Comment Your Goals/Dreams/Visions/Innovation Ideas/Forgotten Aspirations/Noble intentions etc Below And I Will Tell You How To Bring It To Full-Blown Life On Steem, Starting With Your Steemit Posts

in #steem7 years ago (edited)
I will be getting back to my DM activities (, discord, facebook etc) again really soon! 

I used to be so-so-so active especially in the DMs and this may be very much unknown, except to many steemians. 

Even as a minnow, this was much the case! I already started to be part of many steemians' journey as well as part of the making of many initiatives running on steemit till date.

Normally, its those lowly blogs of mine and the sound it creates; and people would connect to the very person of me through these blogs and perceive or feel something and they would visit me in the DMs and i would answer.

Normally, they will come around to ask very simple yet tactical questions e.g how do i become like you; to which i would usually answer;

To be like me, you will have to stubbornly be awesomest version of you!

Even those times as minnow, i wasn't fretting away from giant questions. Many times, the questions many steemians had for me weren't simple questions like "how do i improve my steemit blog, what is SBD etc"; i don't know what they perceived or maybe i know but the questions where more tactical e.g "can you explain to me what "vision within dreams" by Ned Scott means" OR "Terry, i have this proposal in mind, can you please read it and tell me if i can go ahead with it on steemit or can you help me tweak it to befit the steemit community" etc. Then i would start to get simple whitepapers of projects and these lovely ones will want to know if their projects will work out here, based on my understanding of the steemit community etc

Every simple chat throughout the days even then, started to involve impromptu/on-the-spot decision-making and further indepth understanding of humans and life. 

I was also settling disputes! Lovely steemians started to perceive also my disposition when it comes to humans; the high-road, impartiality etc and would come to discuss their next cause of action and together we would save relationships playfully.

Even when i was minnow, whenever people are feel tied and are inclined to pinpoint to themselves constantly as minnows or redfish etc i would say:

You are whale to me!

I was always keener on the substance of the human and the person of the human behind the steemian!

Hahaha as minnow, I used to curate and comment and watch and observe and by means of these simple interactions and i would spot talent or potential talent and reach out to them and we would go to the DMs and there were many who i reached out to, by this means. 

My first community existed then, called "steemitisbeautiful" followed by Steem Lab, which was among the few steemit discord servers in existence. I used to get drained at the time; "hours of chat", where i would offer myself willingly to speak mostly about life (to answer questions like; "how do i succeed on steemit") because understanding life and humans fully and success will follow, steemit and beyond. 

I had my first set of steemian mentees; special youths from India, Nepal and South Africa, Nigeria, Philippines, USA, Spain etc. 

I learned even more about humans and life on steemit

I have done so much of life and understand it, to really amazing heights (infact this is one of my main gifts), that humans are just the same to me! 

And on steemit, i learned even more; "humans are just the same!" Even the so-called world-elite are so-so-so human!

Everything there is to learn about humans (regardless of status or race etc) and human reaction, plays            itself out on steemit! The world just puts invalid even unnecessary "classifications", when in reality, we are all just humans!
Yes, there are bound to be leaders etc but in reality, even a leader is only as good as his followers!

Thus, i am always interested in the person and the substance of the person and to me, that is where there is a standout, moreso than any skill or expertise; geek or illiterate, whale or minnow etc; but that's me!

Upon reaching steem for instance, i didn't need to read whitepapers! I tried instead, to perceive the substance of the persons of Ned and Dan and established it; then steem became my bus-stop. 

So even in public chats (steemit communities) e.g on discord, we would end up in the DMs and in these DMs we would talk for hours and i will sift, to find the amazing things that you constitute and together we will celebrate this beauty; then if its about steemit success, we will tackle it in newer ways because i have come to established the very person of you.

"Flaws allowed!"

