RE: Tall Weed Syndrome
I think I also have an edge in that my goals are easier than your goals. You've got a lot of high-level stuff here that's hard to break down into practical actions, and I'm not sure if that necessitates a different approach or a reconsideration of goals from the beginning. There are a lot of dolphinmaking projects springing up right now, and maybe you could find one that would suit you to cooperate with. I'm sure they'd be happy to have you. If you're particularly looking to push for the development of not-bot-using, non-haejinish, community-centered users, I would suggest connecting with @whatamidoing in particular. He has a lot of interesting thoughts in that neighborhood.
If you're not familiar with SMART goals they're sometimes a really useful way to think about being effective. A SMART goal is a goal that's Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. It might be worth thinking how you can convert some of your longer-term hopes into short-term plans that way.
For me, because I'm looking for things like more high-quality art writing, and more original music, those are pretty easy things to develop actionable programs for, experiment, and figure out what works. We have a pretty consistent stream of new/small posters in those categories, and all I need to do is throw enough money at them to convince them to stay.
I wouldn't care to tackle haejin except on a philosophical basis. I think sticking to spending time on the level where I can be effective is a much better plan for me.
Yeah, @whatamidoing works hard and should get more support to do more.
Yes, I do know of this. I will adjust a few things soon so I can align short and long-term positions. At the end of the day, it is going to likely be short-term growth with less community for long-term community gain.
this is my area ;)