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RE: Why Price Pumps Are Deadly To New Users

in #steem7 years ago
"Instead of praising the pump we should be cautioning people and teaching them that pullbacks will happen."

I'm not sure that will help anyone. Newbies have to go through the school of hard-knocks. The free market is a great teacher! Even the largest equities and commodities markets in the world get pumped, so I don't think crypto will be exempt.


That's not to say they can't learn from the free market because they will have to learn how to control their emotions when these events happen. Why not help them out with a heads up?

Because well-intended advice usually can't overcome greed. Sage advice usually falls on deaf ears!

I don't think that means we should let them run as they may. If giving new users a heads up means 10% of the stay through a dip than that is better for the platform if no one warned them to begin with.

But I know what you man, it's the whole "answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit."

Tricky indeed.