Steem Investor "Pitch Deck" Presentation (Feedback Requested)

in #steem6 years ago

I am putting together a presentation that Steemians can use to discuss the Steem blockchain and STEEM cryptocurrency with potential investors. (A pitch deck is a brief presentation used to provide your audience with a quick overview of your business plan.)

Below is a rough draft of the slides. Please everyone review and provide feedback. I will provide the final presentation to the community once it is done.

A special thanks to @podanrj for putting together the slide format and graphics, and to @ats-david for providing feedback to help to make it more "investor centric".

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

Please provide your feedback in the comments below.


What about the future prices of Steem? I invested when it was 1.3 USD. I lost %50 :(

Some people invested when Steem was over $7, and SBD over $14, less than a year ago. I've only ever used my brain to increase my stake, investing with my time rather than my wallet, so the ups and downs only affect my payouts

"I've only ever used my brain to increase my stake".. You know, being on the Steem Blockchain that's not even a figure of speech. Do you mind if i bootleg that line?

Personally, I'm not selling any STEEM right now (prices are too low). It is pure speculation, but I'm hoping/expecting the prices to go back up at some point.

Just hold it for next altseason.

I think most of your slides provide good information. Different than a lot of users, I think that a lot of information is better than less because of your target audience.

In the comments, you mention that your audience is hedge funds so you have to consider that many of these funds hire full time researchers. Suppose they did research on the Steem ecosystem - what would be one of their first discoveries? Review your slides and make sure you have and address anything they'll discover early in their research. For an example, when researching Steem is DTube one of the top projects in the Steem ecosystem? Have you independently researched this with friends (be careful, Google will taint your searches based on your history, so that's not an independent review).

You definitely want to address what they will find, along with any possible critiques. I wouldn't leave it to chance that you'll have answers, especially if they catch something on the spot.

One slide I see missing is the change in Steem's economics. A few internet searches shows that Steem had a different economic model in the past - why did it change? Hedge funds will be thinking this and wondering if you will address the fact that it changed and why it changed. Think of it from a hedge fund's reason: if Steem has changed its economic policies in the past, what certainty do they have it won't change in the future?

Finally, I believe that a Chinese agency had a positive review about Steem, so I would add that. They assessed a few projects and Steem was an overall positive in their review. This might be worth mentioning.

Overall, I think your presentation is worth listening to based on your slides and contains information I'm sure they'll find helpful.

Great deck. It seems a bit textual for me.
Often charts help to make it more appealing but i love how compact and comprehensive the i formation is.

I think some charts about usage and users may be helpful.

I think a roadmap for both the history and prospective development of the protocol would be great for investors to see given the upcoming changes with HF 20, Hiveminds, and Smart Media Tokens as it could add interest to the potential demand and adoption side of the asset. Looking great!

Yes, for investors roadmap is very important and may be more important than the current status. A single slide or two about the upcoming updates along with explanation (e.g. why will SMT be a breakthrough for STEEM ecosystem)should be there.

Hi @timcliff. These slides are a great start but they are too wordy with too much information on each slide. Investor Packs need to be much more punchy with simple clear points.
Eg on slide 1 I'd suggest: "Fast & Free transactions, 1M+ Daily transactions, Biggest Active User Base, popular hi-volume dApps that work, Income & Capital ROI

I agree. The information from a "fast" slide should be read in 20 seconds.
20 words per slide as a rule of thumb.

I agree, but an avarage Steemian first needs to learn himself a little bit more details about steem blockchain and crypto, before he can "talk" to potential investors. Therefor I find it good there are few more details on the slides by @timcliff.

You're quite right but this would be better done with notes attached to each slide rather than in the slide itself.

Where is that gosh-darned Resteem button in SteamPeak?!

As the knowledgeable have already said, maybe the text could use some pruning? Particularly on slides 3 & 4.
FOUR example:

  • Store and publish different types of content on the Blockchain
  • Stored data is used to build native dApps and sites

How about that?

Slide three seems a bit problematic, since the first point can be summed up as:

Crypto Gateway - specifically designed to attract and retain "regular" users.

And other are just there to re-iterate it without explaining anything?

I'm not sure how does an "investor centric" presentation differ from normal presentation in terms of design. But looking at the slides I'd say it's abit too wordy?

Typical slides should have less than 10 words (per slide) and no full sentences if you can help it. Otherwise you'd be reading off the slides then whats the point of you the presenter being there..

Also, Pictures! But i guess in this case it would be graphs and charts because investors love that shit to the moon and back. I'm sure Slide 6 can be turned into good looking charts and graphs to convey the inflation rate.

For Slide 5, put the logos in place of the names. Perhaps communicate with the project owners to get the media kit right? Logos are more impactful that lists of companies, even if investors have no idea of what those companies are.

It's 3am here so I may have missed out other things. But yeah im happy to chip in what i think because as a non-dev non-coder who knows abit about design. This is my time to shine lol.

Logos Absolutely! Other suggestions are great too, but the lack of logos popped out at me -- they're always
an eye-catcher.

Articulate analysis! I wish I could get someone like you to help me with constant analysis and testing of my Steem app whilst I build. I want to continue the project.

Posted using Partiko Android

@gregjava I hate to break it to ya, but you've hit "reply" on the wrong person methinks :)

O no... why?

Posted using Partiko Android

because you were possibly meaning to reply to @awesomianist (the dude with the analysis bit) and not @eccles (me)?

Lol... Thanks for the correction, pal. Sorry for that mix-up. That's me trying to test a new posting app (Partico)

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol... Thanks for the correction, pal. Sorry for that mix-up. That's me trying to test a new posting app (Partiko)

Posted using Partiko Android

Articulate analysis! I wish I could get someone like you to help me with constant analysis and testing of my Steem app whilst I build. I want to continue the project.

Posted using Partiko Android

Articulate analysis! I wish I could get someone like you to help me with constant analysis and testing of my Steem app whilst I build. I want to continue the project.

Posted using Partiko Android

Annual inflation rate under 10%, gradually reducing to permanent rate just below 1% in April 2037. (Or whenever that'll be)

Good stuff! Every person I tell about Steem has never heard of it before, I am still a firm believer we just need to get the info out there