Ask Me Anything - Wednesday 8th August, 7PM UTC - with @Meno on Dlive

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


This is going to be a very different and exciting week for me.
And I'm looking forward to this upcoming event.


We were live. You can find the livestream recording with timestamps here: Ask Me Anything /w @MenO - Recording with Timestamps


I recently had some great conversations with @meno about Steem and its ecosystem. The focus of these talks was of course, how we could do more for the Steem ecosystem and the community. (Steem is pretty much the top priority for me right now.)

And out of those conversations came the realization that I, @therealwolf, am currently just an avatar, but the actual person behind this name is not really known.

Or how another Steemian formulated it: not really sure if you're a female, male or bot.

I had to chuckle when I read it. Even though the formulation might be a bit exaggerated, the fact is that not much about me is known. (besides my official witness-introduction post)

And as a Witness, who is supposed to be a trustable person, the voters should at least know if there is a man, women or maybe dog behind it.

So @meno and I came to an amazing idea.

What if we did an AMA on Dlive?

You may know something called "AMA" or Asked Me Anything, which is an event-series, originated on reddit, where people are being asked questions from the community, to which honest & personal answers are written.

Now, what reddit can do - Steem can do as well and even better!

So our idea is to gather a list of questions that many Steemians may have and answer them on a livestream.

That sounds very interesting, right? But in order for the event to make even more sense, we discussed ways we could make it a little more fun.

It's no secret that @themarkymark has been focusing on giving back to quality content creators, doing live curations on @dlive. His fantastic initiative, made us come up with a little hybrid idea.

Lets curate questioners

Basically, the idea is to ask fellow Steemians to contribute with questions they may have on a shared document, answer them on air and upvote the user that made said question.

How simple does that sound? You can earn STEEM by asking some good questions for the show!

The upvotes would of course be given to the submitting user's posts or a comment.

Sounds good? Ask a question!

You can ask up to 3 questions inside this google-form:

If you're not able to open the form or submit the questions in the form, for whatever reason, then please ask your question(s) via comment

The questions will be selected for value. In other words, only the best questions will be chosen, read on air and answered.

All irrelevant information, distasteful jokes or anything of the sort will be removed from the file and ignored.

What should the questions be about?

That is entirely up to you. We could talk about SMTs, Witnessing, Blockchain, Philosophy, Food or we could simply talk about <enter your favourite subject here>. The idea is for the questions to be engaging and fun.

What's the mission here?

Helping the Steem community - plain and simple.

If I can play a part in the role of explaining some of the difficult elements of the STEEM ecosystem, then that means I'm investing my time wisely. If added to that, I can stop being an avatar and develop a better relationship with my fellow Steemians, then that's the perfect icing on the cake!

I strongly believe the strength of the Steem community is a lot mightier than the bear market we are in and this is a way of putting some words into action - a way I can give back.

With that said: I hope to see a lot of you with amazing questions for me to answer on Wednesday, 8th August '18 at 7PM UTC.

A post will also be published right prior to the event!

Until then,

Making Steem Greater

Projects developed by @therealwolf for Steem Steem Chat-Wallet
Witness Essentials Signup

Do you share my vision for Steem? Let's work together to achieve it!

You can vote for me at

Or you can simply use steemconnect to vote for me or to set me as a proxy.

A big and sincere Thank you to all of those who support my efforts!


Great show again, very interesting topics! and great answers :)

Lol,., the show is on the 8th of august 2018...

He is from the future.

can we ask him about STEEM price in 2019?

I will keep in tune with your show at Dlive on Wednesday.
I didn't get your response pertaining the Content graphics design position from @smartsteem which you advertised last week

Hey, sorry for not responding but we got a lot of requests.

However, we will soon create a competition which you can of course participate.

And would be great if you would tune in on Wednesday!

Great to see witnesses do more to keep this platform aloft. Have submitted my questions already and looking forward to the show


Why is it that most people go behind a shroud of anonymity. We run a proof of stake blockchain based on trust. We have wittnesses, bot operators, steem developers and steemit inc. but most are behind a shroud of anonymity. How can this be on a blockchain of trust?

I think this livestream is exactly what is needed for the steem blockchain.

When you run a company that isn't open and transparent and has no face, it's not a company... it's just a shady bussiness... so @therealwolf youre my number 1 on the steem blockchain. Great move...

When will Stem's currency rise?

Hey @roselover,

ask your question here please:

If you're not able to then comment is fine.

Thank you!

how do i build up like you here on steemit

Hi @therealwolf, we are a brand new project founded by three steemians. We have decided to start the criptorefugio (cryptorefuge) blog to spread the word about Steem, cryptocurrencies and blockchain on the spanish-speaking community on and outside the Steem community.

We have left you with some questions that we believe are fundamental and add value to the community.

Cheers and thank you for this initiative.

@therealwolf,you have showed a great information....thanks

doc not working for me
i am interested in this. as i want to be a part or the steemit community.
how many REAL people are using steemit?

Hey, are you getting an error messing? Or why isn't the doc working?

i figured it out. it was my browser. chrome ......
works on my other browser.
the thing was the page didnt load at all. (blank)
thanks for your care!