Whoaaa My First Actual Experience With The Resource Credit System! Forgive Them Blockchain, They Know Not What They Do!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem5 years ago

I thought I understood but I didn't really! Having been on Steemit for over a year I am fairly familiar with the majority of updates and developments and such. But today I question just how much I really understood about them. I have been sporadic in my growth here sometimes creating content fairly quickly and other times... Ugh not so hot.

Obviously, anybody looking at this account may be thinking I am delirious but of course I am not referring to this account. I am talking about my long-term account @stevenwood I have had many issues over the past year with some pretty massive life-stuff and also launching my witness on another blockchain, where I have a 'not massive', but significant stake.

I launched this account to promote the travel community here and shed a little light on some of the digital nomads we have in our midst, but sadly the timing was completely wrong and it lasted for a couple of posts and no more. I always fully intended to resurrect it once life became simpler and my time was at less of a premium.

The most annoying part is that a couple of friends on the platform sorted out procurement of the account for me as I was incredibly green about such things back then. One of then created the account and funded it with the required Steem I would need ((15 of course)) The other friend in all her majestic glory delegate me 500 Steem so that I had a flying start to my new journey.

But as I say life had other plans at the time and well the rest is, as they say, history!

So today I have time away from work and some family issues have resolved themselves recently and realise that time may well be now. I logged in after learning about all the Steem updates that have taken place recently and such and decided to get my ass back into gear.

So obviously it is my @stevenwood account that is going to start creating a little momentum again first of all but I thought I would check this account, pass-keys, wallet etc I made a couple of comments and votes and...

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Resource credits...Dead!!!

Of course I have heard people discussing this and ((with hindsight)) rather condescendingly thought... Oh what a shame, that must be terribly annoying.

Trust me when I tell you, that doesn't quite cut it!

What the hell did they do???


I am all for restricting bandwidth on day one, week one but let me tell ya, if I was a new onboardee on day 1 of my journey... I'd have left already! Seriously Steemit, give the new folks a chance...

What about a degrading ammount of delegation upfront that reduces each week/month at a sensible rate to enable folks to get off to the best possible start here. This way, the time-wasters, tyre-kickers and people who never use their account would have paid back whatever was delegated to them in full in a couple of months.

Yes I realise that I would have found myself in the same situation I am in right now, but that is on me I get it. I am merely viewing this as new community members first day.

What a bloody stupid system! Sorry what is we are forever talking about here, mass adoption being the goal or mass exodus?

The time is now Sunday evening and my resource credits have plummeted to 20% after the small number of actions I have undertaken. Wow! I am in shock at this restrictive and Draconian algorithm.

Yup as I suspected I was unable to click the post button... Trying again now... Thursday night... Hmmm... I wonder?

I suspect I may not even be allowed to post this... Let's see, shall we?


Looking forward to being among you all much, much more again. What's your thoughts on this resource credits situation?


Update... YES! The post went live! Although it did drain the mana from just under 80% to 34%!!!

I think before I resume sharing some awesome travel bloggers and digital nomads again, I may have a little fun with seeing just how much mana this account uses for what purposes!

Also as I am about to change my bank accout to one that does not cancel all of my crypto purchases!!! I may try and buy a little Steem too.

As Doris Day the great and recently deceased songstress would have said...

Que sera sera...