
This explains a lot... lmao. Now i see. You two are "friends" & therefore you've had me blacklisted for doing nothing whatsoever but posting blogs.

This whole matter could've been resolved if steemit would simply allow users to block other users. I have a life & I don't appreciate that countless hours of blog posts & my steemrep rising from 17 (courtesy of matthew) to 68 back down to 4 (courtesy of matthew) back up to 65 (thanks to smartsteem) and now at 44 (courtesy of matthew) the punk who spends thousands manipulating the inherent flaws/loopholes intended for real authors. not dick riders nor money grubbers.

How the fuck am I supposed to use this platform if one troll/keyboard warrior kid is literally stalking me 24/7?

Also matthew; stop calling my phone over and over and over please. It's really annoying. It's petty & childish.

Now go ahead and flag this post/make up some bullshit about how you're "normal" and i'm "insane" while @realwolf does absolutely nothing but watch this egregious disregard & disrespect of the steemit platform in its entirety.