Hahaha, there is no doubt that i will celebrate you because i sift even the not-so-good to find good in it

You see the spammer; i may see the passion! 
You see that kid always being dumb by wearing their shoes incorrectly; i may see beautiful intelligence in that they keep doing the wrong thing correctly each time etc

I am your fan

Where i was headed in this post, all along, is here:

Tell me your goals, dreams, innovation, forgotten dreams, intentions, etc and i will tell you how to bring it on steem and bring it to life using steem/steemit, starting with that simple one-page blog of yours, then into full-blown life in the coming months or years.

Hahaha, i am not afraid, so air them out freely; relegate reservations; 'flaws allowed'

See, even if you tell me, that your aim is to build two of the tallest skyscrapers and a train railway connecting both scrapers, i won't fret because i tell you, according to me; the solution to most even seemingly giant challenges, is in the first simplest obvious solution; however many times, we (even the so-called elites) tend to jump to the Nth most complicated solutions first e.g you want 100 million US dollars, have you attempted calling central bank to politely tell them to leave you the key to their vault on the weekend?

See; "with steem "dreams almost equals reality""

Did you know that in this very post and the comments-responses that may evolve below, i may have given out 100 million dollars? 

Hahaha, so before jumping to the "central bank" solution, why not ransack this post fully first and pluck out an easy 100 million?

I implore your participation

Just below in the comments, speak all untalentedly! Enter into dream-world and speak to me of those dreams and unmet vision or goals. Pick up the forgotten ones and we will bring them back to life, here on steemit and by means of steem. Simply air them out in the comments and i will get back to you with my response telling you how to bring these aspirations, intentions, enterprise, innovations etc to life on steemit and to full-blown life on steem.

See; "with steem "dreams almost equals reality""

Assume money, expertise, status, nation, infrastructure, company, team etc is not a problem and just air out those dream, intentions, vision, enterprise, business, desires, goals, etc and let's see how we can begin them already starting now. 

I should be the scared one now!

Your Boy Terry


My community effort and steemit growth is a major part of my effort as "steemgigs" witness, thus, the use of #witness-category


I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU. 

For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all

To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 

For the tech people on steem, like developers etc you can certainly now use this full RPC 256GB public node: 


Let's Go!!!

 Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented)

Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:

"Everyone has something to offer!" 


I achieved a lot of goals on steemit, but they're just baby ones and there is something that I need to fulfill. Becoming better with myself and to others especially the people that showed that really care about me.

Of course a better retirement plan, would be awesome. Do you think it's possible if Steemit will give me the retirement plan I want? Wait, I am not sure if I shared my goals and dreams during our old conversation. Did I? I'll just buy a huge secluded Island and have a Steemit Camp and we all can have an outdoor party for Steemians, something fun, okay?

Do you remember the ladder quote you told me? My memory is not good now, you already know that. Can you tell me the whole phrase again?

Last night, you left me hanging with the blank 'cloud clip arts' on my fan sign, but it's okay, I took care of it. Look!


I know you like it, coz it's colorful haha! =p

You owe me one, okay? I'll give you until the 12midnight of 2018, ehehe

Smile! HUGGS!!

hello dear @purepinay, nicely express your views, i agreed your plans and waiting for your future party...

Did I? I'll just buy a huge secluded Island and have a Steemit Camp and we all can have an outdoor party for Steemians, something fun....

very lovely desire, i hope it comes true soon. my best wishes for you.

I really hope, @rabeel. Why not buy a massive land and welcome every steemians there. It's like every day I have new dreams, lol...

my steemit hour is over for tonight, and I have been hanging out on Terry's page for so long, I had fun reading everyone's comments. =) Loving people!

I have to put away my steemit gadgets =(... talk again soon.

HUGGSS to all Steemians!

yes realy its true @purepinay, your aims are high and strong i hope your desire will come true soon. love your passion.
same feelings

btw, I have a rumor, I have a friend who said she's getting bored of Steemit!

what to do ith this?

