RE: Curation is curation. Trending is trending. Trending is not an advertising board. It is the ability to find the absolute best.
I did said that I hate using bots(it was written in the post), but unfortunately, this is how the system work at least right now, and I did said that what you do is good just need to some modification to this method.
and you only saying thatYou're right 100% and you did absolutely the right thing and no flows and that I deserve that, and probably I not on trending because my content is not good.
(and not because I not paying to be there like all other that on the trending page)
you know what since you right 100% and everything you do have no flaws and it's all my fault, and I deserve not to be on the trending page
I worship you now my favorite steemanin i will now be your #1 follower I even Upvote this post, thank you for opening my eyes
it was me that doing this wrong all the time and not the system that has flaws
So with this logic, it's okay to play the system because it's broken and therefore everyone else has to play the system, making the system worse, more expensive and then whenever it gets too expensive for you, then what will you do? Sounds like you'd get a loan out because "well that's the system". Do you listen to yourself? I see arts.visuals there with no bots usage whatsoever but his quality content making it's way up. Wanna know why? We're downvoting the abusers.
Btw it's IRONIC that your use a gif of Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson, when he has to operate in the rules of no steroid use in the UFC and to be fair and kind to others in the practise in Karate. He teaches his young athletes on discipline and playing by the book. Amazing how idiotic that has become xD.
Just to say, I'm not saying you're not good enough to be in trending. The blockchain is telling you that. You stated that you have never got to trending so I mean it's fair to say that with your logic, you must agree you are not good enough. Now you can make the argument that whales don't vote you and that's true but you play the game of probability and the laws state if your content is good enough, eventually it will be upvoted.
When you can't think of a good argument, attack the person! See you can't be patronising whenever you're deemed an idiot for trying to state your "good" works and not getting upvoted because of it. You tried to state you DESERVED to be upvoted because of your good content. News Alert,** Good content isn't Good enough**.
Now seeing as you understand you're wrongs, you'll understand that you should pay all of those earnings now or cancelling on all rewards or give them to a Steem Charity. It would be the right thing but..... I have the feeling you won't do that ^^.
Next time when you call someone out, talk to someone else first to make sure you're not doing something dumb.
you know what, I did:
and I was objective, and I ask you please be objective when answering this commentI didn't look at the problem of the trending page, from the point of view of people that doing the "trash" thing.
more specific what's the real cause
or why you downvoting without reading the content of the post, such as you downvoted my post without reading.I ask you to be objective about that
let's say you new on steemit and have 100 followers and your content is great, you did a project and decided to announce it only once, and then continue with your regular posting.
let's say it's a great project, what are the odds that with 100 followers(you new on steemit), your great project will be seen by steemanins?
*and it's only one time only for this announcement and no bots for regular posts
do you really think your one-time project announcement will
for doing this only one time for one project announcement?
and you really that bad person, and doing this to all these great content creators?
but I understand your point of view
and it's a good thinking, how people will get into trending list if they not educated in a proper way since they " thinking that only with bots they can get into the trending page"
honestly, since I did it only once for this post, I squeeze this money Barely from my monthly salary for the sake of this project, and that something that I never think I do
I not rich and when you said "people like you" that's not true since this money needed.
so sorry I can't donate it since I a regular person who live his regular life.
the most value thing I learn from your post
even that most of the time it was personal is that
what you all trying to do with "trash trending"
is to educate steemit user not to do that,
and if this a new steemit user they will never be learned and it will never happen, since people will get used to pay for trending and this explaining why to downvote everything without looking.
yes at first I was emotional since you downvoted now I understand it from both sides
I just not sure if people ever stop using bots and people continue downvote each other
I think this war will never be over since someone with money always will be found
so I wish you best of luck with your fight, and hope you will change your thinking about me
like I did after opening my mind on why the other side doing this "why you downvoting without reading"
"Yawns", I've had conversations with five year olds which had more convincing discussions. When you talk to them, they're able to understand the concept of right and wrong. This will be my last response.
You fail to see the point that I have no need to see your content. You are manipulating the voting system so no matter how good your content is, I can no longer judge your content and others are being tricked to thinking your content is better initially and content which should be in Trending are not anymore.
Weak argument. How do Youtubers and Bloggers get bigger without a budget. Let's remember this is a harder place to get known as it's far bigger than Steem. They network. They get to know people and make a following. You seem to think that money is the only way about this. Todd Smith asked for advice over on DTube on how to become better. I talked to him personally about how to get better, he's now made his own following from hundreds of hours of work. If you're new, slowly grow the network of followers and show people on Discord and other platforms your work. Show IRL friends and ask for advice to get better. If they aren't convinced, then you're not going to make it work. Simple.
You are failing to see the point of this. You're content is not trending because of normal procedures but you are manipulating it. What you suggest means it's okay to do it sometimes because hey you did it the once. How about if someone does it the once but it's shit. But wait that's subjective. That's why your logic deconstructs itself and typing for the matter.
Your formatting makes reading this extremely hard. I'm nearly certain I'm wasting my time speaking to you because if you can't even make the effort to type correctly, then my assumptions about your content being as terrible and the reason to why you feel you needed to use the bid bots should resolve correct. I hope I'm wrong.
To answer, yes. You are one of hundreds of people that say this. "Oh but we're just doing this once". Okay so it's okay to let everyone do an announcement once. You'd have hundreds upon hundreds of people doing it and it would make trending look like shit. The content is meant to be amazing which is on Trending but we're stuck with your announcement. Sure it can help the Steem blockchain but what doesn't? If someone debuts an amazing song, does your content mean more than it? By bending the rules like this, you absolutely fuck all reason for people to go and read trending. Absolutely unacceptable.
I get the commitment and I have no issues upon that but I am telling you what you are doing is wrong and that's it. There's no going around that. That's like saying "My Mum was going to die and I had to drive to the Hospital like a mad man" the idea is absolute the right thing to do morally but the driver could hit someone and get everyone killed. What you think is right doesn't make it right. If you're allowed to do this, everyone then is. Trust me when Ned puts in protocols to stop this, then you'll see only the best content on Trending and then you'll need to compete against that. I can't wait.
In the end it seems like you have somewhat of a grasp of what you have done. You state that I have to consume the content which I'm downvoting but that's not true. The act is all I need to look at. If the content has been put in correctly, I'll consume that media no problem but when you manipulate trending as done, I have no need to care. I might out missed out to amazing content but I put that on you. You've robbed me the chance to read it because of the method used to upvote it and I have no issue to flag it as it robs others the chance to have their chance in Trending. There are rules, play to it.
I was emotional since I worked hard on that project and maybe I was complaining at first but thru reading the comments I now more educated
if I wasn't complaining I never learned that, so in my opinion, this is a good progress
and I think more people that got burned using bot votes need to put their emotions to the side and opened up to another side instead of looking at each other as a bully.
and I don't know if people like you that downvoted understand that but when just downvoting without a person understanding why it's just using force, the true power is when you educate that person and next time he will not use bots, not because of he afraid to get downvotes, but because now he understands why it's a bad thing for a community.
and I think it's a win/win situation and most importantly now that I more educated about that I will continue the footsteps and tried to educate other, don't you agree it's a good thing that came out of all these comments?