The Dangers of Negative Influence

in #steem6 years ago

I was just browsing through r/CryptoCurrency on reddit and there I found this little gem.

A post on 4chan where two users have completely different opinions about Ethereum - when it still was at 0.6$

Now, the user who is pro-ethereum made completely the right call by saying that ethereum could easily overtake RPL to be number 2 market cap in crypto.

Even though this is pretty cool, the reason I'm writing this post is that I wanted to highlight the 2nd comment - from a user who is trashing about Ethereum for different reasons - one of those: it's made by a 21-year-old slavshit dropout ..

Danger: Negative Influence

I find it fascinating and also scary to think about how many people probably listened to the opinion (even subconsciously) from the 2nd comment - simply because it was longer, more detailed and more aggressive; which is often interpreted as stronger than kind behaviour.

I'm pretty sure that if I would have read it at the time, the comment would have had at least influenced my decision a tiny bit - by creating some doubts.

Especially as an open-minded person who wants to see things from all sides.

Lesson? Be mindful about outside influence

Now, I'm not talking about disregarding all opinions that are not on par with your own, because it is indeed often times very valuable to listen to different voices.

However, it is crucial - at least for me - to be mindful about what opinions I accept and which I have to disregard.

There were too many times where I wasn't sure about something and let doubts take over me, instead of believing in my own judgement.

So - this is what I take out from this image:

Lesson: Putting more trust into my own judgement.

However, everyone can and should take their own findings out of this ;)


This is very good post. Thank you so much for share.

And now ethereum has a market cap of ~ 70 billion usd.It seems he has a vendetta to settle against Vitalik Buterin based on the way he wrote about him.I generally don't let this kind of emotional laden write up influence my decisions without conducting my own investigations.

i have learned to follow my gut no matter what people say , never soround your self with negative people, they will drag you down

It is true what you say and it is a question of context and the moment in which the situation happens, to be able to understand and decipher the comments and to see it objectively and not subjectively ... I think the important thing is to get away from toxic people or the toxic users that surround us that did not contribute anything positive to our development

Looking back, I guess the guy who wrote that second comment would have loved to buy about 1.000$ of Ether when it was 0.60$.

This 2nd comment might be before the ETH was forked so the commenter wasnt so wrong.

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Thanks for sharing ♤

Solid opinions usually rest on solid foundations, and random negative coments can not be part of a solid foundation. Easy to say, not so easy to follow consistently.

They thought wrong way 😑😶😏😂
Maybe they bought first Bitcoin-Pizza.