Ask @sunnylife haha!

hahaha tlagang panalo!
ur back I'm not bored anymore hahaha

ay balik sa tambayan ng bayan! haha

hay nakers, buhay steemian na naman, haha

okay time to hasik some steemit good vibes! saan tayo magsisimula? nagulat aketch ang daming new faces and still familiar faces though others kailngan pang iwakey wakey! haha

keribels yan, take your time:)

Hi @surpassinggoogle. Im really new here and I would like to ask for you support. I need this to supplement my education. Please like upvote and resteem my posts.
I will make my content extra fantastic

It'll be nice if my whole family and all my friends will join me on steemit! (dreaming)...

Thank you, Terry for inspiring my sister, @gerel and inspiring me over and over again.

That is cool and the family that posts together stays together
Thank you

hahaha so love it sis!
I'm alive!!
yesss gorabels!!

hahaha! gorabels

they'll hate me again for using too much gifs hahaha, ohhh, oh well. it's party time!

bongggaa! Party time!!! yahoooo!
love it!! hasik na! mas pinalaks mas pinatatag!
aray ko sakit bangz ko sa kakatwa hahha love the gif

this is very beautiful. This wonderful girl has a special place in my heart.

very nice art

Well I already have a plan to but will love your opinion.... I have two dreams that can be done both if only I focused more on them rather than waste time.

To make the Arabic Manga/Comics Globally Recognized

I'm part of an Arabic art community that loves anime and manga... my dream is to make my friends there good enough that people all over the world read our works.

Currently we're not even close to the Japanese or american level... and our societies don't feel compelled to spend money on entertainment as much as people in USA would. so unless our level is better than the competitors we won't be able to sell our stuff locally.

I believe the first step to spread your culture is to make other people want it instead of taking about it... Japan has (peacefully) invaded us with its culture and I want to do the same to the world!! This is a very long term dream... but you can say the fiction I write on steemit is a part of that dream~

To Create an Amazing Video Game

This was my childhood dream... I haven't specified what part I be in the game development team... Maybe a writer, or director... But either way someone very crucial to the game.

But I don't want to create something that wastes time of people... I want to create a game that gives the players meaning... A game that years after they play, the players remember it with smile on their faces.

What do you think?

Hahaha all so so so accomplishable. I have the model of my own game and it is world-reaching, all barriers removed to entry, so i have similar goal too (the game one), even though i dont play games. Overall, i want to impact the world far and wide and world-levels like you is my thing. Now i say all accomplishable now more than ever and steemit and blockchain helps matters. I tell you, you have way more voice now. For now start small, use the blog to the max, play out your very dreams as dream-bits using your blogs to keep them alive, while getting unadulterated feedback from a reputable community of great minds. i tell you since day one, that is all i did with my blogs and as minnow, i got 2 or 3 partnerships even though i hardly earned, so steemit is way way way more than blog to earn. there is also steemgigs and its growing community with the best talents in the form of everything you are looking for create your long term goal of a game and there is the steemblockchain where everything is buildable upon but on steemit and steem, community is the power and nothing will be deeply-rooted without that, not even expertise. So keep your human-side intact and grow it too. Too, love humans and iinteractions. Pace things, so that your vision grows into spanlessness and solidity and nothing will look like competition and you can move freely. For arabic manga going global, i tell you, you have something there. You will have to be too lazy to quit to make it work. So you have more reason to blof about it, even at times when you dont earn. Target the audience in the search engines. If you have seperate account just for that, go for it. Keep that account define and be consistent and persistent till you are a voice even here, defined and indispensible, then opportunities will knock on your door, you wont look for it. Gradually grow a community using hashtags and a discord server or and make it a thing, however small. Communuty feature will be on steemit soon and you will lead that niche. Start there. Down the road, when your community is solid, the sky is the limit. Whether the game or the manga. all so accomplishable.

Read this post.
It will guide you further as it continues this post

All so true and wonderful information. Looking forward to learning and earning more from you

Dear @surpassinggoogle I'm new at steemit. And this is my 1st ever comment on your post at steemit. I came to know that recently you have lost your mother. I'm really very sorry for your great loss. Your loss will fulfill with the passage of time.
I read your post carefully and here are my goals / Targets for new years through this awesome platform:

  • Best education of my kids
  • My own house with every facilty
  • Helping hand to my family through steemit

I need your support like: Please follow me, resteeming my posts and also ask to your friends for the same. This would be a great help for me in very initial stage. Cheers!

