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RE: Moving to hive
^Lol ok. you just commented on a post that you did not upvote, and upvoted your own comment on that post. But socialism totally works, right?
^Lol ok. you just commented on a post that you did not upvote, and upvoted your own comment on that post. But socialism totally works, right?
have you ever heard of the term capital accumulation?
With a system based on capital accumulation you must push for the highest rate of profit or eventually be pushed back to the levels of working class. I must stay ahead of this if I ever wish to make change in society, this is just one of the reasons capitalism is destructive. The problem is not that socialism does not work, its that capitalism must destroy everything else to survive.
Yeah, I can understand why you upvoted yourself. What I don't understand is why you did not upvote the post you are commenting on. Surely he "must push for the highest rate of profit or eventually be pushed back to the levels of working class" as well. Why didn't you consider that and upvote his post? Aren't socialist suppose to be empathetic? Isn't that suppose to be the reason why you are a socialist? I didn't even agree with it and I upvoted (as a capitalist) just because I appreciate genuine thought.
I have read socialist books. It's hard to make it all way through most of them. They aren't that good. I do not like Stirner. I can't take someone serious while they are using the word spook.
The Conquest of Bread did a decent job of not being complete shit, though.
"Why didn't you consider that and upvote his post? Aren't socialist suppose to be empathetic?"
wow you are dense lmao.
its because revolution is the only way to save the tens of millions who die of poverty every year. All money that does not go to leads to more death. The most empathetic thing to do is not upvote the post of somebody not fighting for revolution
Ah, so you didn't upvote because you are retarded. Got it.
ah yes that is a very logical argument. Glad to see you are putting a lot of thought into your actions
I mean, how will people like us ever recover. Truly a devastating blow to socialism as a whole.
It is certainly more logical than the backwords ass pseudo-logic in your comment.
I stopped following you because of this comment. I'm sorry but you are obnoxious. I simply can't stand rich champagne-socialist hypocrites pretending to weep about the poor. You are sitting on a fortune, which could help hundreds of families. What do you do instead? Sit here on a capitalist social network site and bemoan how you are better than everyone else.
I could sell an ak-47 to feed a few families, or i could use it in an effort to save them all. I honestly don't care what you think of me, my goal here is progress.
You have zero understanding of capital accumulation or revolution. I think we both have one thing in common though. We are both class traitors
He's a massive asshole you never should have followed in the first place. Provides nothing of value to this platform.
I mean look at him - he thinks "all property is theft."
Toxic as hell.
Who said that politicians are good people? ... Difficult very difficult for a good person to succeed in politics .... Why? because to succeed in politics the person must be:
1- Knowing how to lie White Lies.
2- Perverse. Do good actions to the collective today to achieve a personal or individual goal
No feelings. If you have to do moral and ethical harm to someone in order to reach power ... Well, it's done.
Without values. Decisions must be made that go against human and religious values.
I can develop the topic here, but the above mentioned can you reader friend consider it necessary for a person to succeed in politics today ... The world and the way of doing politics is changing, but they are changing for the worse ... Today day a porn actress is considered a celebrity, instead a singer who dresses sexy and sensual dance is considered a vulgar without values ???
It is more profitable to give minutes and news space to scandals of porn actresses than to actresses who do excellent role in independent films ..... Not counting the news of human and natural catastrophes ....
that is what rises to the top under capitalism, other systems actually work it turns out.
also the type of people capitalism promotes is based on capital accumulation, that is why the worst get power.
Here is a picture of the moon from last night

I Refrained from Upvoting because i dont believe it deserves reward.
Especially since the folk it is direcred at could care less and will keep on abusing the system.
I think it's working, the folks are taking notice...
"capital accumulation"
the single phrase describing steemit
yeah its not going to end well at this rate
and judging by your comment you have zero understanding of any socialist theory
My brain melted reading this
what brain:) since I am on steemit for 2 years, I feel "fried"
Which part? lol
This guy is a supreme asshole who argues with intellectual dishonesty at the forefront of his strategy. He also longs to be ruled by Stalin, almost as if he has a fetish for degradation.
Ignore him.
Lolz @ you capitalist oppressors, both of yous!
I see all them dollars flyin around my post and me getting only cents!
I cry for justice! Revolution! :D
"Stand up you victims of oppression..."
My thought exactly haha
Nah, I'm dead serious man. This injustice simply cannot stand!
(gief upvotes lol, nudge nudge)
And besides I got a warm spot in my heart for the song. We sang it at school almost every day. I kinda have some first hand experience with these themes...
The art of politics is irony
Fork back your means of production, Comrade @compleatgamester. 😎
Sorry this is a very bad thing you are spreading here.
What, a joke? You actually downvoted the post because you a) don't get the joke and b) don't agree with it politically? And this carries real material damage to me?
You feel that you are justified in doing physical, material damage to my wallet just because you do not agree with me, because you "think" that I am doing "a very bad thing"? I don't recall internationalle being illegal, and I don't recall that making jokes is illegal. It is your opinion, and you exercise your power to materially hurt me because I have a different taste in humor?
Now imagine a person with opinions that you feel the worst possible - and that person buys a few hundred thousand dollars worth of steem and goes after you and your posts. Just because he can, he doesn't like your sense of humor, your political opinions or just doesn't like you personally. Just imagine that.
You just perfectly illustrated what is wrong with the downvotes system as it is now.
You mean damage to PENDING FUTURE POTENTIAL gain. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing can be taken from you that hasn't been given to you yet.
What matt-a said - if you don't hold it, you don't own it (yet).
And now for something personal: I LIVED through a goddamn communist dictatorship and I know what goddamn censorship and getting bullied for your opinions really is. My great-grandfather died in a communist "reeducation" camp for making "wrong jokes" and writing "wrong poems". And you DARE to downvote and therefore materially assault me for posting a "wrongthink" tongue-in-cheek joke about communism??!
Can you even perceive in that pea-brain of yours how "ironic" that is?!
"communist dictatorship"
Yeah, exactly that. Or how do you call a one-party single-ideology state? (hint: clue is in the name of the party) What? People's paradise?
I spent half my life behind iron curtain (won't go any further than that). I've got family members "exterminated" by both the communists and the nazis. But enough about me, what is YOUR experience with REAL communism and socialism?
also the USA is a single-ideology state, neo-liberal, and so is nearly every other state in existence today
im not a statist but a one-party democracy is a valid system, the problem was the failures they let in after stalin (and as an anarchist, i would say including stalin himself)
what i definitely dont see is any democracy around today
Don't argue with this asshole. He is a troll/agent provocateur designed to wear you out and waste your time. Don't give him anything to play against. Just totally ignore him. Mute him.
Ok i took my downvote back. Its quite misleading.
I would imaging he upvoted it so that it could be read by more people ( My guess only)