
hell no. I'm gonna do enough, to get people moved to this new thing, and then after that, it'll be up to the community that migrates across to do the rest.

By the way, it's quite fun poking around in the codez. I haven't done this kind of hacking for some time.

I always hated to use git at work. SVN ftw. But I am just a puny QA-Worker who can't really code (maybe a few lines JS). Have fun playing around with them Steem codez, if you ever need someone who is good at making software crash, give me a call :D

Just out of curiosity, how would I be able to access your version of Steemit?

If you have a github account, you just have clone, branch, whatever it is you want to do, and merge/pull request and I'll do whatever is appropriate. The github is up there as of now. You can join the discord chat here:

If stinc tries to get github to stomp on my repo, I will just run a new one at gitlab, in fact, I'll do the mirror right away, and if I encounter any other problems, I will run a gitlab myself.

so is this steemit alpha?! lol just not official. All previous posts will be there as well? Excuse my ignorance.. and it will also have official steem? Or is it a new brand of steem?

My plan is to migrate everyone, username and public key, and current balances, minus the premine, which will be added to the initial rewards pool and competed for.

All you will have to do is go to a new address and use the same app, everything will look the same except RELOADED slathered on hard.

So what is to stop a whale from depositing their own pre-mined steem into this forked steem?

haha! how are they gonna sell it?

Sure, if they got some out and didn't blaze it up on lambos or coke.

lol.. well I don't claim to know how whales spend their money. You seem 100% sure that steemit will crash? I'm sure @ned and @dan know your position. But what you suggest is that the steem token will be the same either way. You could easily calculate when this thing will come down.. also you probably would have been flagged or silenced if this were 100% true. So whats the deal.

I have been flagged pretty hard, if you go look.

I'm simply betting that nobody will be able to keep running the chain, as it stands, without drastic (and I mean by this, under 1 week) serious coding action. Even then, I doubt a stable solution can be rolled out that fast. Give it 2 months. By that time, there will have been days, if not weeks of no trading.

What do you think will happen then?