Once you have an earning expectation on Steem

in #steem6 years ago

So you want to earn consistently on Steem through your content? Take a seat.

Once you have an earning expectation you have just changed the game you might have wanted to play because most likely to reach your expectation, you are going to have to do things differently than what you might have been doing so far. There is a simple reason for this, community. What I mean is that in order to earn through content, it is reliant on the community that will vote it and if they don't like your content enough to get it to that goal you set yourself and you still want to reach that goal number, you are going to have to change your content and approach.

Or, change your expectations.

Earning on content requires having the type of content that people are willing to vote up and, the relationships with people who are willing to consistently vote on your content which means, building trust. You post in a niche? Stop. You don't like socializing? Too bad, you have to. Once you built an earning expectation, you simultaneously built yourself a job and, you are an employee, stake is your boss. Don't have stake? Those with stake are your boss.

Sounding like fun? This is your fantasy expectation, not mine. I am not going to tell you about the large amount of work it takes but, assume that it is going it take a lot more than you are likely wanting to put in. The reason that I know is because I have done the work and the reason that I am still here as unlike some snowflake, I am not afraid of doing the work in fact, I enjoy doing the work which means, I don't have a job on Steem, yet I earn Steem. I find it amazing.

But you are not me, I am a skills trainer and you are unlikely in possession of the right set of skills. Get them, no one is going to grant you your wishes when you tap your heels together three times, Dorothy. What skills do you need - What are you daft? The ones that are going to get you earning that goal of yours, find out what they are and get learning - your chosen job demands it.

This is the thing that people don't get on Steem, it is possible to get consistent earnings and potentially much, much more but, most are unwilling to do what it takes because they want to both do what they want and get the results of developing a structure and process that satisfies their desires, without developing it. They sit at home fat and greasy dreaming of fucking a supermodel. Unless lucky, you are unlikely to have it both ways so grow up and make a decision, are you here to have some fun and potentially earn a bit or, do you want to get serious and earn consistently to pay your bills each week?

If you want to earn you are going to have to be good at what you do for much longer than a post or two but, what you do is not what you want to do, it is what you have to do. You want to earn on what you supply which means, you have to satisfy the demands of the consumer, your customer, your boss. If the genre you like to post in is a niche one that few people (especially those with stake) care about, you are going to have to burn that house down and piss on the ashes. You have a job to do, there is no time to play around. It doesn't matter what you value, it only matters what the people who are voting you to your dream number value.

Oh, you wanted to share your voice and get paid for it? Your voice sucks ass. If you want to do it for the love, people will tolerate it and throw you a bone occasionally but since you want to earn on it consistently, it is best you choose another field of expertise. What can you do that people are willing to actually pay for? Remember, you need more than one person, more than ten, you need hundreds and you need to be able to produce something compelling enough to keep their interest forever.

Yes, forever. Why...why... forever? Because you don't have stake. Unless you power up your earnings for the next few years to consistently grow to a point where it starts to attract its own earnings through interest, delegation, curation, selling or resource credit creation in the future - you have to make sure that every day, every week, every month you are producing just what the people want to vote on. Too risky for you? Oh, you need the 'money' right now? Back to work employee.

This is what people seem not to grasp here and that is that consistent earning will never be on the cards for content producers alone long-term because even the 'Material Girl' Madonna runs out of ways to reinvent and shill herself - and gets old. To keep earning consistent income when one can no longer be on point with the latest trends, one has to have invested into a position that can provide it or, live off a government pension - That is consistent too... in some places, at the moment...probably not for long.

But no, people want to have it all now without building a network or foundation suitable to support their position long-term but want the long-term position also. Unless extremely lucky anywhere, it is impossible. I live in one of the richest countries in the world and has been for generations yet, there are still people struggling, still people getting further and further into debt. Many of them in debt now were born into plenty. It was their own damn choices that led them into the cycle of consumerism, their own desires, lack of self-control.