You don't have post yet. All you goals are accomplishable. Alot of amazing things will happen on steem/steemit next year, so you are here at the right time. If members of your family like your kids are grown enough, bring them on steemit, so that even your own effort has default inspiration and you can team up as a family in seeking attainment of these goals. Adopt this; "there was life before steemit", so many times still behave like you would if steemit didn't exist and this will help you pace things aright because same as you, there are new people joining steemit incessantly. Bring upon steemit even by means of your blogs all those businesses, enterprises, ideas etc that existed before steemit onto steemit and play them out starting with your simple blogs. Welcome on steemit. You are on steemit at a great moment. There is a lot to learn and lots of eye-opening opportunities. Stay awesome!

Thanks for your generosity and great support @surpassinggoogle. I have heard about your generosity earlier and you proved it. You're great man.

Alot of amazing things will happen on steem/steemit next year, so you are here at the right time

Very true statement @surpassinggoogle. Sometimes you observe the times and speak like a prophet.

A handful of us are conscious of the imminent change. That's reason we still are hanging to the Steem dream.

wellcome to steemit @shaanivc, your desires, plans and passion for these to achieve is awsome. hope your whole achievement's done on this plateform. best wishes for you.

I have this dream of making the world a better place. Iwant ro share my thoughts on impprtant matters. I want to help the people be more aware of themselves by asking questions for introapection. I find mi dfulness a really inportant aspect in life. I want to promote philosophy as a way of life.furthermore i want to share my crafts and art to the world. I find that art really feeds the soul and makes life more wonderful. Im really new here so I could really use your help. @surpassinggoggle

Yours is easy to accomplish. You are still new, so give it time. Play with those posts of yours till you maximize them. Assume you have only your post and other things like steempower etc are bonus. Write till you can start to impress your own self using these posts alone and you will start to draw people in with your impact. Art works on steemit too but everything works more impactfully if the substance is there, so you will need to grow that substance either in life in the real world or life as steemit offers it because in reality everyday on steemit, "life" happens. The world and all its variety of humans and reactions is here in a form or another, so see more things as you pass by on steemit. More tips will come later when you are bit older here. You can have impact from day one as you will find in my post. i was a minnow too and things are still possible at that level. Read this post.
It will guide you further as it continues this post

Thank you so much for the tips. I really heard a lot from you. I have known a lot of people who find solace in steemit. Maybe this is why steemit is such a nice community. People like you make the world a better and I would like to surround myself with people like that in my life. I am now inspired to post more about my hobbies and interests. Thanks again sir Terry

My Goals and Dreams


My main goal on this steemit journey of mine is to create a STEEMIT BEATBOX BATTLE every week. Like any others, i will make this a popular show here in steemit. I know there are many awesome beatboxers in the world and they are a fan of taking their own videos and posted it to FB,youtube channel, etc. My goal is instead they will post it there in which unfortunately they cannot earn from it, I will recruit them to join here in steemit so that they will be rewarded on their own hardwork. It would be amazing if this will happen.

My dream

My ultimate dream in this life is to have a family of my own and will live without a problem on financial aspects furthermore I want to have a happy life with my future every single day and to patent someday a useful mechanical device and innovate things for the benifit of human kind. I am so happy if this dreams I stated above will come true.

That's all for my shared thoughts here <3
Thanks my brother @surpassinggoogle aka (Boy Terry) for reminding these things on me. I really think this out from the deepest of my mind and it relieves me to recall all of these.

I will not say much except that you will accomplish all this things Jehovah's willing cos they are so attainable. For your part, keep growing in your own substance, become a man for the world needs more men. expand your horizon, so nations are just locations. And keep going, however slow-looking but keep evolving. I mentioned you here even before reading this comment:
Read this post.
It will guide you further as it continues this post

Dear @surpassinggoogle, This is like a letter to Santa at Christmas.

