
Yeah, you'll do anything to avoid answering to the dozen people on this thread holding you accountable, EXCEPT being accountable. We've established that. Spend your time answering all the questions, not censoring and suppressing inconvenient truths about yourself.

My first comment was detailed enough. The difference is that you have your own little world, where grumpycat is a dick and everyone who shares a similar opinion is one as well.

So you're not even able to think about this rationally.

I'm done with you now. Good day.

Ha, rationally.

I am concerned about the future of the platform. A platform that will die thanks to bidbot enablers and bully supporters like you. Only concerned about public opinion of your personal profit machines. Not at ALL concerned about public opinion (so much against you all over this page) or public appearances of the platform as demonstrated by your desire to support an arbitrary self imposed bully, but unable to answer to any allegation made by anyone on this page. You just keep trying to run away when cornered with the truth.

Bid bots cannot be stopped, but you are single handedly responsible for making them accessible and easy to use so you in fact are a co-defendant, and you better start defending your position instead of dodging it and using logical fallacies and evasion to avoid them.

Because everyone is looking at you right now, and you look pretty ridiculous to anyone capable of "rational thought"