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RE: Censorship: Why All Blockchain Projects Should Join Steem (especially Status)

in #steem7 years ago

This is a great idea and will hopefully lead to some cooperation and partnerships that will help crypto and blockchain projects increase use case and aid mainstreaming.


Yes and I am glad to see that Steemit is reaching out! With EOS social happening soon, we have to do everything we can toi promote SMTs and hivemind communities.. we MUST promote steem, to Reddit 4chan instagram and youtube comments and just go CRAZY promoting steem with quotas and massive amounts of reward pool Diverted to promoting steem on legacy social media with its billions ofusers! imagine we CAn have quarter of a billion users liek reddit but MORE cuz reddit is cool but STOPS being intersting after a point while Steem KEEPS going and is ALWAYS FOREVER interestingc uz WE get to BUILD stuff on Reddit its CLOSED but on STEEM its OIPEN

so yeah man WOOOOOO