My heart is sustained by reading beautiful words that exalt good feelings.
My goals: To dedicate more time to the preparation and adaptation of my contents to publish in Steemit.
Improve my income to provide a better quality of life in my home. Health and nutrition.
Dreams: Consolidate some conditions that allow to enjoy the recreation with my family and friends.
Visions: That many members of my family and friends enter the Steemit community, so that they share their talents and can earn an income.
Ideas: love can do everything. Continue to love my Steemit colleagues. Thanking every word.
Forgotten Aspirations: Have a good refrigerator, a and modern stove an electric oven.
Noble intentions: Provide in the coming years my brothers and relatives of older age, some household equipment, that allow them comfort.
Increase my financial support to the Amigos por la Vida Foundation and others that help cancer patients.
Supply food to the cat shelter.

Maybe I have very crazy ideas.
I send you a hug and thanks for the patience when reading.
I'm @armonia

Hug received! You dont have crazy ideas. Your goals are so so so attainable and with the attitude seen in your tone here, in a few months you will have good testimonies from steemit. I don't want to say much in your case, cos you will gradually attain these things. My mum died just weeks ago of cancer. Next year is a good year even for steemit. You are here at the right time. Hugs recieved. Please feel free to visit here and let awesome you shine as it just deed. Normally i respond to my really many comments on time but these period i have been recovering mood cos of the death of my mum. I will nt say much. Just leave heartfelt comments like this, be human and love and let all this presence air itself out freely in your blog posts. You can join #untalented family when you feel down in confidence etc. Air out your aspirations using your blog and this will pan out organically. Just keep doing that for some time more. Read this post.
It will guide you further as it continues this post

You are so right about rhis actually

Hahaha as minnow, I used to curate and comment and watch and observe and by means of these simple interactions and i would spot talent or potential talent and reach out to them and we would go to the DMs and there were many who i reached out to, by this means.

As for my dreams and goals.

I dont do much of politics but i see myself in it sometimes soon but then i wanna write my name on the hall of fame and make impacts on this planet.

I see myself establishing an event management firm sometimes in the future, and that is why i have a diploma in business management and a professional diploma in business administration and further went to acquire HND in business administration.

All this are not enough to pursue my dream of creating jobs for hundreds of people and touching lives...

How can steemit help.???

Thus, i am always interested in the person and the substance of the person and to me, that is where there is a standout, moreso than any skill or expertise; geek or illiterate, whale or minnow etc; but that's me!

The above is a portion of my post that you will really need if you want to write your name on the hall of fame and impact many lives on a grand scale, "the substance of the human", is something you will need to grow over time and steemit helps. On steemit though, you will need to open yours eyes a bit more; a lot of things related to success even here lies in 'how much you see', e.g in this post alone, i left you 100 million; did you see it? "It's there! Steemit can help in this regard for it holds everything you need to grow in this substance and this type of growth in this moment in time in the world is an edge. The world is growing into this realization. Rihanna went from signing "umbrella" to singing "work". Many of the answers that the so-called elites of the world seek is in the book of the illiterates. It is not very muc about intellect these days, especially if you don't tie that to the human. Watch proceedings on steemit closely, look interactions here as it holds the entire world and see the response to stimuli and reactions of many of the very-literate etc and you will start to see where you edge lies. It's more like "how can you help steem". The post spoke about taking your own portion of steem to the moon. From a single post of yours, even the elite here can seek you instead. So here; improve on that substance with what you already do but open your eyes a bit more. "You are whale to me".
Assume money, expertise, status, nation, infrastructure, company, team etc is not a problem and just air out those dream, intentions, vision, enterprise, business, desires, goals, etc using blogs and use any feedback to evolve and solidify your vision, making it spanless. I think all you need in your case is evolve that substance and everything will follow. I am talking based on what you have mentioned to be your desire here and what i percieve of you. You are no upcoming so my comment here is something you can carry. You are no upcoming and that's what i see. You should be able to create a large movement with your one-liners; there are no limits; "kpali or no kpali". As for creating jobs for people, very possible with steemit but alot of that too has to do with my earlier advice in this comment. Then all else with follow. You can employ people here on steem. You can make an app on steem down the road that accomplishes this purpose but you can start now by playing out this intentions using your simple blogs. There is a ton you can do when the time is right but you entire vision must start to become indispensibly obvious in your every sound "in your comments and blog", that anyone who spots you instantly is told of your definition. @ned for instance is "a vision within a dream" etc

My aim is simple. To be able to support my family without having to work all of the hours under the sun. I am a great believer in family and time with them :0)

I can relate brah! Likewise myself nothing like family....

