STEEM Is Not Steemit: 71 M Steem Powered Down....Major Marketing Push By The Other Apps?????

in #steem7 years ago

Too many people look at Steemit as a reflection of STEEM. It is wonderful that is growing. However, it is imperative to remember it is simply an interface into the STEEM blockchain. STEEM is the currency that is used on the blockchain of the same name.

Steemit is not STEEM and STEEM is not Steemit.

People seem to want to let their view of STEEM be isolated by what takes place on Steemit. While it is the first app designed on this blockchain, it is still just that: one app. There is so much more to this.

Of late, I posted the Alexa ranking of D.Tube to show how much that is changing. While the app is still working out some of the bugs, the development team over there is doing a great job. Nevertheless, I posted these rankings about 9 hours ago:

This is the ranking as of now:

As I have repeatedly mentioned, what is most interesting about this is not the ranking as such but the pace of the growth. Looking at the chart, it is almost a straight up path. Over time, we should see this level off a bit yet it is impressive how that site has moved considering it is a little over 3 months since it first ranked. was helped out great by a delegation of 1M SP by @ned. This took place a few months ago and was designed to help attract YouTube users. With so much voting power, @dtube is now able to give significant upvote to powerful YouTubers who post their stuff on here.

I bring this point up because is in the process of powering down. It has received over 5M SP out of the 71M it will receive over 13 weeks. This is a major move of which nobody from Steemit is discussing.

@preparedwombat wrote a great article about the money trail and following where it ended up.

And if you go to and click on the Delegations (Out) tab, you’ll find a 500,000 SP delegation to that was done today. As well as several large delegations to @dlive, @dmania, and @dsound all done exactly a week ago, not long after @steemit’s power down started.

So Steemit, Inc. is delegating lots of SP to these, much like it did a bit earlier with @dtube.

This is wonderful news for those who are holding STEEM. Again, it is easy to forget there are many other apps on this blockchain that have the ability to attract users. These users do not have to be on Steemit for us to benefit. Their presence on the blockchain means that STEEM will be more valuable.

Let us take a look at some of the other rankings:

Once again, the rankings might not be that impressive but the pace of growth is. Look at Dmania,it has a growth curve similar to in October and November...straight up. And Dsound, after a pullback, seems to have regained its footing.

And now it appears they are getting delegation from @steemit to further pursue opportunities to bring people onto this blockchain. That is only going to benefit the owners of STEEM. Remember, all transactions on this blockchain come with no fee. However, they do require bandwidth which must be purchased. And how is bandwidth priced? In STEEM.

It is easy to get caught focusing upon the application we all utilize daily. Nevertheless, this is just a small piece of a much larger entity.

Think of it this way.

Android Operating System



Steem Blockchain


While not a perfect comparison, it illustrates the point. Thinking of Steem as Steemit is akin to identifying Google as only Gmail. It is only one piece.

There now appears to be a major push to lift some of the other apps to prominence on this blockchain. Remember, they are all part of the same entity in the sense that the value is in the blockchain, not the apps. Holders of SP will benefit by the advancement of any app(s) since they are all part of the same ecosystem. The same will be true for all tokens created using the SMT protocol.

Over the next couple years we are going to see hundreds of apps added to this blockchain. Some are going to be wildly successful, others not so much. Nevertheless, all will benefit the holders of STEEM.

I hope this helps the next time you get down on Steemit about something. Looking at this through that lens is missing most of the picture.

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I did not know that.

The magnitude of those developments is huge.

Very nice article. Great job!

It is always good to see you my friend.

It is hard work trying to keep abreast of both STEEM and BTS....but I know you are counting on me to keep digging up the info. LOL

HODLing strong during this pullback....I hope prices stay down for another week...I have some money being moved and want to add some more to my position....I was hoping to get more BTS at .20...not looking like that will happen though.

Excellent point made and indeed Steemit is but one interface and application of the Steem blockchain.

I'm pretty excited by SMT. I have been wanting to make use of DLive and Dtube to get some of my Twitch and YouTube gamers to switch over and have been supporting @acidyo on this.

Steepshot and dMania is going to be massive because of the ease of use and integration.

