Obstacles to Steem adoptionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem4 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Obstacles to Steem adoption

Steem is no longer decentralised and may steal your funds. Use Hive instead.


Welcome page you refer to is 404 now.

Also we need a good landing page for a cold new steemers at least.

Looks like Steempeak changed the links. Should be pointing to Steemit or they should duplicate the pages.

Good list. Very reasonable.

I would combine your picks to describe an unfriendly, unwelcoming culture devoid of a sense of justice or fairness.

Our tech isn't friendly and easy, nor are our community rules and understanding. Steem is not easy, friendly or fair. Those who are sensitive will likely not be comfortable here.

I'm not sure we can fix that, so I guess we hope for thick skinned, self starters who aren't impacted a lot by other people's judgements. :)

Yet a lot of people who are not involved in the various feuds continue to use it. It's easy to get lost in the fights and negativity, but that is only part of the story. Still, it will put people off. Latest blackmail memos will not help matters.

Weaknesses of DPOS, there are also strengths though

so I guess we hope for thick skinned, self starters who aren't impacted a lot by other people's judgements. :)

.....thats greenpeace and extinction rebellion ruled out then!

I hope the friendly jesting came through in my comment. I love our dysfunctional little family, but I clearly see how odd it looks to others.

You think? lol

Something alien, I guess, though I took to it like a duck to water. I'm not normal though ;)

Totally agree with all of these barriers you brought up. I spend a lot of time talking to people IRL about Steem and getting them an account and trying to walk them through it.

The process is arduous, but occasionally I can get someone to make a post or two. I managed to pull together a lot of the common questions and put together this page — https://Steemleo.com/faq

Now when I sign someone up, they get a Steem account, a link to that page and I answer all their other questions over text, of course. I try to down play Steem as much as I can — in the sense that I don’t try to explain everything on Steem to them, I just explain what Steemleo is and I mention that it runs thanks to a technology called the Steem blockchain — similar to how people explain what a website or what social media is today — Twitter is a social media app.. but they don’t tell their new users everything about the internet that it runs on. What you see is twitter and that’s what matters to twitter users.

Posted via Steemleo

The Leo FAQ looks a lot like the Steemit one. I see Leo doing some good stuff like the store, but I tend to use Steempeak as I want to see all posts.

Steem is hard to explain and when you add tribes to the mix they may give up. We need ways to ease people into posting here. Once they grasp the concepts they can branch out.

All good points. All ones I agree with.


Hi @steevc

a few very good points and sadly I had to agree to many points.

The user-interface and onboarding SUCKS

But couldn't this be changed?

@steempeak made a new explore page on their beta.steempeak.com

I love it; it's the first view that is less confusing and rather comprehensive.
I hope we'll have a landing page like this one day.

wow, this feels way better as old school steemit.com

those guys are doing a fantastic job! I never looked back at steemit.

Yes, and a !BEER for you

Hey @captainklaus, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

We have several ways to access Steem now and some improve a lot on Steemit. I think Steemit Inc have said they just wanted to provide a reference site and let others do their own thing to offer a better experience.

We do need tools to make it easier to set up new users. I create accounts with Steempeak and Steem World, but they really need to change the keys and that is not simple.

Fully agree. This is not what an typical artist can handle - or even care about.

I set it up for they and tell them just post as before on Insta....

Maybe an account should be setup including keychain; then the users would only need their own PW to access that...

A trusted party could wrap Steem so that users can just use a password, but it should force them to change the keys and take control once they reach a certain amount of Steem. For now you only need to set up Keychain once anyway. I would hope there's a decent tutorial on that somewhere.

A trusted party could wrap Steem so that users can just use a password

maybe account creation could be implemented into keychain?

All some good points, but one of the most important, (at least I think so), is the world reach. I don't know if 3speak, or dtube ever have not available in your region, when it comes to video sharing, I have seen that a lot on video's that are linked in steem post.

You mention Facebook, I don't face book and very rarely visit a facebook page, so a question. How many people in different countries do you visit on a regular basis on face book? Russia? Kenya? Argentina? Poland? Portugal? Bali? Venezuela? Nigeria? Slovakia? Are all those peoples and countries as easily accessible on face book as on steem? I know I get a lot of Not available in your region messages from Youtube when visiting videos posted by people in countries other than America. I know facebook and yt are also world wide, but is seeing and finding post and pages from them as easy on facebook as it is on steem block chain?

People talk about content discovery on SBC, but I have no difficulty finding things from different areas of the world, and with google translate, and many post being made in multiple languages, is that not one of the greatest strength of SBC? If I do a search for anything on google most results are American centric to me, I do not get results often from other countries unless I put the country name in the search.

I think Youtube are very sensitive to controlling who can watch what where as they need to stay friendly with the media companies. If 3speak and dtube break the laws they could find local law enforcement on their door. It's a hard system to fight as the companies have paid politicians to fight their case.

I use Facebook where it is useful, i.e. to stay in touch with some friends and organise events. I don't look too much at stuff from abroad.

In the past many of my friends were active on the Steemit platform. but now they are leaving steemit. there are a variety of reasons they leave. One reason, they see a lot of posts on only accounts that have high steempower who get votes. whereas those who just joined are not appreciated. And I think this is unfair for users who don't have high power. I used to hope that this platform would develop and support every user.

I keep saying the votes need to be distributed better. Those who just vote for their friends or maximum rewards do not help matters.

Great post.

I do think we need some big names come on Steem. Like a Jake Paul or Pew Di Pie. Those are just thrown off the top pf my head. There may be big names who are more suitable for our platform than those two.

But my point is we need to build the brand outward and upward and getting a few big YTers would NOT hurt.

Pew Die Pie joined DLive, but I'm not sure how much good it did them. Any of these people with millions of followers could transform Steem, but do they want it to have a bigger audience first? I see more potential with those who have a few thousand followers and could do with earning something.

Very well summarised.

How about 'it's hard to make it not sound like a Ponzi scheme'.

There was some really interesting chat yesterday in the Witness Forum about the language sounding childish and/ or cultish too - Power Up and Witness for example....

The learning curve was also mentioned, although hopefully with Dapps this won't be such a big deal - as they develop, using Steem should hopefully become a bit more intuitive.

It is hard to explain how people can get paid with no ads or anyone paying in. I tend to phase out when people start explaining the intricacies of Steem finance.

I have thought that the sites could pop up help for new users suggesting things they could do. Remember Microsoft Clippy? Of course it should be easy to turn off, but it is not always obvious what to do. We need some good user experience people on the project teams.

I have talked about implementing gamification on STEEM front end quite a lot with close friends. Basically, make it feel exciting and vivid to use the blockchain. Sound effects, visual effects are often looked down upon by devs as “shallow eye candy,” but the look and feel of a system being pleasing is what matters to users. This is what is known as UX or User Experience.

If I were to develop anything to run a blockchain like STEEM, it would be treated like a video game, modular in build so it could run from top-of-the-line specs and VR all the way down to super-basic laptops. Basically a software approach instead of website, though the web client could be a gimped version of it.

Perhaps you should get to building. :)

Pop ups are a nice idea!