They lived the lives of hedonists without consideration of developing an ongoing supply to keep the game afloat. Fools. Then they come into Steem and assume that this is their savior, their way to get back on the hedonist's horse at the expense of a community without putting in, just taking.

Oh, you think your content is your buy-in? How many people demand what you do, how many care about your thoughts, how many connect with it? Where is the value to the community then, where the hell is your network? You haven't built one yet, no one trusts you, you keep doing what you like yet have the gall to set an earnings expectation that requires relatively specific actions and behaviors from others? What kind of plan is that?

This is the thing with expectations, if you do not know what is required to reach them, they are likely to go unmet. If you do know what is required and do not act in that way yet still assume the expectations will get met, you are fooling yourself. Many people are on Steem earning consistently and enjoying their experience here in varying degrees. Many more are on Steem not earning anywhere near to enough to live off but are not expecting to so, are enjoying themselves also.

The strength in Steem is that it gives all users a chance to earn something in Steem and develop a position in the future that may or may not be valuable or useful as an investment vehicle at all. However, it is a chance, and while some people think that it isn't worth posting because they can't pay their bills with it, others think it is worth posting because they are able to build a community and network that has a possibility to do some pretty phenomenal things in some unknown length of time forward.

To each their own though isn't it? Everyone is willing and able with varying degrees of success to take whatever approach they want to take, to expect whatever from life they want to expect and buy, sell, upvote, flag, shitpost or rant as much or as little as they want. Some might even earn a little on it, others might earn an obscene amount. It is the way of the world, equality of result is a farce, just as equality and quality of investment is too. Just because you don't get what you want, doesn't mean that you are doing the right things to get what you want. Just because you are bitter in your experience, doesn't mean everyone has to be in theirs.

Obviously this is fairly sarcastic.

Do what you want with your life, your results are yours. Take responsibility for them.

[ a Steem original ]


Once you built an earning expectation, you simultaneously built yourself a job and, you are an employee, stake is your boss.

I have no earning expectations here on steem. None.

I did not have the skills required for this social media platform.

Yet here I am, learning pushing and knocking on the door of Dolphinhood.
I do not know what steem will do for me if anything. I am building a foundation. Foundation take time and resources. The better the foundation the better the building will hold up. I may not move into this building but maybe it will serve my family

Yet here I am, learning pushing and knocking on the door of Dolphinhood.
I do not know what steem will do for me if anything. I am building a foundation. Foundation take time and resources. The better the foundation the better the building will hold up. I may not move into this building but maybe it will serve my family

Absolutely right. People don't get that work is about purpose, not the spoils of doing the work. One can live their whole life working for a pittance and still change the world for someone, some people or, everyone.

Spot on. I've read more than a few rants on how Steem is "unfair". Like someone can just enter a room, get evaluated "objectively" for their "quality output" and, of course, start making a killing. It's as if they thought Steem were a talent show. It isn't because, in the beginning, nobody has an audience on Steem.

My shtick is photography. I occasionally post a long form blog posts in which a discuss topics that interests me. At other times I throw in a post about how I go about my daily business spiced up with some phone camera pics. (Those I don't generally expect to earn much.)

I didn't begin that way. When I began posting regularly in June 2017, I blogged about crypto and blockchain technology and life. About a year ago, I took up a couple of 365's which I gave up on last year (good riddance). I've put some effort into learning the basics of photography since last spring and there is still a lot to learn but I enjoy learning it very much. I've never been a big earner here but because I'm an extravert working from home, I need my social interaction fix. Social media fits the bill. After my friend @gamer00 introduced me to Steem, I heavily cut down on all other social media use and I haven't looked back. I like money, too, and what little I've made is much more than nothing which is what I would've earned on traditional platforms. I haven't cashed out anything, since I believe in accumulating stake and the potential for passive income streams in the future as well as developing, over time, an audience to upvote my content in the future.