Beautiful, simple, and true. Many blessings to you and the new baby boom.

This is more than ever before becoming my own aim. I ended up seeing my mum for only 16 days after not seeing her for years cos i was away looking for ways to bring whispers of goodnews to them. She died more than a week ago. So this intention of yours is something that is everything and something you will accomplish. You have been on that path since day one. It may help matters to bring some of the older family members here, if they are not already here, to form a strong bong even on here. Before my mum died, she used to ask of joining steemit, becos she would come here to connect with her son (me) when she would read my post and comments. A for supporting family too. I see that happening too. The path of building steem power is good too. With family members here, it can be more fun and become a joint effort. You certainly know of other aspects of the steem blockchain beyond the blogging, so i see you accomplishing this beautiful noble goal in due time

i love your works change the path with new style and more innovative ideas and inspiration to our steemians friends here at the community..more power to you bro.

I have tried unsuccessfully to get them on here There is still this too good to be true aspect they cannot quite believe in. Also they are not very blog'g'y :O)

I hope that they do come on though. Maybe not on steemit but one of the sister apps, maybe zappl or something.

Take care Terry!

Yes, my next post is about that. They will be hear soon, be it on zappl or on a simple phone app, dmania etc. Stay awesome vivo

Much love and condolences to you and your family. May your loving mother be with you and watching over you always.

Thank you very much

Thus, i am always interested in the person and the substance of the person and to me, that is where there is a standout, moreso than any skill or expertise; geek or illiterate, whale or minnow etc; but that's me!

Yes that is you, what makes you stand out, and be an embodiment of humanity that you are. Terry, you are a beautiful person.
And for all the strength you need for these trying times, you have it from Jehovah and all of us at steemit.

You are a beautiful person for the awesome things you are able to spot on the spot. Jehovah bless you and your family and me and my family and us all in Jesus' name amen

Hey @surpassinggoogle, good to have you back fully on STeemit. Your aura was missing after mama's second journey began...but I'm happy seeing you up and ready to inspire again.

My name is @nairadaddy aka "SteemDaddy". How did I earn that nickname? Well its by doing good work on Steemit, always talking about steem and connecting to a large number of people in a short time.

I started the #Hug-Challenge Series - a challenge aimed at helping people show love to others by actively commenting on their posts. Currently, I'm unto something that is keeping me so motivated these days...its called...


@air-clinic is a platform aimed at decentralizing healthcare by bridging the gap between the people who need healthcare and the health-expert who can provide such. Currently, what we are doing is accepted by the people.

My team and I have built the first healthcare center on the Steem Blockchain...and we aren't stopping. We are inviting everyone to get on board so that we work together and bring our futures to fruition.

Cheers boss for organizing such a forum like this for us to pour out our hearts about what we really care about.



Server link:


You are already on the right track. Just pacing is what you will need if anything. The rest will just flow. Build that community and make it solid. Make it its own voice and indispensible and every other thing follows. SMT, community feature etc will help matters. @utopian-io too incase you go open source can help push your project if you chose to go open source in the future but again pacing. Those simple posts is all you need to evolve your roadmap and solidify its whitepaper till it is staunch and on the highroad and your vision is spanless, using unadulterated feedback from a community of reputable great minds. I use pacing as your dose because you will understand these words, "even if you are mr genius and in your haste you get somewhere and there is a queue; where we are from, we don't just jump queue". You jump, you can succeed for sure, but in many case, you will get the tip, not the whole. So alot of this depends on the substance of your person