Exciting times to be creating content, getting Steem and enjoying the ride in the next 6 months to a year.

Great to see all this growth, I got in at a good time :)
I think, by @bescouted is also worth mentioning!

You might want to edit the Dmania Turkey printscreen to USA stats!?

Alexa shows the ranking of the top country.

Dmania ranks best in Turkey while it is 500K+ in the US.

Again the numbers are secondary to the growth rate.

Oke, didnt know that. I thought I was just a 'setting' to show X country...


Thanks for the overview, I'll have to take a look at the other apps that operate on the STEEM blockchain.

Speaking of powering down, is it an all or nothing process? Are you able to power down a portion of your SP?

You are free to power down however much you desire.

That is totally up to you...some all or none....

So far, I am in the none category.

Same, just never tried powering down. Actually scared to click the option in case it just powered down my entire account. Thanks for the info!

You can always cancel a power down...even if you hit the entire thing, you could reverse it.

I love Steepshot... a great app

Yes you do @davedickeyyall.

You do use it a lot.

I wonder how appics will compare to it.

Idk.. but Steepshot is pretty easy to use

I can't wait to see ever more robust systems built out on steem. At some point here soon I feel like we will have competitive sites that will really take on every other social network. Heck if not build something even more unique that has yet been released! Many creative minds here

I dont understand what you mean by competition sites...

What are you referring to? @taskmaster4450, what do you think?

I think the real unlock of value comes through connections and overlap between the different apps built on the Steem blockchain.

At the moment Steemit is a blogging platform, but by building out more emphasis on sharing, and discovery of content, and possibly opening up mini-chat modules on a per-post, per-topic or per-following basis they could create a hybrid of Reddit and Facebook, with YouTube thrown-in for good measure.

There are so many possibilities, but [speaking as a newbie], there needs to be a real push towards making Steemit simple to understand and ultra-easy to use and "get into". Because that's what's held Twitter back - new users struggle to "get it", are put off and don't come back.

For those of you who've been here a while, you can take for granted the knowledge of the platform you've grown with. But for the average new user, there's a lot of learn and if they don't see immediate payback or traction, they won't come back.

Steemit needs to retain more of their new users. I'm not sure how they'd do this though, because I think a lot of people are being attracted by the likes of @jerrybanfield and his excitable hype and the promise of untold riches (which they see others getting), but find it's harder work than they thought.

Yes it is hype. And @jerrybanfield does a wonderful job marketing the site yet I agree with you...promising easy riches is not the path to take. In fact, few have the following that Jerry had when he came on here.

Nevertheless, we are experiencing a rapid growth rate of the daily there is some retention...could the site do better? I am sure. Although I will guess those people who sign up and leave will be back...many of them at least...and regret not getting involved now.

Things will only grow from here which means their path forward is going to require more work.

Too true. Problem is that most people want short-cuts to success and the easy path. As soon as they find out it's hard work, they're on to the next. Look at YouTube - unless you're lucky enough to catch attention quickly (which very, very few do), it's a hard slog with next to no reward for months, or even years before you get any traction.

But the number of "overnight success" stories on YouTube you hear where they'd been posting consistantly for a long time before their success! The beauty of Steemit (and DTube) is early-mover advantage, but your content has to be good too!

Here's to the future!

Very true although, with YouTube, I would say the system is against them.

At least with Steemit, the hard work will pay off if people put the time in....over time, one does get followers and noticed. That will assist in getting more SP.

Thank you so much for your post! I'm one month in here and thankfully know the difference between steemit and steem :) I think some new users are so overwhelmed with the content/blogging/commenting etc that the "wallet" part gets put on the back burner. Everyone should however learn the basic vocabulary! After reading through the comments here, I too agree with your thoughts on "their communication with the users leaves a lot to be desired." That's why I find users like yourself who can clearly explain all of this; it really is invaluable information to someone like me (and no that's not gratuitous flattery:) So..thank you again!! Cheers!

Honestly, I didn't even know about these. I heard about Dtube and used it a few times, but I thought it was just built on top of steemit, not completely separate from it. Steem's potential is much bigger than the first glance most of us give it. ANd the first glance is basically potential for reddit on steroids. And reddit is ranked what, like top 5 websites?