As the ecosystem evolves, those who understand it and keep their eyes open will increasingly encounter ways to leverage their specific skillsets to earn much faster than they otherwise would. I also got a break recently in being accepted to the @ocdb white list. I'm now entitled to use the bot which nets me about 10 extra STEEM per day. When @ocdb was looking for more authors, one photographer I'd been supporting consistently proposed that I be added to the list. I was added, I think, for two reasons: 1) I had become decent enough at photography, and, perhaps more importantly, 2) I had been totally consistent through the bear market at growing my account and supporting an expanding circle of others.

if they don't like your content enough to get it to that goal you set yourself and you still want to reach that goal number, you are going to have to change your content and approach. Or, change your expectations.

Or just post more!! ;p

I feel thoroughly chastised after reading that, even though I've never had expectations. 😳

Posted using Partiko Android

Great post! I love it that you also have a slightly snarky and humorous approach to teaching.

:) It needs to be said!

Each of us controls our level of success and in some cases, I would even say... "this isn't for everyone". Some people and their expectations just aren't going to get fed here.

Each of us controls our level of success and in some cases, I would even say... "this isn't for everyone". Some people and their expectations just aren't going to get fed here.

Their egos are likely to take a bit of a knock too :D

Huy huy huy... ¡Wadda nice surprise! Having been able to finally read a 'Pink-ish' flavored post from you.

Here mate!! wear this my friend!! :)

Thanks, I think it will fit too.

Often time, when I read your piece, it occurred to me as if you come form another planet, the way you fussed words together. You are right with point raised above, the community doesn't really care about your thought unless it is in line what is trending or whether it is valuable to the community at large. We need to stop deceiving ourselves, learning to associate with person through meaningful comments I believe will go a long way in building relationships most especially for a content producer. There are a lot of app on steemit which doesn't require one to post just content, some are product like#steemhunt game and others apps. Content producer needed to do more than just sitting down writing and composing a piece expecting great rewards on it, even the professional writer might be frustrated if he doesn't carry the community along. I will love to crave for your opinion and what could be done for content creator to achieve more by not just waiting on upvote that is not forth coming if relationship is not being build? I need this counsel personally. I do follow your piece but something decided not to comment once I realised that my idea might not be that relevant or add to the content.

It is important in my opinion to learn about what one is doing and if it has value to others if one wants to be able to earn something from it. In my opinion, when it comes to building a position on Steem it is about finding what one is good at and then working out how to turn it into what other people might need in various ways. Networking, being part of the community, chats, having some fun, getting to know people and, be known in various ways.

keeping people interested is my biggest worry....but I don't live off of steem alone, do I'm not too stressed either. I guess it's trial and error, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't =)

In the long run,the interest will come through the community of it in many ways meaning, those who built up a decent circle of friends, family and people who enjoy hanging out and engaging. I hope you are feeling well :*

A great extention on your previous article. I do a weekly dtube video podcast every Sunday, called "Meet The Steemians". It's an organic, no agenda style chat. Would you be interested in appearing as a guest on an episode? I use zoom for the recordings.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, just getting to this now, I might be interested at some point for it, just not right now :)

Posting in niches might not be the worst idea - well, if they're not too "nichey". It takes a lot of work, you have to help build up a community. OK, I'm still plankton, still under the "magical" 500 SP threshold, but I'm quite content where I am. And my topics were mostly needlework, tabletop-rpg and the German language ;)

Posting in niches and building a community is a highly valuable approach and in time is where the consistency will come from. It takes work though and that is my point, those who have an earning expectation for this moment won't build a community around them for the next. There are very few users here currently and most don't have s great deal of available stake but, that will change. Steem is going to be empowered by niche communities in the future, investing into their creation and development now as a user is an excellent idea in my opinion.

Haha seriously though, what sparked you to write this aggro slap in the face?

Personally I can now see what get's me rewards and what doesn't. I just write whatever I want, and that is fine for me. Preaching to the choir I suppose.

Just for a bit of fun and something a little different. Gotta play sometimes :)

I do think that people don't have realistic expectations about their own path or results here and rarely take the time to look at what is going on. You have spent enough time exploring the BC from many perspectives, most haven't come close.