YOU!

Hi Rosanne!
Thanks a lot for your comment!
We are in Banana 4 ... everything goes according to plan ;-)
If you want to laugh a little bit more, you can find some other funny, weird, strange, creative stuff on my blog :-)
Big plastic-banana hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

I definitely feel like a Banana 3, but I'm hoping for a quick Banana 5 situation! :')

It depends if it's more green or ripe banana ;-)
Ripe bananas are not a good sign!
Let's check tomorrow... and let's have a big Banana Party after Banana4 and 5 :-)

Friend @steemitri very wise your theory with the banana hahaha, well let's hope the market goes up because it does not seem that way :(

Don't worry hombre!!! Everything goes up now ;-)

Come tuo solito, geniale!!!
Presto lo Steem raggiungera la luna a suon di sbalzi bananosi!
Grandioso, un abbraccio!

Tutto procede secondo i piani... come puoi notare in Banana4 andremo leggermente sotto la soglia di 1USD per risalire lungo la buccia della banana!
Se matura al punto giusto vedremo grandi numeri... se marcisce siamo fritti!

eheheheheh..un ottima analisi di mercato...impeccabile! ;)
...allora speriamo non marcisca...ahahahahah

I think your banana posts affected me subconsciously and made me start my BANANA PROGRAM

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha... I was thinking, we always have some similar strange ideas, hahaha

Para bailar Banana...
Oh yes... C'mon!